In the end, Qu Jianlei still couldn't resist the entanglement of Hongyun and Fangcao.

Hong Yun has a tacit understanding with him, and Fangcao is more willful in her work, but facing Zheng Ziyang's persecution, she directly turned back.

So... they are really not outsiders.

In particular, Fangcao also said that if you are true to this favor, when you leave this planet, you can ask Heitian whatever you want.

That's right, everyone thought it was a favor. Although the diamond bounced back, it was only Zarif's sub-team that went wrong.

The diamond is in the headquarters of the empire, and there are a large number of people, including more than one supreme.

Qu Jianlei was very moved by this promise, and Zheng Ziyang's inexplicable hostility also made him feel a little uneasy.

However, Linghu said disdainfully, "I have my own ideas about Qian Duoduo, and Fangcao's promise doesn't mean much.

Even Hong Yun couldn't help laughing wryly, "We owe Hei Tian a lot, really."

Speaking of this level, Qu Jianlei couldn't even think about it. Could it be that he still wanted to say "a big favor makes a big enemy"?

Now that a decision has been made, it is not too late, and he rushed to the place that night.

The next night, Diamond quietly came to four B-level, three of which did not come last night.

The people who come here are most concerned about the question of candidates, because the Star Pirates are promoting internally, and there is basically no A-level in the pioneer camp.

Baldy, Laogui and Pan Yifu were captured, Hongyun, Fangcao and Linghu were all seriously injured and escaped, and Baiyi was already dead.

There is also Jiu Xu, the leader of Yanyang, the mysterious regiment under Scarlet, who was seriously injured and escaped, but was caught yesterday.

As for Zheng Ziyang, in order to stabilize the morale of the army, the star thieves claimed that he had been severely injured.

Believe it or not, that's what they say anyway.

Not all diamond people believe these words, but they also have doubts in their hearts.

The key is that with the collapse of the relay tower, the star thieves panicked, and many people and supplies have already begun to evacuate.

At this juncture, there is no need to say more about their attitudes towards counter-jumpers such as Diamond and Fat Fox.

Those in charge of the rear must be these pioneers, and the Star Thief has arranged a large number of people to monitor.

In the past two days, dozens of pioneers have been sentenced to death by the watchers for "violating the regulations".

In this way, everyone in the pioneers who jumped back was in danger, but they were still unconvinced internally, and no one was qualified to take the lead.

Therefore, for those who plan to jump back again, the support and support of the frontier camp is very necessary.

However, it was only when they came that they realized that only twenty or so B-levels led by Hei Tian were in charge of responding.

A-level Zheng Ziyang didn't see it at all.

The diamond people didn't expect Zheng Ziyang to be rejected by the scarlet people—maybe he was really hurt?

What they care more about is: How could we escape smoothly without A-level support?

Qu Jianlei heard the meaning of the other party's words, and felt really uncomfortable.

But there is no need for him to come forward to slander others. These days, Hei Tian has accumulated a considerable reputation among the pioneers.

Mu Guoguo took the lead, and several B-ranks came forward to accuse: If you doubt Heitian's strength, then you don't have to come back!

The resentment of many frontier team members towards the diamond was not so great, and many of them had the urge to beat others.

Qu Jianlei finally stated, "No one owes you anything, I suggest that you should think more about how to get rid of the crime!"

Grade B with diamonds asked, "Didn't you say that when we counterattack the Star Thief, we won't be given a chance to make meritorious deeds and atone for our crimes?"

Qu Jianlei shook his head expressionlessly, "Is this the only IQ?"

There are many guys with well-developed limbs among the pioneers, but there are also many people with brains. Some people keep this in their hearts.

Anyway, they have no choice, otherwise, it is good to be a star thief for a lifetime, and it is more likely that they will be abandoned here.

So on the second night, there were a few muffled noises in the core area, but it turned out that the power supply center that had just been repaired was blown up again.

The power supply center is actually not that easy to destroy, but the star thieves just repaired it hastily, and did not strengthen the defense.

Everyone in the Star Bandit knows that their own side is about to evacuate Zarif, and it is good that the power system can be used for a while.

Unexpectedly, he was attacked again, and it was obviously not a pioneer team member who broke in from the outside.

"It's broken, it's those pioneers who jumped back!" Someone has already reacted.

However, it was too late. With the sound of the explosion, the entire Star Bandit's control area resounded with shouts of killing.

Among the pioneer team members who jumped back, there were actually spies from the Star Bandits—it was impossible for such a big event to leak all the news.

In fact, the star thieves have already begun to quietly investigate, who took the lead in this incident.

They didn't dare to publicize it with great fanfare, so they could only investigate in private, otherwise they would stir up a mutiny and be in big trouble.

