Not only Yi He and Jiao Daoren know about the sayings like Heaven and Earth are happy, but the people of Digital Phantom are also familiar with them.

When Qu Jianlei was crossing the Nascent Soul Tribulation, he had encountered the strange phenomenon of a white light column.

Later, he learned from Yi He that this was the Immortal Pillar, but when he told the team members about it, he did not explain it that way.

It was actually him who popularized the strange phenomena like Heaven and Earth are happy to everyone - this should not be considered a leak.

Before this, everyone speculated that Jing Yuexin's seven-color strange phenomenon might have some explanation.

But Qu Jianlei could not give an accurate answer, and Jing Yuexin herself was a little confused.

Now that she heard that she could feel the joy of heaven and earth, everyone was completely sure that she really got the favor of this world.

Since refining the Heavenly Demon has benefits, the paranoid maniac couldn't help but speak out, "Actually... I can help."

Jing Yuexin rolled her eyes at him, and she was reluctant to agree. The other members of the team seemed to be eager to try.

So she asked, "Senior Yi He, can this luck be shared with everyone?"

"I really don't know," Yi He said whatever he wanted.

"Different worlds have different rules. I don't know much about this world."

Jiao Daoren poured cold water on him, "How strong can the joy of the Absolute Spirit World be?"

"This demon is a serious concern. The sooner it is refined, the more feedback the world will give."

"That makes sense," the spirit of the weapon supported Jiao Daoren's statement.

"The joy of heaven and earth has its own cause and effect. Instead of fussing about this, it is better to kill more aliens."

Jing Yuexin was stunned when she heard this, and then laughed, "That's right. In this case, let's all get some luck."

As expected of the second in command of Digital Phantom, her demeanor is really good.

"Then I'll go first," Qing Hu volunteered, "I didn't contribute much in the previous battle, so I still have some strength to spare."

"Everyone, refine this demon as soon as possible, so that the boss can use the cloud crown with confidence."

After arranging the solution, Qu Jianlei, under everyone's urging, went into seclusion again to recuperate.

It would be another month before he came out of seclusion again, "Let's see if there are any hidden dangers inside this time."

This time there were really no hidden dangers, so he started another divination to see how the weapon spirit could devour the origin of the cave.

The result of the divination was that it would be best for the weapon spirit to come with the main body, or bring this nebula to Tianfeng.

"That's unlikely," the weapon spirit smiled bitterly, "I can't shrink it."

"Then wait until we get back," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "Anyway, you're not too far from completing the spiritual energy conversion."

Jing Yuexin reminded Qu Jianlei at the right time, "Do you want to take a look at that black hole?"

"Of course!" Qu Jianlei answered very affirmatively, "After all, it's a subspace interlayer, so it's a good opportunity to take a look at the structure inside."

In fact, he wanted to take a look before, and by the way, confirm whether there were any remaining demons.

It's just that everyone was not in a good state at the time, so it was delayed until now.

However, this inspection did not yield any results, and even that subspace disappeared without a trace.

"This is a good thing," the spirit of the weapon said directly, "which means that the space was created temporarily."

"If there is a relatively stable subspace, I will have a headache."

Qu Jianlei nodded, "Okay, now that things have come to this, we have come here this time and the matter has been handled perfectly."

"But this space has been targeted by someone... It's not a good thing."

"This is my fault," Duo Gan said proactively, "I don't control my subordinates strictly, let me handle it."

Qu Jianlei shook his head, "You should refine the opportunity of that senior as soon as possible, and this... let the fourth boss handle it."

The fourth boss nodded, "No problem, I didn't do anything this time."

"Help me clean up the portal by the way," Duo Gan threw him a storage device, "It contains all the keys and authorizations."

She said solemnly, "I grant you all the power... as if I were here in person!"

This time she completely gave up all her industries... Seeing the hope of the Nascent Soul, what else can't be abandoned?

The fourth boss took the storage device casually, and it turned out that he didn't care much.

Then he looked at Qu Jianlei, "Boss, can you keep the girl here?"

It turned out that he was thinking that since he couldn't take this star cluster away, he had to stay here.

But since he was staying here, there must be a reason, right? If someone else passed by, he could explain it to them.

What he wanted was to keep Feng Wangyi here, claiming that he was practicing fighting with the tree tribe.

But the fourth boss was also quite clear about Feng Wangyi's strength.

Although he was not afraid, he hoped to keep someone who could restrain Feng Wangyi for the sake of safety.

The girl agreed without hesitation. After seeing the flames in this space, she rarely pestered Jing Yuexin.

With that, the matter was settled. When everyone was about to leave, Qu Jianlei looked at a void, "?"

