Qu Jianlei's preconditions were justified, and the Mu brothers and sisters agreed very happily.

Now that they decided to leave, they suggested to leave overnight, because the fire that Qu Jianlei lit was really eye-catching.

If the Blazing Pioneering Group can find out, the Star Thieves will naturally be able to find out too, so it's better to leave quietly now.

Qu Jianlei didn't refuse either, and directly put away the tent, pots, pans, weapons and ammunition, and put them all into a big bag.

The big bag was two meters long and more than seventy centimeters in diameter. Qu Jianlei carried it sideways on his back.

In addition, he carried an engineering shovel and an individual machine gun, two binoculars on his chest, and a sniper rifle and a long knife on his back.

Looking at this kind of master who is armed to the teeth, one would feel that this person is not easy to provoke.

"Alloy backpack, basically brand new," Mu Huahua looked at his backpack a little greedily, "It's rich."

"What are you talking about?" Qu Jianlei shook his head helplessly, he had no intention of showing off his wealth at all.

"You can support the Pioneering Group, and you think that a poor person like me who walks alone has money?"

Mu Huahua sighed helplessly, "So what if you're rich? They're all on alien planets, and they can't quench their thirst far away."

A group of people walked quickly in the dark, and Qu Jianlei noticed that there was actually a special person in charge of sweeping the tail and erasing the traces of their progress.

The camp of Agni is more than 30 kilometers away from where Qu Jianlei camped.

However, about 20 kilometers away from the camp, there was an ambush by a secret sentry, and a wave of people returned.

So it's not surprising that they found Qu Jianlei so quickly.

When he arrived at the camp, Qu Jianlei finally understood why people didn't think this place was worth keeping secret.

The camp was built halfway up the mountain, and it was very simple, with some fences erected as walls and some stones piled up.

The accommodation conditions are also very average. A pit is dug half a person deep, some stones are piled on it, and a roof is built with wood.

Seeing this, Qu Jianlei felt like returning to the wild camp in the wasteland settlement.

However, what are the strengths of those survivors in the wasteland? What is the strength of these pioneer groups now?

With a few ultimate fighters taking action, such a camp can be built in less than a day.

So this camp is temporary in nature, and it can be discarded if it is said to be discarded.

As for the supplies of the Pioneering Group, Qu Jianlei believed that they would not store much here, there must be a hidden secret camp.

There are a few guard towers that are built very secretly around, but they can reflect some fighting atmosphere that is very different from the wasteland.

When everyone arrived at the camp, it was almost dawn, and Mu Huahua said that he could give up his place to Qu Jianlei.

But Qu Jianlei is not going to rob a woman's house, he said that he can do it himself, and it won't take long.

As a result, Mu Huahua turned around and left, waking up a C-rank warrior with an earth attribute, asking him to help build a house.

The sleepy sleeper yawned and began to get busy before his eyes were fully opened, without any complaints.

Just from this point of view, the Mu brothers and sisters still have their own way of managing the Pioneering Group.

After working for about 20 minutes, the shallow pit was dug out and the stones were laid. The man yawned and turned around and went back to sleep.

Qu Jianlei wasn't in a hurry to fix the roof, anyway, the weather wasn't cold, so it wouldn't be too late to do it after dawn.

He sensed the situation of the camp, and there were almost four hundred people.

Among them, there are about 30 ultimate fighters, more than 300 reformed fighters, and the rest are ordinary people.

With such combat strength and weapons, he could basically challenge the Inspectorate in Central City—if Wei Wushuang didn't make a move.

Before he knew it, it was dawn, and Mu Guoguo found a wood-attribute warrior and asked him to help build the roof.

After the roof was built, Qu Jianlei didn't care what happened, he got inside and took a nap.

In fact, his heart is not so big, but he just wants to express that he is not wary of the Pioneering Group.

Anyone who really thinks that he has entered a deep sleep and wants to do something, the result will definitely be ugly.

It was noon when Qu Jianlei woke up, and Mu Guoguo had already woken up too—it's not a big deal to stay up for a few days and nights at B-level.

Others in the camp had already heard about it, and the team leader brought back a B-level electromagnetic attribute fighter.

It's not that everyone doesn't want to keep Qu Jianlei a secret, it's just that there hasn't been any good news recently, and morale is quite low.

And this news, in any case, is very exciting.

However, Qu Jianlei felt that there were two C-rank fighters who harbored vague hostility towards him.

One of them is metallic, while the other is a relatively rare wind attribute.

Qu Jianlei is not interested in greeting others, not because of arrogance, but because he is not good at it.

But for these two people, he secretly remembered them, thinking about observing them more.

Because of his "coldness", most people have not yet accepted his existence calmly, and most of them stay away from him.

There was an ordinary person who chatted well with him, and that was a maintenance engineer in the Pioneering Group.

