Qu Jianlei had a lot of doubts in his heart, but his running speed was not slow at all. He didn't want to suffer from the bombardment again.

His running speed was certainly not as fast as the cannonball, but he couldn't just stand and wait to die.

But then, a strange thing happened, the roaring shells hit with precision.

It's not surprising that the strike was accurate, but the opponent locked on an area of ​​about 100,000 square meters, and the artillery fire plowed the land back and forth.

One hundred thousand square meters is not small, but it is only the area of ​​a dozen or so standard football fields.

More intuitively, it is a circle with a radius of about 170 meters.

What was fired was a high-explosive shell. After plowing the ground three times, the attack stopped. Thermobaric shells were useless.

In fact, the artillery shells produced by Imperial Technology are extremely powerful. It only took more than a hundred shells to wash the ground three times.

The range of the shell's lethality is actually close to 200,000 square meters.

Obviously, the other party regarded the person who owned the radio station as an ordinary person.

However, with this level of attack, even if it is a modified warrior, it is very likely to be seriously injured.

But Qu Jianlei used the wind attribute movement technique, and when the shell hit the ground, he had fled seven or eight hundred meters away and continued to run.

After discovering the abnormality, he didn't stop, and didn't start to slow down until he ran about 1,500 meters.

When he really stopped, he was two kilometers away.

Then he began to savor the ground scrubbing shells carefully: precise strikes are enough, but are shells so wasteful?

The materials of the Star Thief are much richer than those of the pioneer group, but they are still scarce in essence.

The last time Star Pirates scoured the land regardless of the cost, the main reason was that there might be A-level fighters in the area, so it was worth the gamble.

While trying to kill the A-level, it can also destroy the supplies carried by the transport mecha, preventing the pioneer group from being replenished.

But for an ordinary spy, is it really worth spending more than a hundred shells?

Then Qu Jianlei realized: Those who attacked might be those pioneers who helped the star thief guard their lair.

This explanation seems to make sense. Anyway, I used other people's materials, so I don't feel bad.

At the same moment, in the military depot that launched the attack, a B-rank soldier was furious, "Who made you waste it so much?"

Another B-rank soldier replied coldly, "These spies are too cunning and hard to catch. In the current war, it is necessary to eliminate hidden dangers."

The former laughed angrily, "Even if you don't talk about wasting shells, this is our security area, and you actually use shells to plow the land?"

"I don't know, I thought it fell there...Have you considered the impact? Or is your heart still in the Pioneering Group?"

The latter replied lightly, "There are no settlements around there, and it is a rare bombing point, just to warn other spies."

When the former heard the words, he was immediately speechless, and it took him a long time to say bitterly, "Then let's save some shells."

So the responsibility for being washed away by shells this time is still on Qu Jianlei himself.

In order to buy enough time to explain the strange things he encountered, he specially chose an inaccessible location.

Unexpectedly, when the other party saw it, this place was suitable for shelling, so he cut off the shelling decisively.

Qu Jianlei really didn't think of this, but he figured it out: if he was close to the settlement, the other party would not be able to wash the ground with shells.

There is no way, the shell washing has already caused some psychological shadows on him, which must be avoided as much as possible.

In fact, it is easy to be caught if you are close to a settlement. This is also the original intention of the opponent to shoot - either you get shot, or you are careful.

But Qu Jianlei didn't think about this, what he thought about was: What if the other party dared to shoot near the settlement?

With the level of technology here, the strikes of the shells are relatively accurate, but the possibility of accidents exists objectively.

The key is that people in settlements do not only move around in their residences, but the surrounding area is their range of activities.

Qu Jianlei's character is that he doesn't like to hurt others, and the natives of Zarif are already suffering.

The Star Pirates were willing to sympathize with the aborigines a little before, but now the situation has changed drastically, and they may not be sympathetic when they are angry.

The point is, although Qu Jianlei doesn't want to admit it, he also feels that he...maybe he's a bit of a scammer.

So what he thought was to choose those settlements that used to exist in the collection and management points, where the aborigines tended to have more star robbers.

If the other party still dares to shoot at this place... Well, it may still hurt innocent people, but the star thief will be even more unpopular.

The lesser of two evils! He thought about it, and chose a settlement where he had burned a military depot.

The next contact time was seven and a half hours later, and he started calling Mu Guoguo.

Commander Mu connected to the radio, and the first thing he said was, "Why are you being bombarded?"

"It's not important," Qu Jianlei ignored the topic, and quickly explained the abnormal situation he encountered in detail.

In the end, he said, "I think there is a relatively large group of pioneers who are working together with the star robbers...you have to be careful."

Head Mu was silent for almost three seconds. It is conceivable that this news shocked him quite a lot.

Then he asked bluntly, "Do you have any suspects?"