"Hey," the snake shook his head, and said disapprovingly, "You really care too much."

Qu Jianlei replied calmly, "I just want to have a clear conscience."

The next moment, a dark red mist floated over, and then the thick mist twisted and transformed into the shape of a token.

"Who did I offend?" The spirit of the weapon could not help but mutter, "Why do you have to find me when you can change into something else?"

As a spirit, it has no fixed shape, but at this moment it is living in the Soul-Nourishing Wood Token.

So the other party transformed into a token, which means that he has identified it.

This group of dark red mist is exactly what Qu Jianlei said before, the consciousness that has just been born in the spiritual treasure.

This group of consciousness originally has no color or shape, and is actually a very simple spirit.

However, it is not easy to live. It has always been between the great power and the demon, and has been affected from time to time.

In this case, it has not been destroyed, which can be regarded as a miracle!

It must be said that it is worthy of being the consciousness born in this world, and it has been blessed by the world's luck!

The spirit of the weapon originally had no feelings for this guy.

Although the other party can barely be called a spirit of the weapon, and the nature of the two is similar, but... what is your identity and what is my status?

Just like the cultivators generally look down on the awakened, the spirit of the weapon also looks down on the spirits of this world.

In fact, it even looked down on Xizhao, and even Yi He and Jiao Daoren were not taken seriously by it.

So when the other party came to it, it was not happy at all, but a little annoyed.

Although this group of consciousness was ignorant, its perception ability was not bad. It felt that the other party was rejecting itself, so it stopped immediately.

It paused for a while, and then twisted again, and it actually transformed into a head.

There were countless stars on the head - basically, these could be regarded as the eyes of the demon.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned: Oh my god, what is this operation... Is the demon coming back to life?

The next moment, the head disappeared silently without a trace.

After a long while, the weapon spirit said, "Don't worry, it's also very happy that the demon has finally disappeared."

"Is that so?" Claire couldn't help but ask, "You two weapon spirits, do you still have a default weapon spirit language?"

"If you keep being so disrespectful, I'll take care of you!" The weapon spirit replied unhappily, "How dare you, a small A-level?"

Its anger was not directed at Claire, it really couldn't tolerate someone comparing itself to the other party!

I am a dignified fairy cave spirit, this wild child... where did he come from?

However, Mrs. Jia saw its deeper thoughts, "If you swallow the origin, this guy... will be difficult to deal with, right?"

"Who said it wasn't?" This was also the most troublesome thing for the weapon spirit, "We can barely be considered to be of the same origin, and I'm a little embarrassed to start."

The other side didn't respond for a long time, but when it finished speaking, it seemed to sense something again.

So the dark red mist twisted again, and this time, a stickman appeared.

The head is big and the body is small, and the key is that there are two pairs of wings, the upper one is big and the lower one is small, which keeps turning.

"Oh my god..." In Qu Jianlei's mind, the big-headed butterfly started to turn wildly, "What the hell..."

"This is plagiarism! No, it's plagiarism... At least it can be considered a tribute, right?"

Qu Jianlei's expression was also quite weird.

Others knew that he had artificial intelligence, but the only one who knew that the name of the artificial intelligence was Xiaohu... was Bentley!

But the only one who knew that Xiaohu was originally a cartoon image... was not a single one!

The shape of the big-headed butterfly was designed by him on Blue Star and has never been reflected on the screen of the Empire.

As an artificial intelligence, Xiaohu has also appeared on the screens of some starships, but usually as an old-fashioned robot.

There are also artificial simulation beauty avatars, but everyone knows at a glance... Oh, this is artificial intelligence!

Now the other party can actually know that the image of the artificial intelligence in his mind is like this, what kind of magical operation is this?

Others can't understand what this operation is either.

Jing Yuexin subconsciously turned her head to look at Qu Jianlei, "There are also... this form of demons?"

"Boss, I can't stand it," the big-headed butterfly turned wildly, "I want to scold your wife!"

"What the hell is a demon? Can your demon's aesthetic taste be so tasteful?"

"Stop it," Qu Jianlei sighed secretly, "This matter... it's strange."

At this moment, Jing Yuexin also found that his expression was not right, "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Qu Jianlei raised his hand to touch his forehead and spoke helplessly.

"Well, let me organize the language... Wrong, let me organize the picture!"

The next moment, the picture edited by Xiaohu came out freshly.

The main body of the picture is a guy who looks extremely abstract, and it looks like a token no matter how you look at it.

Then the token opened its mouth and directly sucked a cloud of nebula into its stomach.

That cloud of nebula can't be said to be very similar to the one in front of it - it is exactly the same!

Qu Jianlei looked at the dark red mist in front of him indifferently, without saying a word.

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