In the pioneering team, there will inevitably be maintenance engineers, but among the transformation fighters and ultimate fighters, there are not many people who understand maintenance.

Agni is not bad, there are three fighters who can get started with repairs, but professional repairers have to be found among ordinary people.

The Agni Pioneering Group originally consisted of five ordinary maintenance engineers.

Two of them returned to their home planet after the time limit expired, but before the replacement came, the Star Thief attacked the control center.

Of the remaining three people, one died and the other was disabled—ordinary people are too easily injured in battle.

This guy called Ah Hu is the only maintenance engineer who is whole.

Mu Guoguo hoped that he could teach him some maintenance techniques, but Ahu did not refuse.

But those three fighters are not very interested in learning technology-anyway, there is some heavy work, we just do it, and don't want to learn any more.

In the final analysis, most of the team's spirits have been drained, and what everyone is thinking about now is how to survive.

Ah Hu was also quite depressed, until he accidentally discovered that there seemed to be a power propulsion device on Qu Jianlei's backpack.

This power propulsion device was conceived by Qu Jianlei when he was in the Hongyi settlement.

Later, in his free time, he finally perfected the design and made a few by himself.

Qu Jianlei's sense of security is very poor, and she made this thing purely just in case, in case of emergencies.

This time he smuggled from the base, and he brought one specially. Although the A-level can already fly, but... is it prepared?

The workmanship of the jetpack is reasonable, Qu Jianlei has always paid great attention to quality control.

But in the eyes of maintenance engineers, if you can't even tell the difference between handmade and assembly line production, how can you call it professional?

Ah Hu rashly asked to take a look at the power unit, and Qu Jianlei was not one to cherish his broom, so his wish was granted.

After reading it, the two naturally chatted about power design.

Ah Hu's maintenance level is extremely high, but as a professional hired by the Pioneering Group, his level is mainly reflected in the application.

In terms of manufacturing, his ability is not bad, but when it comes to design, he is relatively weak.

Qu Jianlei is just the opposite. He has some unique ideas in terms of design, but his hands-on ability is average when it comes to specific maintenance.

Because the two can complement each other's strengths, they talked quite speculatively.

When others saw this scene, they were quite puzzled. Soldiers with electromagnetic attributes...should they learn mechanical maintenance?

However, after the Mu brothers and sisters heard about it, they were all very happy. The electromagnetic attribute coupled with the maintenance expertise is really amazing!

Mu Guoguo even sat beside him and listened carefully for a while.

It's a pity that in the end, he still had to leave sadly - no way, I really don't understand.

Qu Jianlei didn't just know how to talk about technology. When the conversation reached dusk, he took out the dried meat floss he had brought to entertain Ah Hu.

The meat floss he brought was not a high-end product, but made from the meat of a mutant beast.

So he only gave Ahu a small handful—after all, he was just an ordinary person.

The staple food of this meal is also something similar to flour. The Pioneer Group has a special cook who actually made noodles.

The seasoning is not bad, but there is a lack of oil and water, and the flour is hard to chew, and the particles are relatively coarse, which is a bit throat-sucking.

Ah Hu ate with gusto, and spoke highly of the meat floss.

Qu Jianlei took the opportunity to ask, "Now the Pioneering Group lacks energy and power, can't they find alternative energy sources?"

Ah Hu was a little confused, "Alternative energy... which one do you mean? It can't be firewood, right?"

Qu Jianlei replied casually, "The calorific value of firewood is relatively low, I admit this, but it can be converted into electricity..."

He didn't know how the civilization history of this empire called "pot camel machine" and other equipment.

But he understood the relevant principles, so he roughly described it.

Ah Hu understood, but his expression looked weird.

"Of course it can be used in this way, but the smoke cannot be blocked, and there may be noise and electromagnetic fluctuations... easy to be discovered."

"Well, it's because I didn't think too much," Qu Jianlei realized how difficult the situation of the Pioneering Group was.

So he took advantage of the situation and asked, "I'm not very clear about the current situation. Can you briefly introduce Zarif's current situation?"

Ah Hu thought about it absent-mindedly for a while, and then said suddenly, "Can you make a hydraulic generator?"

"What?" Qu Jianlei frowned when he heard that, "You mean, the way of generating electricity by impacting the blades with water flow?"

He really couldn't figure out how difficult it is to make a hydroelectric generator, you are also from the empire after all.

"That's right, that's what it is," Ah Hu nodded, looking at him hopefully, "You know how to do it?"

Qu Jianlei suddenly became speechless, he finally realized that these people are used to using convenient energy!

If it is true, it may not be possible to use local materials to manufacture some relatively primitive equipment.

The members of the Pioneering Group are mainly responsible for adventures and battles. They are too busy to practice on weekdays. How can they have the time to learn these things?

These skills should be mastered by ordinary technical personnel accompanying the regiment.

However, just look at Ah Hu, he is better at maintenance applications.

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