The command issued by the Wild Wolf was normal, and wandering hunting should be like this.

But the Fourth Master muttered, "This is... I'm afraid I can't hold it back."

"Maybe not?" Claire looked at him in surprise, "This is not a good time to take action."

Seeing that this person dared to question the Supreme, the two supervisors' faces turned even paler - what kind of team is this?

The Fourth Master was not angry, but smiled and replied, "Why is it not a good time? This is too much to divert others!"

"Many things may not develop as you think. Now is an opportunity. Think about why?"

Claire was not completely brainless. After thinking about it, she nodded in sudden enlightenment, "I understand!"

"The hunting is about to start. We are obviously troublemakers. If we don't deal with us, no one will listen to them!"

Isn't this just a little thing about being in society?

The Fourth Master looked at her, smiled and nodded, "Not too stupid."

Facts have proved that not only did he guess correctly, but the patience of the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce was far below their expectations!

Before the fleets dispersed, four armed merchant ships of the Wild Wolf approached.

The four ships were in a triangular pyramid shape, with three ships in front and one in the back, and the guns began to charge.

In this case, if Qu Jianlei and his men wanted to avoid the battle, they could only flee to the rear.

However, at this moment, the reactions of everyone in the starship were still very lazy.

Only Hua Xiezi and the fourth boss stood up and walked towards the cargo hold, muttering, "Going to die!"

As the two of them disappeared in the hatch, the next moment, a small ship was ejected from the cargo hold and rushed to the rear.

The Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce didn't know what this operation was, and the armed merchant ships that were leaving around them were also speculating with interest.

"Is this... there are reinforcements in the rear, and they want to call for support?"

This possibility... is actually not very high, because behind them is where they came from, and it is empty.

Even if there are reinforcements, how far away are they? It may not be in time to come.

The Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce tried to call the other party again, but still couldn't get through, so they made up their minds and said, "Attack!"

If you don't make a decision, you will suffer from the chaos. For those who are in the society, you should be ruthless and quick.

They launched an attack, and the ordinary armed merchant ship also responded.

The starship dodged first, then began to charge, and at the same time improved its own shield.

The relevant reaction was obviously a beat slower than the four starships of the Wild Wolf, but it was still not hurried.

Many people in the starships watching the melons nearby hated the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce.

Seeing this, some people couldn't help but mutter, "This reaction is really too slow, isn't it?"

Even if there was a supervisory team on the side, they dared to comment like this. "Slow" is just a neutral word, without the meaning of support.

However, soon after, a master discovered the abnormality, "My... This dodge ability is good!"

Under the siege of four starships, the ordinary starship was not in a mess at all, and moved and dodged slowly.

But unfortunately, many shots could not hit it.

At the same time, the muzzle of the starship began to charge, and it was also slow.

In a trance, a word emerged in the minds of the spectators - winning, "This is a master!"

However, there are also many discerning people in the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce, who made a judgment at the first time - it must be taken seriously!

Just looking at the opponent's operation, they realized that this time they were in big trouble!

But it was too late to regret it now, and the opponent was clearly unlikely to give up.

So someone decisively shouted on the public channel, "Since you don't answer the communication, you are seeking death, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Small ships attack, firepower volley coverage!"

It turned out that when they launched the attack, they only used some common attacks, and did not fire at full power.

Four against one is already brutal enough. How will others look at them if they pile up firepower desperately?

A proper attack can not only destroy the enemy directly, but also show their skilled combat capabilities.

Excessive attacks would only make them look too brutal, and the key is that they are wasteful and a bit cowardly.

But at this moment, the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce really couldn't stop and had to show all its firepower.

However, it was still useless.

Under the overwhelming attack, the starship seemed like a small boat in the stormy waves. Although it was swaying and looked precarious, it was able to avoid it every time.

Not long after, the starship actually began to fight back, and it was quite accurate. In the blink of an eye, it blew up three small ships.

The Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce was anxious and issued an order to ask other starships to participate in the siege.

However, only three starships responded and began to return from the exploration team.

Most of the other starships were silent, as if they had not received the message, and some even refused it directly!

The ammunition and energy blocks they carried were for attacking aliens and hunting, not for humans!

After all, they are all unruly people. It's okay to be coerced, but they are really brave enough to refuse inappropriate orders!

