At this moment, someone finally remembered this history.

However, everyone was also very curious. How could this variant of magic suddenly appear after disappearing for more than a thousand years?

Some people even tended to believe in conspiracy theories, "This is a certain big force... wanting to do something shameful?"

No wonder everyone was thinking wildly. The magic from a thousand years ago reappeared. You tell me it was a coincidence?

Everyone would rather believe that these magics were obtained by some big force and then hidden. ,

Now for some reason, this big force needs to take action, and cannot reveal its true face, so it can only play this trick.

This conspiracy theory cannot be said to be unreasonable, but it can only be said that the brain hole is really big.

Those who really understand know that it is that person who has come back!

There are very few people in the alliance who know about the existence of Jiao Daoren, but those who know know how terrifying he is.

If he had not been blocked in Taiqing Star in the end, the alliance would not know how many people would be killed and injured before he could be detained.

In fact, some people in the military knew that the Digital Phantom had made a big fuss in Taiqing not long ago and took away a mysterious existence under the Thumb Peak.

However, even those who know the most will think that Jiao Daoren may not be stronger in the hands of Digital Phantom than in the Alliance.

Now suddenly heard that the Crazy Steamroller reappeared, this news is really exciting.

"Is this escaping from the clutches of Digital Phantom, or... Digital Phantom is here too?"

There are also people in the Alliance who study Jiao Daoren's personality and draw a portrait of his mentality and behavior.

They believe that with Jiao Daoren's personality, it is impossible for him to easily succumb to anyone.

What the Alliance has not done for thousands of years, can Digital Phantom do it in just two or three years?

So it is very likely that Jiao Daoren escaped in the chaos when Digital Phantom attacked Tianwen.

Of course, there is also a possibility that Digital Phantom took Jiao Daoren away, but later Jiao Daoren escaped.

In short, it is really not an easy thing to admit that others are better than oneself, and Guo Jia is no exception.

Anyway, no matter what, this night's tragedy tells everyone: the unruly Jiao Daoren... is back!

As for why he chose Taihe and Hu La as a declaration of his return, it still says: those who understand will understand!

Few people know that Hu La had deceived Jiao Daoren. The latter are ashamed to mention it, and the former are afraid of others' jealousy.

But there is no doubt that Hu La had close contact with Jiao Daoren, and it was not just one or two days.

After that, Hu La's level of drawing talismans continued to improve, which amazed everyone. This is also an indisputable fact!

So to say that there is no grudge or entanglement between the two, it is really unbelievable.

Although Hu La was squeezed into a puddle of mud, it can still be vaguely seen that the expression on his face is extremely abnormal.

Regret, despair, etc., can't be distinguished, but there is no doubt that there is definitely a strong sense of horror and fear.

Since the grudge does exist objectively, there is no need to consider the motive.

What everyone is considering now is whether Jiao Daoren's appearance this time is an accidental event, or... the beginning of a series of events?

Does he have other purposes besides revenge?

But no matter what, it is the right way to suspend the meeting first and dismiss the high-level awakeners as soon as possible.

The awakened members of the alliance who had fought against Jiao Daoren in the past have all passed away, but the relevant memories have been left.

If you want to deal with this person, it is not advisable to use awakened members. The heavy casualties are one aspect, and the key is that the lethality is not enough.

Only the use of large weapons is the best choice - even if the power is not discussed, the deterrent power is enough.

Two days later, news suddenly came from the front that the alien race launched an attack on Bitao Star.

At this time, Qu Jianlei was brewing an attack at night. Since the other party did not respond, he must add fuel to the fire.

When he heard the news, he was quite surprised - there was still a large buffer zone in front of Bitao Star, and it fell? .

However, for the official alliance, in addition to shock, there was also helplessness and embarrassment.

The alien army was just one of the battlefields. The war with the empire was still going on, and there was no breakthrough in the peace talks.

What's worse, there is now a third trouble: Jiao Daoren is back for revenge!

It's really a coincidence that it rains all night when the roof leaks.

At this time, another piece of news came out from the prison of Taihe Star: a suspect killed another suspect.

Both suspects are awakened, and neither has been sentenced yet. They had a fight because of a verbal dispute.

The suspect who was killed was a B-level suspect, and the killer was a C-level suspect. The B-level suspect had repeatedly insulted and beaten the C-level suspect, saying that he was a traitor to the alliance.

It is actually quite rare for a C-level suspect to kill a B-level suspect, especially in the guard room.

The security and monitoring facilities in these cells are quite in place, and although the prisoners are awakened, they are all restricted in their cultivation.

In this case, even if a B-level suspect wants to kill a C-level suspect casually, it is not an easy task.

