The teleportation of these more than ten Asuras was not because the distance could not be further, but because the position was not well grasped.

However, their lives ended here. The division-level ship launched another artillery attack and killed more than ten Asuras.

Xiaohu was very careful to control the amount of ammunition, but basically they were blasted to pieces, and there were not many larger pieces of meat.

But at this time, the other two grand nests were gradually approaching.

And behind the division-level ship, another sub-nest was still chasing.

Flower Scorpion made a judgment, "There is a connection between the two sub-nests... I'm afraid there are sub-nests around."

In fact, a sub-nest is not worth the team's serious treatment.

However, Qu Jianlei thought about it and said, "Then let's practice technical and tactical coordination."

Similar situations will only increase. It's not bad to try these little guys.

The result of the test... is really mediocre. Seven or eight grand nests were blown up one after another within half an hour.

Then the division-level ship took another ten minutes to blow up the two approaching sub-nests.

In front of the powerful firepower of the division-level ship, this small battle is really not enough.

Even if Xiaohu is holding back, Feng Wangxi only fired five or six black lines.

Because it lacks a little tacit understanding with Xiaohu.

Two different control systems will result in the phenomenon of both sides focusing on one nest.

So Qu Jianlei simply made a qualitative arrangement for it-the secondary nest will be your target in the future!

Just talking about the secondary nest, this guy appeared, and when approaching, he released many lower nests.

However, this was useless, and the battle ended after two hours.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the starship continued to sail, and Qu Jianlei gathered everyone together for a post-war summary meeting.

This battle was far from difficult, but it still exposed some problems, and he felt it necessary to communicate.

Qu Jianlei only pointed out one point: this battle was not the true level of Asura-the secondary nest was not so easy to fight.

The reason why everyone fought so easily was because the opponent made a basic mistake: using the refueling tactic.

This mistake was not made by Asura on their own initiative, but because they were stationed in this space, their combat power was too far apart.

If the secondary nest and the four sub-nests launched an attack at the same time, the power would definitely not be bad.

Of course, even in that case, Asura would not be able to escape the fate of defeat, but their victory would not be so easy to obtain.

Qu Jianlei did not deny the efforts of his comrades, he just said that they should not underestimate the power of the secondary nest because of this battle.

In short, it is a timely reminder so that everyone will not be inflated because of this.

As for the specific details of improvement, everyone has to make suggestions.

The members of Digital Phantom are also used to the post-war summary meeting held by the boss.

They were really not interested in doing this before. Isn’t the battle of the awakened just to defeat the clever with force?

Even if the imperial military will summarize various star war rules, not all members of the army will participate in the discussion.

What is there to listen to the suggestions of those grassroots officers and soldiers? Do you really think that the military staff are just eating dry rice?

However, since Qu Jianlei insisted on doing this, everyone was willing to give the boss a face.

But after several post-war summary meetings, the team members unexpectedly found that this effect was really good.

In the discussion, some quite novel ideas and suggestions would emerge from time to time.

Qu Jianlei didn't find it strange at all, because the post-war summary meeting was originally the magic weapon for a powerful army to win.

Never underestimate the wisdom of the people!

But he couldn't say it either. This was three cobblers better than one Zhuge Liang, so he said it was called brainstorming.

With the paranoid rebelliousness, everyone admitted that this method was good, and later they often took the initiative to speak.

This time was the same. He thought of a suggestion, fearing that others would steal the idea, so he was the first to speak.

Hua Lei was very open-minded.

She had already determined that the man who was with Jing Yuexin was the backbone of the team, and she was a little impressed by his youth.

But she was really fresh to the post-war summary meeting - the federal army did not have such an operation.

But the first person who actively spoke up was actually a Supreme!

Hualei remembered that this person rarely looked at people directly, but he was merciless when he attacked.

It was such a person who actually took the initiative to talk about his experience, and his attitude was quite positive.

So the Digital Phantom's actions were really exquisite.

In the next half a month, they encountered three secondary nests again.

But the division-level ship did not continue to fight, and took the initiative to bypass them.

Only when facing those front-station nests that were chasing them relentlessly would they make a moderate counterattack, but they would not fight.

In short, the division-level ship has the image of a giant, but it has a light and elegant style.

Finally, more than a month after they entered the Asura territory, they were blocked by three secondary nests.

A mother nest has at most four or five secondary nests, but there can be more than ten sub-nests.

The mother nest can concentrate three sub-nests to encircle the team, and there is definitely the will of the mother nest behind it.

"It's obviously a well-planned one!" The paranoid man couldn't help but sigh, "I really want to... have a fight!"