With the addition of three starships, the starship that Qu Jianlei and his companions are on has become more and more dangerous, and they will be hit from time to time.

The good thing is that the attacks that are hit are all weak and cannot penetrate the protective shield.

Of course, the strength of the protective shield has dropped sharply, which is inevitable.

"These three starships... Hey," Jing Yuexin shook her head, "They are too enthusiastic."

"Definitely a hidden player," Claire answered with certainty. She wanted to prove that she was not so ignorant of the world.

"Start the live broadcast," the paranoid walked in front of the two supervisors.

"No... Spare my life!" The A-level finally couldn't hold back and begged for mercy loudly.

He originally thought that he could ignore life and death, but when death was at hand, he finally realized that he was not so strong.

However, it was too late to beg for mercy at this moment.

The starship projected an image outward, and in full view of the public, the heads of the two supervisors were chopped off.

At the same time, their begging and wailing were also displayed.

"Asshole!" The people of the Wild Wolf Merchant Corps were furious, "I will chop this asshole into pieces, and I order all starships to join the battle."

There were also supervisors on other starships, and the two who were executed in public were their partners.

Most of the starships were caught in a dilemma - the act of public execution was indeed a bit... inappropriate.

Even if they were killed quietly, it didn't matter, anyway, the hatred between the two families was too great.

But the other party actually chose the live broadcast method, which obviously completely stimulated the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce.

At this moment, someone exclaimed, "Hey, that small ship..."

The small ship that Hua Xiezi and the fourth boss were riding on had already escaped two million kilometers away.

However, the next moment, a regiment-level ship suddenly appeared in space - a standard battleship of the Federation.

This was a battleship that Qu Jianlei and his team had previously seized, and it was in a very good state.

Seeing the strange appearance of this battleship, everyone took a breath, "Fuck... Such a large space device?"

The back was what they had just passed, and there was no way that the Federation warship would not be discovered.

That could only prove that the other party had hidden the warship in the space device before, and there would be no other possibility.

Although such a large space device almost subverted everyone's cognition, it was at least theoretically possible.

Other speculations would only be more absurd.

The people of the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce also discovered this situation and were shocked for a moment, "Oh my god, is it the military?"

At this moment, they felt that they had guessed the truth, because the large standard warships of the military were not something that ordinary people could get their hands on.

If it was a company-level ship, there would not be much problem, and if it was a battalion-level ship... it could be barely understood.

But a regiment-level ship, and it was a standard military paint job, it was impossible for civilian forces to control it.

But this... is really too much! Is it difficult to report the identity in advance?

Even if it is a team of the military carrying out a special mission, it is always okay to give some hints, right?

The people of the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce were stunned, and after a few seconds they hurriedly said, "The intensity of the attack... the intensity must be reduced!"

"Contact the other party, at all costs!"

The consequences of openly opposing the military are too serious, and they can't afford to gamble.

If they didn't have so many starships, they might dare to risk their lives and fight to destroy this warship in such an enemy-occupied area.

But if they really want to fight, the regiment-level ships... are not so easy to fight. The civilian armed forces can't catch up with the large ships of the military.

Anyway, forget it now. If they dare to take action, they will end up in a miserable situation.

In this case, they can only desperately contact the other party to clarify the misunderstanding.

Fortunately, the starships under siege now have not clearly shown their military identity.

So they just reduced the intensity of the attack and did not stop... Who knows what's wrong with these people?

However, it can also be seen that the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce is really a bit confident. Knowing that the other party is likely to be a military person, they still dare to continue to attack.

"My God..." Seeing this, the other starships watching were also shocked. The Wild Wolf is really crazy.

Anyway, the situation has developed to this point, and everyone doesn't need to take action. Just surround and watch the excitement.

It is absolutely impossible to help the Wild Wolf deal with the military, but there is no need to help the other side-they didn't ask for help.

In fact, many people are confused: What level of military team can carry such a large space equipment?

In the Federation, helping the military is also politically correct.

But these hunters have experienced a lot, and they know very well that there are some particularly mysterious areas of the military that are better not to touch.

So it's better to watch the fun quietly.

Many people are even quite looking forward to it - I wonder what the regiment-level ship will do next?

However, it is not surprising that the regiment-level ship speeds up, charges and improves the protective shield, and rushes straight towards the battlefield.

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