Qu Jianlei once caught a B-rank star thief with a locator on his teeth, and he discovered it in time.

But Fat Fox's human teeth also have locators, which are also triggered by pressure, which is really beyond his surprise.

The point is that the star thief's b-level had slight mood swings when he spoke, but this fat fox's b-level didn't at all.

Obviously, this person tried to escape at the beginning, and answered the interrogation honestly after being caught, without thinking of triggering the location during the whole process.

It was only at the last moment of despair that he activated the locator, and strong emotions affected Qu Jianlei's judgment.

He didn't perceive it until the positioning radio wave was sent out.

This negligence, no wonder Pan Yifu, who would have thought that this person is so afraid of death, has such a method, but has never thought of using it?

Pan Yifu was stunned when he heard the "locator", "I'll go, this guy still has such a skill... Can he fight?"

"Of course," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "They thought it was just an A-level, so give them a surprise!"

Then he looked sideways at the earth attribute, and said coldly, "Open your mouth!"

"I didn't!" Before opening his mouth, this man actually explained something, and the opened mouth was so big that a tennis ball could be stuffed into it.

This time it was Pan Yifu who inspected it, tapped it with a metal rod, and then nodded.

He looked at Qu Jianlei, "Ambush here?"

"Let's leave at your usual speed," Qu Jianlei replied casually, pulled out the tooth, and threw it to Pan Yifu.

Then he made a tactic, and the soil rolled, and the body of the wood attribute warrior quickly sank into the soil.

Pan Yifu put his teeth in his pocket casually, then looked at the earth attribute warrior, "Lead the way to your secret camp."

The three left quickly, and the woods quickly returned to calm.

The secret camp is about 50 kilometers away from here, and the earth attribute has been banned, which is the physical strength of ordinary reformed soldiers.

The three of them had to be on guard while they were on their way. According to the plan, they should arrive in more than three hours.

After walking for over two hours, Qu Jianlei snorted softly, "He's almost here."

Pan Yifu frowned slightly, wondering: How did this guy receive the message?

In fact, he also felt a little bit of the opponent's mental fluctuations, thinking it was Wen Xin's fighting spirit.

This is a misunderstanding of thinking. If he doesn't know what attribute Qu Jianlei is, he may also think about the spiritual attribute.

But since the other party is already an earth attribute, there is naturally no possibility of a spiritual attribute.

From this point of view, his understanding of Qu Jianlei is not as good as that of Mu Guoguo.

Head Mu at least knew that Hei Tian might have awakened to the wrong attribute, and regretted it.

However, Pan Yifu did not doubt the other party's judgment, but asked out loud, "Which direction?"

A smile appeared in Qu Jianlei's eyes, "Southwest."

Pan Yifu also had a slightly weird expression, "It's rare, it actually made a big circle."

At present, where they are located, the northeast direction is the core control area of ​​the star bandits.

If they were traveling normally, their focus should be on the northeast rather than the southwest.

Then Pan Yifu asked again, "How many people are there?"

"We'll find out after a while," Qu Jianlei replied calmly.

He can vaguely perceive the other party, about three kilometers away, but if he perceives it in detail, he may be noticed by the other party.

What is certain is that there are five people here, and among them is the third head of the A-level water attribute.

However, the other party seemed to be worried about alarming them, and had already slowed down their progress.

The direction of Qu Jianlei's three people's journey is west, and in two or three minutes, the two sides will be able to enter the normal combat distance.

Pan Yifu glanced at the B-level earth attribute, "You find a place to hide, I hope you don't make mistakes."

"No way," this man shook his head hastily, and he wasn't crazy, "It's not easy to get rid of Fat Fox, good luck to you two adults."

Even if he had other ideas, he couldn't operate at all. The communication equipment and guns were taken away, and only cold weapons were used for self-defense.

Unless he yelled a warning, but... wouldn't that be a death sentence?

With a single blow from a Grade A fighter, he would surely die without any protection.

Earth attribute B-level found a place to hide, and Qu Jianlei and Pan Yifu continued on their way.

Two minutes later, the distance between the two sides was almost two kilometers.

Qu Jianlei spoke in a low voice, "Two A-levels, one is the third master, and the other is the earth attribute."

"There are three B-level fighters, two with water attributes and one with metal attributes."

"Earth attribute..." Pan Yifu muttered, "Is this the second master or the tenth master?"

Qu Jianlei felt a little strange, how did you know so much about the internal situation of Star Pirates?

He was completely blind to the situation of the star thief, and he couldn't get any relevant information from the spies who caught him.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved again, he was only in contact with the ground-level group of Agni, and the other party was in contact with Fat Fox.

There are A-level fighters in the Xuan-level regiment, and they should have participated in the battle between A-levels. It is normal to be well-informed.

He really wanted to ask for more information, but in the end he held back.

