Want to use this to break the game? Qu Jianlei was speechless.

I have to admit that Lao Pan may have many faults, but once he gets serious, he really has an A-level bearing.

This guy was so arrogant that he didn't contact the Pioneering Group at all, and he didn't force that "asking the heart" to leave him.

Qu Jianlei didn't know what Lao Pan was up to, and didn't want to ask.

However, with his own strength, he dared to think about leaving Zarif and put it into action, which made Qu Jianlei have to admire.

B-grade crystals are very precious resources, which may not be a big deal on Garbage Star, but here is Zarif, and there is no logistics!

Qu Jianlei nodded, "Then you attack. If necessary, I will use electromagnetic magic to support."

Pan Yifu paused, and then asked again, "Wen Xin really didn't intend to come?"

He also does have a bit of bitterness on his own, but he doesn't want to show it obviously.

Qu Jianlei was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "How can I understand the thinking of this... A-level boss?"

"Tsk," Pan Yifu smacked his lips, and then made another gesture, "Huoyu~"

The corner of Qu Jianlei's mouth twitched when he saw it: Boss, do you want to fight like this?

Old Pan obviously wanted to break through the defense of the medium-sized military station with his own strength, but... is this realistic?

Well, it's not that difficult to break through the defense, but at that time... Lao Pan, do you still have the energy to escape?

But then, Qu Jianlei's mind flashed, and without even thinking about it, he just dodged and shot away.

When he was five or six hundred meters away, he raised his hand and made a gesture, "Thunder Dragon!"

A thunderbolt as thick as an arm rushed directly to a shooting hole.

Under normal circumstances, the firing holes of the military depots are closed, but now some baffles are opened due to enemy attacks.

This is because the star thief commander on the opposite side has experience and did not open all the shooting holes.

After all, everyone still remembers the attack of thermobaric bombs some time ago, it is impossible to give the opponent an opportunity.

Qu Jianlei wanted to find an electromagnetic gun to attack, but unfortunately, the star thief on the opposite side did not make such a low-level mistake.

So he chose an automatic cannon, which can also be controlled electronically, and the power supply has been turned off.

There is nothing wrong with the operation of Star Thief Gunner.

However, they made a very serious misjudgment of the attack power of B-level electromagnetic spells—strictly speaking, it should be A-level.

Thunder Dragon rushed into the gun barrel, broke through the air barrier in an instant, and entered the power supply that had been cut off.

A dazzling white light flashed, and the powerful current had penetrated into the power grid.

Almost instantly, nearly a third of the power grid was paralyzed.

The reason why they are not completely paralyzed is because the power grid of the military depot is also protected by tripping.

Thunder Dragon can break through the isolation again and again, but every time it hits, there will be energy loss.

At the end of the impact, it is really the end of the crossbow and it is impossible to penetrate Lu Jin.

In fact, this was not Qu Jianlei's full blow, he also had to consider Lao Pan's perception.

Now that it is disguised as a B-rank, it is better to launch an attack that is "comparable to an A-rank" instead of saying "I am an A-rank".

But when he was making the formula, he had already thought of what to do next.

The power grid of the military depot was paralyzed, causing the strength of the energy shield to drop sharply in some areas.

Of course, this is a temporary situation, and the smart dispatch system will soon fill the gap.

But in this short period of time, it was enough for Qu Jianlei to launch a corresponding attack.

With a flash of his body, he quickly fled the scene—the thunder dragon's emission had already exposed his position.

Just as countless artillery bombardments came, Qu Jianlei, who had changed his position, raised his hand again and said, "Lightning!"

A bolt of lightning descended from the sky, penetrated the weak point of the energy shield, and hit the generator in the military depot.

With a muffled sound of "tom", the generator stopped immediately, sparks splashed everywhere, and parts flew randomly.

Not long after, the generator had already ignited a raging fire.

There is more than one generator in the military depot, and the dual-unit network can provide enough energy to protect itself and attack the opponent at the same time.

Now that there is only one generator left, the energy supply will not be able to keep up, the defense will drop sharply, and the output firepower will also drop sharply.

But just such a change, the military depot can still support it for a period of time, and a single machine can generate electricity in a supercritical state in a short period of time.

However, in the dual online state, a generator suddenly stopped, and the power flow was instantly unbalanced.

The impact of the tide was too great, and there was a short-term power instability, and the energy shield fluctuated violently again.

Pan Yifu was careless and missed the opportunity created by Thunder Dragon, but this time, he seized the opportunity.

The rain of fire was still falling, he raised his hand and made another gesture, "Flame Meteor~"

By this time, his ability reserve had dropped a lot, but it was clear that now was not the time to preserve his strength.

