When Qu Jianlei saw the flying figure, he realized that these flying mechs came here to make him a target.

Losing these mechas, but being able to drag them until the A-level fighters arrive, can save the lives of some star thieves.

Among the star robbers who are still struggling, all four B-rank fighters are alive, and there are seven or eight C-rank fighters.

Most of the others were reformed fighters, but there were also ordinary people who survived.

The figure was flying close to the treetops, and when it flew close, it immediately sensed Qu Jianlei's position.

What came was a strong man with a black face. He was in the air, raised his hand and made a tactic, "Tangled with thorns~"

Surprisingly, this is actually a wood attribute warrior, theoretically able to restrain the earth attribute.

The entanglement of thorns is an advanced version of the vine technique, or a modified version.

The main reason is that the use area is large, and the thorns have thorns, so it is difficult to get rid of them if they are entangled.

Qu Jianlei smiled coldly, and released a powerful mental attack directly.

On the way, the black-faced strong man added wooden armor to himself, which is supposed to be able to resist the attack of spells.

But he never dreamed that the opponent was actually using a mental attack.

Mental attack can be regarded as a kind of brain wave, wooden armor... It can't be said that it has no effect at all, but the effect is almost none.

In a trance, he fell directly to the ground and rolled over a dozen times.

"The Nine Masters are finally here," the star thieves were cheering, but when they saw this scene, they all fell silent.

Qu Jianlei succeeded in one blow, and even more unceremoniously, he made another three mental attacks in a row, directly knocking him unconscious.

Then he ignored this person, and the quicksand technique continued.

Two minutes later, there were only two B-rank fighters still struggling, and the others had already been buried underground.

At this time, the wooden armor technique on Jiu Dangjia's body also completely disappeared.

Qu Jianlei raised his hand and pointed, and a golden glow shot out, blowing the head of Master Jiu directly.

At this time, the two B-rank fighters realized what kind of enemy was attacking their side!

One of them spoke in disbelief, "This, this, this... is this non-attribute?"

Qu Jianlei raised his hand again, and two golden lights cut off the heads of two B-rank fighters.

Jiu Dangjia was stunned by his mental attack, and his head was broken, but he can still show it.

The heads of these two B-rank fighters are relatively complete, and they are more deterrent when hung up.

At this moment, Qu Jianlei felt that someone was approaching quickly, and after a while, he realized that it was actually five B-rank fighters.

Obviously, when the Nine Leaders came to help, they were also worried that the enemy would have helpers, so they summoned some B-level fighters.

It's just that he can fly, so he arrived first, while these B-rank fighters could only run wildly on the ground, so they arrived a bit late.

"Leave them all," Qu Jianlei snorted coldly, raised his hands expressionlessly, and made another quicksand technique.

At this moment, almost half of his internal energy has been used up, but it doesn't matter, he just wants to be willful.

The distance between these five people is not too far, because they are ready to cooperate at any time.

The last time Qu Jianlei hit the B-level wood attribute hard, the star thief agreed that Charles could hide behind the earth attribute.

Among the five B-level fighters this time, there is actually one with the wood attribute, or the five major attributes, there are quite a few such fighters.

When they discovered the quicksand operation, they screamed and wanted to separate, but it was too late.

They really didn't expect that the Nine Masters had already rushed over, and the opponent's earth attribute A-level could still deal with them with nothing.

The wood attribute B-level resisted a little, and even tried to condense out the wooden shield and step on it, thinking that it might be able to slide out of the quicksand.

It can be seen from this that there is really no absolutely powerful technique. Knowing that the opponent can use quicksand technique on a large scale, he came up with a countermeasure.

However, after all, there was a difference in cultivation. When he condensed out the wooden shield, his feet had already fallen into the quicksand.

Most of his body leaned hard on the wooden shield, trying to use his hands to draw out the quicksand bit by bit.

There was still nothing wrong with this response, but Qu Jianlei didn't bother to talk to him at all, he was just outputting silently.

There is also a B-level soil attribute who wants to condense sand into rocks. Unfortunately, there is an objective gap in cultivation.

However, this one resisted for a longer time. He moved out a little bit, but in the end he still couldn't get out of the range of the quicksand technique.

In desperation, he called for artillery support from the barracks, "Don't send any more people here, the Nine Leaders are in danger, and the bombing will be overwhelmed."

At this time, only parts of him and the wood attribute warrior were still on the surface, and the other three had been completely buried in the quicksand.

Qu Jianlei also did not expect that, as a star thief, he would be so decisive, that he would have the ruthlessness to "shoot at me".

But after thinking about it, he felt that the other party might be planning to use this to get away.

The earth and wood attributes can condense the rock armor and wooden armor body protection. As long as the shells do not hit directly, the possibility of survival exists objectively.

If Qu Jianlei himself was afraid of the shells, gave up the output and turned around to leave, and the quicksand technique stopped, the opponent might really get away.