All along, he doesn't mind asking others for advice, ignorance is not terrible, and pretending to understand is ridiculous.

But it's really not working now, the people of "Wenxin" have well-informed information channels, and there are several mysterious collaborators.

When it comes to the possible future cooperation between the two parties, the human design must not be broken, such things as pretending to beep... really have to pay a price.

But he can provide other information, "This A-level soil attribute cultivation base... is slightly worse than mine."

"That's the master of ten," Pan Yifu said with great certainty, "That guy has only advanced four or five years."

Then he snorted again, "This combination...can't take me down, it will destroy me."

Experienced ultimate fighters can basically analyze the opponent's combat thinking from the combination of various attributes.

The reason why the ten masters followed, the first priority must be to help protect the third master.

Pan Yifu's defense ability is not good, which is a natural shortcoming of the fire attribute, but the water attribute is not so strong.

Last time, San Dangjia injured Pan Yifu, but at the same time, San Dangjia himself was injured a little bit, just a little less.

This time, the ten masters acted as human shields, and the third master could ignore the defense and ravage Pan Yifu to his heart's content.

Of course, while the ten masters are defending, they can also cooperate to attack Pan Yifu, which is also very important.

As for the two water attribute B grades, they are obviously here to beat the dog in the water.

The purpose of the metallic B-level is a bit of a mystery, maybe it is to... if Pan Yifu can't be captured, he will be killed on the spot?

In terms of attributes, fire can control gold, and this person actually wants to kill Pan Yifu by leaps and bounds, without being so contemptuous.

However, after careful analysis by Pan Yifu, if the third master can suppress himself, most of the fire attribute will be consumed by the water attribute.

Not to mention that the opponent also has two B-level water attribute helpers.

Pan Yifu is very aware of his own defense capabilities, if the metal nature is not completely restrained, it is not impossible to kill himself.

After all, gold is the most aggressive of the five attributes, there is no doubt about it.

It didn't take him a few seconds to figure out the logic, and he couldn't help but turn dark: This is so deceiving!

Because he was so focused on this, he actually ignored: How did Qu Jianlei know such details?

In fact, Qu Jianlei still has some news to say - the other party has already determined the direction and distance of his side.

The five people had already stopped their actions and entered a dormant state, and the earth attribute who was suspected of being the master of ten had already entered a state of preparation for battle.

The five people chased them around in circles, and normally speaking, this was an encounter.

But one side has made preparations in advance, even if it is only a few minutes in advance, it can be regarded as taking the lead.

Qu Jianlei didn't like being passive, not at all, but he couldn't describe the details.

So he suggested, "Let's turn to the northwest now, you have locators in your pocket, just mobilize them."

Pan Yifu nodded without hesitation, "That's right, I thought so too, and I was talking about giving you advice."

He is really experienced, but he can't perceive the detailed situation on the other side, so it's not easy to make this suggestion rashly.

If Qu Jianlei spoke half a minute later, he would definitely suggest this - I gave you a chance to speak, but you didn't expect it.

So, ginger is still old and spicy, so don't be convinced!

He thinks that Wenxin can think of this, at least because he has basic common sense, and it doesn't feel amazing.

With a slight turn of their bodies, the two walked towards the northwest and north.

Those who were in ambush were a little dazed when they saw the changes in the light spots on the screen.

Ten Heads is a short, stocky woman who looks like a stone block, "Did they find us?"

There are no roads in the wild, and there are ravines, woods, boulders, hills, rivers... and even canyons everywhere.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to walk in a straight line in a hurry, and it is normal to make a detour.

However, in the eyes of fighters above B rank, these obstacles are really nothing. As long as they are willing to expend some energy, they can go straight.

Moreover, detours not only waste time, but often find that... another obstacle has appeared after detours, and we have to continue to detour!

Qu Jianlei and the others walked in a straight line just now, and when they encountered obstacles, they used a little power to pass them.

It is precisely because of this that the Star Pirates can accurately determine the direction they are heading and prepare an ambush in advance.

"Shouldn't it?" The metallic B-level frowned, "Is Pan Yifu's perception so strong?"

He is a fighter at the peak of B-level, and he can become a master if he goes one step further, so he has the courage to answer the question.

Master Ten frowned, "Then why did you change direction? Could it be that there are wide valleys on the ground?"

"No," a water attribute B-level replied aloud. He knew the terrain here. "At most, it's a temporary silt."

It is really troublesome to encounter mud when driving.

But Pan Yifu is A-level and can fly, and the other two B-levels are earth and wood attributes, and they all have corresponding spells to deal with mud.

The third master finally spoke. He frowned and said, "Pan Yifu cannot be underestimated. He was born in the military, so he may have some secret skills."

(Updated to, ask for a monthly ticket and follow-up subscription.)

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