However, they really couldn't fight, because everyone had discussed the battle plan before.

Qu Jianlei thought that it would be fun to rush forward and fight, but it was a mindless fun!

Let’s not talk about whether there is enough ammunition, but let’s talk about one thing... What are we here to do?

Combat must help accomplish certain goals, then it is useful, otherwise it is useless!

Their biggest purpose here is to explore the mystery of the spatial barrier.

In order to prevent people from discovering their purpose, they did not drive in a straight line along the way.

At this moment, the division ship is still more than two months away from the Link Nebula.

At this time, if we fight a big battle, or even... kill a brood, it will be really cool.

But this will inevitably attract Asura's great attention. What will happen to the rest of the trip?

Qu Jianlei's suggestion won the support of everyone, especially Yi He and Jiao Daoren.

Both of them are genuine immortal cultivators, so they naturally want to return to their hometown where spiritual energy is abundant, but now... they are both inhuman existences!

Of course, there are also people who are unwilling to do so, just like the paranoid people today.

In short, the battle plan has been formulated. Even if we are ambushed at this moment, everyone can just run away.

Unfortunately, they all planned to retreat, but Asura refused to cooperate.

Seeing that the division ship wanted to escape, the three sub-nests directly pursued it and arranged for many nests to be blocked.

Qu Jianlei and others adhered to their original intention and ran away regardless, only attacking those nests in front of them that were too close.

While they were evading encirclement and interception, they also had to dodge attacks. It was really hard work.

After four or five days, they had been chasing a large number of densely packed nests behind them.

In front of them, some nests would pop up from time to time, and they could only continue to change directions and escape.

But after running for two more days, Qu Jianlei felt something was wrong.

So he secretly asked Taoist Jiao, "How is Asura's fighting qualities and ability to plan the overall situation...?"

"Haha," Orochi's letter vomited, "Finally, you remembered to ask me?"

Why are you gloating? Qu Jianlei blinked, "I didn't stop anyone from talking, and I invited everyone to make suggestions."

He was a little annoyed, "If you have to ask me personally before you are willing to say anything, then just pretend I didn't ask."

"Just kidding," Orochi spat out another message, "Asura's strategic level is average, not too strong, not too bad..."

"But the current siege doesn't feel normal. It seems to be inducing us to turn around. I thought you would find it earlier."

"I also gradually felt that something was wrong," Qu Jianlei realized that he had misunderstood the other party.

So he apologized decisively, "I'm sorry, senior, I'm not as stunning and talented as you thought, and I let you down."

"I told you it was a joke," Daoist Jiao replied, "Anyway, it's not a good thing to have to avoid blocking nests every time."

"Understood," Qu Jianlei nodded, saying in his heart that he was worthy of being an old Jianghu, "War changes, force changes, water changes shape, it's true."

So in the next few days, the division-level ships changed their plans for dealing with interceptions, sometimes dodging and sometimes passing by.

There was even one time when the division-level ship was like a piece of cake, directly defeating the blocking nest and sailing away.

The changes in the team before and after left Asura a little confused, and even the pursuers seemed to have differences.

Some nests are slower, some nests are more biased, and some nests seem to leave directly.

Qu Jianlei had a feeling, but he wasn't sure.

So on the third day, the division-level ships simply released two regiment-level ships and four battalion-level ships, and turned to face the many lairs of Asura.

A big battle started and ended quickly, taking an hour and a half.

Qu Jianlei and the others didn't even annihilate all their opponents, they just destroyed all four sub-nests.

Nine of the twelve sub-nests were completely destroyed by them, and then the fleet sailed away.

In this battle, Feng Wangwu was prohibited from taking action, and Qu Jianlei's side also lost one regiment-level ship and two battalion-level ships.

The federal warships they have on hand are not many to begin with, but with such a move, they are even more stretched.

But the result was pretty good. Their carbine shot completely dispersed the Asura lair behind them.

Unfortunately, the only fly in the ointment was that as they drove towards the depths of space, there were still several Asura lairs hanging in the distance behind them.

In the end, Qu Jianlei and the others consumed another battalion-level ship and completely eliminated the hanging-boot ghosts behind them.

Not to mention that fighting a war is fighting the economy. Just to escape, they paid a high price.

Unfortunately, less than a day after leaving this area, they encountered Asura's lair again.

Obviously, the other party was unlikely to be waiting for them, because Qu Jianlei didn't even know what his route was.

But one thing is certain, as long as they continue to move towards the Link Nebula, they will encounter more and more Asuras.

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