One of his hands has already grasped a B-grade crystal, and while absorbing the energy of the crystal, he issued spells.

The flame meteor descended for the fourth time, penetrated the energy shield, and hit the oil depot squarely.

The location of the oil depot has been ascertained by Pan Yifu, and it is also marked on the plan.

In good conscience, he didn't really want to attack the oil depot, and would rather attack another generator if he had the choice.

But it is a pity that the location of the generator is relatively hidden, not to mention the protection, and the area is not very large.

So he chose the oil depot with a larger target, "Unfortunately, the protection of the ammunition depot is too strict."

Pan Yifu is really independent in his actions. He would rather blow up the ammunition depot than keep the fuel depot.

Because the ammunition depot is really not of much use to him, and the fuel can at least be used by the generator.

With electricity, his quality of life can be improved a lot.

A flaming meteor fell, and the oil depot exploded violently, followed by a raging fire.

In good conscience, this kind of situation is really not very common. An accident at the fuel depot and the destruction of the entire military depot deserve it.

However, in fact, the military depot also has a corresponding response plan for this relatively rare accident.

The plan is not very perfect - after all, this kind of situation is too rare to encounter, but there is really a plan.

However, it is very sad that the entire depot is now in chaos.

Because of the lack of various functions, most emergency plans cannot be implemented at all.

The automatic fire extinguishing system should spray flame retardants, but... there is no power to talk about wool, does the system not need power to work?

Putting out fires first? Okay, how about reducing the strength of the shield a little?

The explosion of a single oil depot can only be regarded as a relatively serious accident, but the house leak happened to be rainy and rainy, and it was terrible.

The burning oil soon paralyzed a power grid.

By this time, the commander was completely desperate, and he shouted hysterically.

"Communicate soldiers, inform everyone, fight each other, fight each other... must persist until reinforcements arrive!"

However, the next moment, another bolt of lightning fell, hitting the last generator.

There was a loud "bang", and the entire depot was plunged into darkness.

Wrong, there are still bits and pieces of light, and many key positions are equipped with emergency power supplies.

And inside the military depot, there are a considerable number of batteries.

There was a crisp sound of "cracking", and another bolt of lightning fell, hitting the distribution power center of the military depot.

The next moment, Pan Yifu came to Qu Jianlei's side, "How about it, can you hold on?"

In this battle, he must have contributed more than Qu Jianlei, but...he is A-level, and B-level is a bit worse after all.

Qu Jianlei "tried to smile", and replied feebly, "It's okay, but it's your fire rain...continue."

Pan Yifu secretly held the crystal in his hand, nodded as if nothing had happened, and spoke casually.

"Of course this is no problem. How long can your electromagnetic storm last?"

"You can hold on for as long as you say," Qu Jianlei put on a competitive look, "Let's do it quickly."

"Do it..." Pan Yifu frowned, "What do you do?"

Qu Jianlei looked at him in surprise, "Aren't you going to search for the supplies here?"

Just now you said, what are the three people divided... forget now?

"Just kidding," Pan Yifu smiled disdainfully, "Do you think I'm really that bad?"

Then he raised his finger and said, "Just the crystal in your hand, do you know how much it is?"

Qu Jianlei smiled nonchalantly, "It's nothing more than the crystallization of mutant beasts, and it's still B-level, so you're the only treasure."

Pan Yifu was stunned when he heard the words, "You actually know each other?"

"It's so rare," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "This is the only thing produced on Garbage Star."

Pan Yifu understood that the co-author had learned about this thing carefully on other planets, not just using it.

However, he still said positively, "This thing is only available on the planet I guard, not on other garbage planets."

How did the other fighters train? Qu Jianlei really wanted to ask this question.

But now is not a good time to chat, "I'm going to go in and search for something, why don't you go?"

"Of course," Pan Yifu replied without hesitation, "but wait a moment, I will rain the last fire."

Lao Pan really played Huo Yu to the fullest, and he was able to control the flames precisely, deliberately letting go of the warehouse and other locations.

A fire rain lasted for about ten minutes.

The star thieves were burned to the point of crying, even with a house to protect them, but the flames kept burning, and the heat wave was enough to drink a pot.

Not to mention that the flame ignited too many combustibles, which not only consumed oxygen, but also released some toxic gases.

In many places, there were explosions one after another, which were sporadic ammunition being detonated.

Pan Yifu finally stopped with satisfaction, his face was a little pale, "Okay, you can go in, be careful of the other party's sneak attack."

There must be B-rank fighters in the military depot, and those people can't handle this little scene.

However, most of the heavy weapons have already failed, and he and Hei Tian teamed up, and he is really not afraid of the siege of those B-rank fighters.

Qu Jianlei sneered, "If you really dare to sneak attack, I don't mind killing people."

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