He simply sent out two more golden glows, beheading the two of them, and he used vines to open an underground space to get in.

The underground space is about ten meters away from the surface, and then he turned the top of his head into rocks, and added metal bars in the middle.

After all, he just wanted to see how powerful the coverage bombing was.

He had just set up the space when the howling shells came.

A series of huge fire explosions made him feel as if he was on a small boat in a stormy sea, and his body was shaken to the side.

Some fires exploded, as if they were close at hand, and the shock waves and heat waves made him quite uncomfortable.

He had to dive another seven or eight meters before he felt a little better, but only a little.

A little lack of oxygen... But it doesn't matter, there is an oxygen converter in the storage ring, which is necessary for interstellar travel.

His inner breath has almost bottomed out, so he can't help feeling out a B-grade crystal to recover his breath.

At the same time, he was still sensing fire explosions on the surface.

Then he discovered to his astonishment that cover bombing was really not a common talk.

The surrounding five or six square kilometers were bombarded round after round by artillery shells, and they were of different types.

It started with high-explosive bombs, then ground-penetrating bombs, and then pyrotechnical bombs like thermobaric bombs.

Fortunately, he drilled deep enough and carried an oxygen converter with him, otherwise it would not be easy to persevere.

Finally, incendiary bombs wash the ground, and the rocks on the surface are burned into magma.

Observing this scene, Qu Jianlei couldn't help being dumbfounded secretly, and he was determined not to take risks with himself in the future.

What's interesting is that there were a few scouts from the star robbers who were left alone, and they were not trapped by the quicksand technique.

Qu Jianlei planned to clean up those few after he freed up his hands, but he was bombarded by the cover and took them away in one wave.

The fire burned until it was dark before it gradually extinguished, but the surface was still astonishingly hot.

Qu Jianlei stayed underground for more than a day and a night, and finally got out the next night.

The medicine in the oxygen converter is basically used up, and even the inner breath has recovered more than half.

The temperature on the surface of the earth is almost 70 or 80 degrees. Fortunately, Qu Jianlei can use fire elements to resist.

Anyway, this feeling is really a bit bad.

He was reluctant to leave, and he wanted to get some supplies from the transport mech, preferably another battle mech.

However, after the shells washed the ground, especially the last wave of incendiary bombs, they were too ruthless, and his plan fell through.

The mecha that fell into the quicksand was directly burned and distorted, making it impossible to use, and all the supplies were destroyed.

However, this scene also proves from the side how terrifying the war machine is in the era of great interstellar navigation.

This is still covered by conventional artillery fire on the ground, and the battle in space, I don't know how intense it is!

Qu Jianlei has always felt that his cultivation progressed very quickly, and his A-level cultivation base can basically stand up.

But now it seems that it is a bit taken for granted. If it is suddenly attacked like this, it is impossible to escape.

Therefore, the A-level cultivation base is still too low, and it is not safe at all.

He secretly made up his mind that when this battle is over, he must grow up and develop, and he will not rush into it until he reaches the golden core... until he reaches the highest level.

The coverage of artillery fire made this area beyond recognition, a bit desolate like the surface of Mars.

Fortunately, he put the three heads into the storage ring, and now he can still take them out.

He took advantage of the night to come outside the Star Bandit's barracks, hung the three heads on a tree, and left quietly.

This barracks is distributed in three points, so that it is convenient to support each other, and there are some dark forts around.

The total area exceeds one square kilometer, and there are nearly 20,000 people stationed there. There are many guards and guards.

Especially in the battle that happened yesterday, the barracks lost quite a lot of high-level combat power, and the alert level was even higher.

At dawn, a sentry found the head, was shocked for a while, and hurriedly reported it.

The star thieves sent a powerful team and mechs to retrieve the three heads, and their teeth were itchy with hatred for a while.

"Bastard, you actually dare to cut off the head of the head of the Jiu family, you must not let this bastard from the trash star!"

There are only three A-level fighters with soil attributes on Planet Zarif. According to various analysis, all three of them can be eliminated.

That leaves only the one that escaped from the spaceship.

The star robbers can accept beheading, and if the empire catches them, those who should be killed will be beheaded for public display, so they do the same to the pioneer group.

But the little pioneers dared to insult the corpse of an A-level soldier, this was something they couldn't tolerate.

Someone said cautiously, "Is it because we beheaded the person in Agni, and the other party deliberately retaliated?"

"Agni is also worthy of contact with A-level?" Someone immediately refuted with disdain, "And we beheaded, not even B-level?"

Another person said murderously, "In the future, if you catch the opponent's B-level, you will still behead them for public display. Are we still afraid of them?"

When they were arguing, Qu Jianlei had already quietly left the encirclement and suppression area, and came to the suspected large warehouse.

This time the star thief lost some supplies, will they take some supplements from here?

(Updated to, ask for a monthly pass and subscription.)

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