But now, it is actually a C-level suspect who killed a B-level suspect, which is even rarer.

After investigation, it was found that the C-level suspect is of earth attribute, with relatively high defense and strong blunt attacks, while the B-level suspect is of fire attribute and is fragile.

However, it is just a C-level suspect, with almost no similarity. How strong can the defense be when it is restricted?

However, he must have some confidence to kill the B-level with such a heavy hand.

As expected, this person works for a big power and has some background.

The most important thing is that he was detained because the people he had contact with were too high-level, and they were involved in the Tianwen case.

It was also because of this that the B-level who was killed called him a traitor to the alliance.

Anyway, bullying is inevitable in the cell, and the C-level just gave others an excuse.

This time he was also bullied too much, and at a certain moment he suddenly got angry and carried out the murder.

He acted very quickly and decisively, and the other two suspects in the same cell had no time to rescue him.

When he killed the man half to death, the two of them thought about it and felt that there was no need to take risks, so they just called the management.

When the management released the anesthetic gas and rushed to rescue, it was too late.

This tragedy attracted the attention of the authorities, because it was not just a fight between awakened people, but also involved Tianwen.

First of all, they had to confirm whether the murderer had received any news and deliberately created chaos.

Secondly, they had to determine whether the man was affected by something, including but not limited to drug reactions.

This is a suspicion that someone is secretly trying to stir up trouble on Taihe Star.

This kind of thinking is not easy for ordinary people to think of, but the alliance officials are well-informed and will instinctively suspect it when the situation is precarious.

Of course, it is also possible that someone secretly influenced the mind - this is a method that high-level awakeners are good at.

However, after the relevant equipment was tested, no abnormalities were found.

Then the official invited experts to test, but at this moment, the strongest Taihe is only the Supreme, how can they find abnormal methods?

That's right, the abnormality of Class C was indeed caused by Qu Jianlei's secret mental influence.

He originally wanted to create another killing, but since the aliens began to attack Bitao Star, he felt that there was no need to exert too much effort.

Anyway, he never had a set rule in his actions, and his main focus was on adapting to circumstances.

The official did not find any abnormalities. After careful analysis, it was not surprising that Class C had been oppressed for so long and suddenly exploded.

On the contrary, because of this case, they discovered new hidden dangers on their side.

That is, there are tens of thousands of suspects in custody, which is related to the destruction of the Tianwen project team!

These people are involved in this matter. Most of them are awakened people, and most of them have considerable social status and influence.

The government has been detaining these people. Not only does it have to bear a lot of pressure, but it also leads to a large number of high-end combat forces being idle.

—— The detained people are indeed powerful, and guarding them also requires a lot of combat power.

And now that Jiao Daoren has appeared, it is not very meaningful to trace the process of the destruction of Tianwen.

The spies that should be investigated should still be investigated, but the results have come out, and it is putting the cart before the horse to dwell on the process.

Among these tens of thousands of people, there must be someone who cannot escape the responsibility, but now we can only narrow the scope as much as possible.

After this case, there were many fights in the prison, and some people died as a result.

Not all of the people involved are related to the Tianwen case, but the proportion is quite high.

What is ridiculous is that this is not Qu Jianlei's method, but most of them are self-help behaviors of those detained.

After being locked up for so long, no one can avoid resentment, and these suspects have much stronger information channels than ordinary people.

They learned that the alliance was under pressure from foreign soldiers, and there were suspects who killed people out of resentment, and they could guess that the government would not last long.

In this case, let's add more fuel to the fire and see if the government can withstand this pressure.

Similar behaviors soon spread from Taihe Star to other planets. These people are also very hard to save themselves.

Two days later, the government finally announced that the large-scale investigation of the incident under Thumb Peak had ended.

There are still more than a thousand people with serious suspicion who continue to be detained, but the other tens of thousands of people were released after persuasion.

However, this release is not unconditional. Most people have to check in at the government regularly, and some are under residential surveillance.

At the same time, the government will also warn them: You are not absolutely innocent. Even if there is no Thumb Peak incident, there are other problems.

So remember to restrain yourself after you go out, and report to the government as soon as you find anything abnormal.

This attitude is very strong, and it is not unfair: as an awakened person, how many people will follow the rules and not do anything wrong?

If there is really an abnormal guy who always behaves according to the rules, it still doesn't matter - who would be afraid of such a person?

In short, releasing people is a last resort, but we still have to maintain high pressure to prevent these people from causing trouble!

And Lawrence himself is one of the people released.

Because Benjamin is dead, and the faction he belongs to has lost another supreme, his release is quite smooth.

However, he was not released unconditionally. The government believes that his suspicion has not been cleared and suggests that he go to the alien battlefield to atone for his sins.

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