Obviously, Taoist Jiao's mentality is not uncommon among immortal cultivators, and he is not afraid to speak out.

Yi He sneered, "You should be lucky that you didn't do that!"

Daoren Jiao finally stopped talking, but after a while, he still muttered, "Then you robbed me in the end?"

Seeing that neither of them was convinced by the other, Qu Jianlei said, "Okay, how old are you?"

"In other words, it is difficult to determine his identity without breaking the fetal membranes?"

The two immortal cultivators stopped talking. After a long time, Taoist Jiao replied, "Maybe the weapon spirit has a way."

Then don't say anything. The group of people returned to the division ship again. Qu Jianlei and Jing Yuexin walked towards the teleportation array.

"Wait a minute..." The big snake swam over, "Can you take me to see the weapon spirit?"

Qu Jianlei thought for a moment and replied, "Let's take you to Tianfeng first. I need to discuss it with the weapon spirit first."

"I won't go," Duogan nodded, "Guarding the treasures here...these little ones are really hateful!"

Qu Jianlei and the others took the big snake and teleported to the abandoned mine.

A small town has been established outside the mine, with a population of thousands.

It doesn’t matter what you want here, it’s just because of the existence of Xiao Moshan and Xiao Qin that it has developed to such a scale.

Qu Jianlei looked at Xiao Moshan specifically, nodded and said, "In about half a year, you can consider impacting the highest level."

"I'm not in a hurry about this," Xiao Moshan replied nonchalantly, and then cupped his hands towards Jing Yuexin.

"I haven't had time to congratulate Master Jing on successfully overcoming the tribulation... I have a little thought here."

The things Xiao Moshan sent were indeed not valuable, they were just various collected comments about the "National Goddess".

He is stationed here under the banner of Jing Yuexin's subordinate. It is really not easy to collect this kind of information.

However, after all, it was a deliberate effort to gather information from many planets within the empire's territory.

Although Jing Yuexin doesn't mind material criticism, who can refuse other people's praise?

She accepted it with a smile, "Xiao Moshan, you are... getting more and more sensible. Who taught you?"

Xiao Moshan didn't hide it, "It's Xiao Qin. How can I, a big old man, know this?"

After chatting for a while, Qu Jianlei asked Da She to stay in the mine, and he took Jing Yuexin into the mansion.

The weapon spirit's perception is very keen, and he discovered the abnormality immediately, "Jing Yuexin, are you...successful?"

"It's just a fluke," Jing Yuexin replied calmly, "The boss has something to do with you."

Without saying a word, Qu Jianlei projected the holographic image of Nebula, "Are you familiar with this thing?"

"Huh?" The weapon spirit snorted and looked at it for a while before speaking, "You can't tell if it's famous, is it from the Asura world?"

Qu Jianlei raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "Why do you ask that?"

"Just asking," Qi Ling replied disapprovingly, "Yes and no, what does it have to do with me?"

Jing Yuexin spoke in a deep voice, "Some people say that it may be a half-built cave."

"Huh?" The face on the grass suddenly widened its eyes, "Then I'll take a look."

After looking at it for another three or four seconds, it became a little uninterested again, "Forget it, I can't tell... who said it could be a cave?"

Qu Jianlei explained the situation, "The elder of the Beast Taming Sect, I hope you can help control the eyes."

"Beast Taming Gate," the weapon spirit repeated noncommittally, and then said, "I can't go out... you also know."

"You can separate out a ray of spiritual consciousness," Qu Jianlei showed a piece of soul-nurturing wood, "hiding in this thing is said to be harmless."

"It's the same thing again," the weapon spirit snorted disdainfully, "I'm not interested in going out, and it's hard to get a trace of my consciousness..."

Qu Jianlei thought for a moment and asked, "Are you opposed to going out, or do you not trust my advice?"

"I still trust you," Qi Ling said straightforwardly, "but... I don't have a good impression of practitioners who control spirits."

The beast control sect controls beasts, but in essence, beasts are also living beings, and it is normal to think that they control spirits.

Qu Jianlei spoke tentatively, "Have you ever suffered a loss before?"

"Stop asking," Qi Ling refused to answer, instead advising him, "Don't get too close to those immortal cultivators, you are already too popular."

Although it is a weapon spirit, there are too many people who have entered the Mysterious Mansion to explore and study, and they are not ordinary people.

Therefore, it understands more external information than ordinary high-level awakened people.

Qu Jianlei thought for a while and said, "I just want to ask, that may be an unformed cave... can you swallow it?"

"Swallow..." The man's face suddenly froze there, as if the pause button had been pressed.

After a long while, it frowned and then sighed, "That holographic image... show me again."

This time, it looked at it in detail, and finally shook its head, "I can't see clearly...it doesn't match my attributes very well."

After a pause, it couldn't help but ask, "You can make the decision if you let me devour you?"

Qu Jianlei asked it back, "Which of the things I promised you haven't been fulfilled?"