"Quantum," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "This regiment is suspect...unless those pioneers come from multiple teams."

A team of 6,000 to 7,000 people can be dispatched to guard the house of the Star Bandit. Such a wealth of human resources can only be possessed by a heavenly group.

The Xuan-level group can gather so many people, but their own camp is no longer guarded, and the supplies are gone?

"Quantum..." Head Mu smiled wryly, "Do you think it's not enough for me to offend the star robbers, and I need to add the pioneers?"

There is no way not to smile wryly, that is the quantum of one of the four major carriages of the Pioneering Group.

Qu Jianlei replied solemnly, "You asked me to guess."

"Okay." Leader Mu is not irresponsible, "Is there any evidence? Suspicious ones are fine."

"No," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "It's pure intuition."

At this point, he didn't lie, his suspicion of Quantum first started with Lucio.

It was the B-level wood attribute of the Qidangjia's subordinates, who were captured when hunting a herd of armored cattle.

At that time, Lucio claimed to be a Fat Fox. If Qu Jianlei didn't have the ability to distinguish emotions, he would most likely ask Fat Fox to check.

Why did he dare to think that Fat Fox would definitely protect him?

After that, it was the B-level of the two fat foxes who followed Pan Yifu.

Although these two also participated in the attack on the military depot, it is normal for the spies to do this in order to win the trust of others, right?

The point is that Fat Fox's site is some distance away from the public security area, so how could he meet Pan Yifu who hastily escaped?

Then there is the fat fox's cave secret camp, where many people are actually hidden.

Qu Jianlei didn't think there was anything wrong at the time, but thinking about it now, he felt a little strange.

There are many people hiding in the security area of ​​the star thief, but no decent attack has been launched-does it take so many people to collect intelligence?

However, these doubts were too far-fetched, and Qu Jianlei could not even use these guesses to try to convince Captain Mu.

Anyway, he thinks there may be a problem with Fat Fox, and the heavenly group that hired Fat Fox is Quantum.

Then Quantum... Naturally, there are suspicions, but Qu Jianlei himself is ashamed to say such a speculative process.

"Intuition..." Captain Mu was a little dazed when he heard him say intuition.

If others want to talk about intuition, he will take it as a joke. He doesn't believe it, but it's different when it comes from the mouth of Heitian.

After all, this person can perceive other people's emotions.

But he made up his mind after all, "Okay, let's not talk about it, maybe it's someone from several pioneering groups."

Qu Jianlei poured cold water coldly, "In that case, the consequences will be even more serious."

"Who can tell for sure?" Head Mu replied casually, but it's hard to say whether he was in such a relaxed mood.

"You haven't finished talking about the bombardment just now, what's going on, tell me about it?"

Qu Jianlei told what had happened, and Head Mu couldn't help being speechless.

"I just went, is it so dangerous to be a spy now? Where are you now, is it dangerous?"

After he understood Qu Jianlei's logic, he made it very clear.

"That's right, no matter how important the information is, don't go to the wild mountains to distribute it. Where can a drop of water be hidden so it's not easy to find?"

"Of course it's Jianghaili," Qu Jianlei replied helplessly, he finally realized the problem.

But at the next moment, he sighed, "Well, someone is here to search, and I will contact you in the next time period."

It's not good to be too close to the settlement. Once the radio station is discovered, someone will come out soon.

It was still in the middle of the night, and the people who came out to search were all aborigines, otherwise he might not even be able to finish his sentence.

"Wait, the last sentence," Commander Mu solemnly urged, "under the premise of ensuring safety, try to find out their identities."

Qu Jianlei smiled bitterly, "I will work hard, that's it, let's go."

Putting down the radio, he left quietly, and in the end he didn't take any action against the aborigines.

Even if those people's hearts are indeed biased towards the star thief, they still accept the star thief's order to search for spies.

Then, he went to the secret camp of the Fat Fox Pioneering Group again.

The communication with head Mu made him clear his mind, and now he wants to take a look at this somewhat suspicious team.

It was midnight when he arrived, and he was not in a hurry to perceive the Shandong, but found a secret place to take a rest.

By daytime the next day, there was still no movement in the secret camp.

On the evening of the third day, two people came, opened the gate of the secret camp and went in, but did not come out again.

However, just the moment the door was opened, Qu Jianlei noticed: there seems to be no one in the secret camp!

So many people were hidden in the past, where did they go now? He became more and more suspicious.

But to say that these people have all voted for Star Bandits... is really unfounded.

Qu Jianlei could take these two people down and get the truth after interrogating them, but what if it wasn't what he thought?

Then he would completely offend Fat Fox, unless he could kill these two people to silence them.

The words "with a clear conscience" are easy to say, but if you want to do it, you really need restraint.

(Update to, ask for monthly ticket and follow-up support.)

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