"That's true," Human Face nodded, and then a look of confusion appeared on his face, "But... I really can't absorb much."

"Forget it," Qu Jianlei is not a Moji person. "Anyway, good things happened to me, but as I told you, I still have something to do."

"Wait a minute," Qi Ling couldn't help but ask, "What are you going to do about that place...?"

"Then you don't need to worry too much," Qu Jianlei smiled, "The girl likes it too, so if it doesn't work, just give it to her."

The girl... The spirit was stunned for a moment before reacting, "That fire spirit? You really know how to squander things."

"Isn't it normal for our team's things to be used by our own family members?" Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes at it.

"It's not a waste if I give it to you... You feel too good about yourself, right? Besides, it's not like I didn't give you a chance!"

The face of the person was calm, "I'm a spirit, so let's put it this way... My loss of a wisp of consciousness is much more serious than your loss of a wisp!"

Is that so? Qu Jianlei understood the other party's fear a little.

But he still spread his hands, "The weakness of the spirit can't be blamed on me... Are you going or not?"

"You can go," the spirit thought about it and made a decision.

"But if this ray of consciousness is damaged, how will you compensate me?"

"You want to go, okay?" Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes at it again, "Your choice, let me compensate?"

"If it weren't for your recommendation, I would rather not go," the spirit of the weapon answered confidently.

"I have plenty of time to cultivate slowly, isn't it good to grow up in a sleazy way?"

What did Xiaohu teach him? Qu Jianlei couldn't help but want to complain.

But on second thought, this may not be what Xiaohu taught. Xizhao believes that "cultivation is not about fighting and killing"?

The spirit of the weapon was still chattering, "If you are not willing to guarantee and compensate, then I won't take the risk... I have plenty of time."

Qu Jianlei asked back unhappily, "Then if you get the benefit, you should repay me, right?"

"What kind of reward do you want?" The spirit of the weapon was surprised, "I am stronger, which means the cave is stronger, and the benefit is not yours?"

You made a lot of sense, I was speechless... Qu Jianlei nodded, "Okay, then, what compensation do you want?"

The spirit of the weapon thought for a while, "If my consciousness is damaged, add another two hundred... three hundred sets of spiritual energy conversion arrays?"

Qu Jianlei nodded and said without hesitation, "No problem!"

This request was too simple. The faster the spiritual energy is converted, the earlier the cave can be improved, which is also a good thing for the team.

Half a day later, Qu Jianlei flashed out of the Tiangou Maze with a token made of soul-nourishing wood.

After arriving at the mine, although the spirit of the weapon was well prepared, he was still a little surprised to see the big snake.

Its mental fluctuations were captured by Taoist Jiao, "Fellow Daoist, you didn't even say hello when we met?"

The weapon spirit ignored him and pretended not to hear him.

However, Taoist Jiao refused to let him go, and scanned back and forth with his spiritual sense, "We have met before, right?"

"If you have something to say, just say it directly," the weapon spirit said very straightforwardly, "I am just a trace of spiritual sense, I don't know much, don't beat around the bush."

Jiao Dao smiled, "Sure enough, your temper is still so bad... Forget it, let's go."

The two people and the snake were teleported back to the division-level ship, and Dogan was holding the girl and glaring at her.

Seeing them turn around, the ruler twisted first, "Oh, you are finally willing to go out? I feel that your spiritual sense is quite refined recently!"

The weapon spirit ignored it at all, and focused directly on the star cluster in front of it.

The next moment, it exclaimed lightly, "It's really a bit wrong, go out and take a look... Remember to protect me."

Although it behaved very cautiously, it was actually brave to take the initiative to ask to go out.

As soon as it got out of the cabin, it sighed softly, "Oh my god... it really is... no way?"

Qu Jianlei waited for a while, but when he didn't get the next word, he couldn't help but sigh, "Can you explain it more clearly?"

This time, the spirit of the weapon ignored him. After a long time, it sighed softly, "So, as expected... go in and take a look?"

"It's boring if you do this," Qu Jianlei said unhappily, "You should show off your knowledge at least."

"I want to show off too," the spirit of the weapon finally answered, "Aren't you worried about showing off the wrong thing? Let me confirm it first."

As soon as it said this, everyone had no objection, so it entered the flame barrier for the third time.

After entering, the spirit of the weapon didn't say anything. After turning around, it sighed heavily.

"So, it's really this. I thought it went back... or was destroyed."

Everyone stopped urging it and let it sigh - whether you want to pretend or not, we will accompany you.

After a while, the weapon spirit took the initiative to introduce it, "Your guesses are not wrong, this is a damaged spiritual treasure."

After a spiritual treasure is damaged, there is a certain probability that it can be restored, but the prerequisites are very harsh.

What is particularly critical is that the time it takes for a spiritual treasure to recover is also very long, often hundreds of thousands of years.

(The last 27 hours of this month, calling for monthly tickets.)

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