It is said that the star thieves are ruthless, and when dealing with the rebellion, the methods will only be bloodier than usual.

But at this moment, there are internal and external troubles, and more importantly, Supreme has spoken: Do not kill the pioneers who jumped back too badly!

The reason is also very simple, the arrival of imperial reinforcements is just around the corner, if you kill too many pioneers, even the Diamond Headquarters will be offended!

Pioneers value money, but if the slap is too hard, who doesn't want to lose face?

There are also many lawless people in the Pioneering Group. If you really want to keep fighting with the star robbers, you can really chase them to the end of the universe.

Therefore, the star thief can only investigate the leader of the rebellion quietly, so as not to intensify the matter to the point of getting out of hand.

In fact, Star Pirates is still counting on the Diamond Headquarters to wrestle with the empire, so how could they go so far?

But this time the leaders of the diamond are also very cautious, and those who planted the explosives are all reliable people who cannot be more reliable.

And they didn't announce the launch time, they just said that if there is a change, everyone remember to kill the star thief and run away!

Most of the pioneers were a little unwilling to join the Star Pirates. After receiving such news, they also sought out acquaintances to connect with them.

There were still more than a dozen people who were confessed to by acquaintances and sentenced to death, but the star thieves did not expand the matter.

When the power supply center was blown up, even fools understood that this was the signal to start.

The power supply center was destroyed for the second time, and the consequences were even more serious than the last time. The backup power supply in many places has been exhausted.

For a time, not to mention the killing noise in the Star Bandit's territory, there were explosions and flames one after another.

That's when some pioneers started detonating ammunition and burning supplies.

In this way, not only can meritorious deeds and crimes be counted as achievements, it creates chaos, and it is also convenient to escape, isn't it?

Anyway, there are everyone in the pioneers, and what everyone lacks most is the ability to destroy.

The people of Diamond are also well-trained, and in the chaos, they gathered into several large-scale teams in a short time.

Then they took advantage of the darkness and rushed towards the reception point.

The other pioneers who jumped back did not know the evacuation route, but they would always follow the trend.

Qu Jianlei is not interested in this support task, but he has a very serious tendency to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It’s fine if you don’t do it. If you want to do it, you must do it well.

Because he had three A-level endorsers, he went to various pioneer teams to coordinate and received a lot of support in weapons and equipment.

In addition, he also recruited dozens of earth attribute fighters, most of them are B-level, and all C-level fighters are also at the peak level.

His request is to release a large area of ​​quicksand to ensure that the star thief's pursuit is blocked.

As for those A-levels that can fly, his arrangement is to focus fire with heavy weapons.

Strictly speaking, this response plan is not perfect, and it can even be said that there are many loopholes.

If Star Pirates also gather earth attributes, plus some wood attribute fighters, the so-called support is just a joke.

If there are two A-level fire attributes, it will be a disaster, unless Qu Jianlei can make a full shot.

However, he has no other choice. After all, his identity and origin are a mystery, and the resources he can mobilize are really limited.

It was also thanks to the fact that Hei Tian had achieved such a great reputation in the past few months, coupled with meritorious service rewards, that some people were willing to cooperate.

So this is a gamble, he bets that the star thief will not guess his response plan.

Qu Jianlei is not good at gambling by nature, and now there is really nothing he can do.

He can only comfort himself: I am betting my life for others, not my own.

Moreover, there is also a mysterious earth attribute A-level boss Wen Xin on his side. At critical moments, he can pretend to be fake and use this name to make a move.

Fortunately, the worst outcome did not happen.

When the quicksand technique appeared on a large scale, the immediate reaction of countless star thieves was: the beheading madman is coming again!

Some Star Pirates have strategies to deal with quicksand, but most of them still think about it: do what you want, and chase whoever you like.

There was only one A-level fighter that Qu Jianlei cared about: the second master of the earth attribute.

The second master didn't fly over either. Although his vision was extremely high, he also knew that personal combat power was nothing on this kind of battlefield.

So he just quietly hid in the crowd, while resolving the quicksand technique, he planned to shoot with the camera.

However, it was very unfortunate that among the counterparts of the Pioneering Group, there was a guy who had practiced spiritual spells.

Qu Jianlei felt the abnormal fluctuation of the earth element, and directly released the direction, "... right there, the shells will wash the ground!"

After being shot so many times, he can finally bully others.

The second master's perception ability is not bad, and when he saw countless shells flying, he was scared out of his wits.

Without even thinking about it, he turned around and ran for his life. As for the risk of rushing forward? He is not stupid!

With his status, he is destined to leave Zarif. How can he do it in such a chaotic situation?

"It's really unlucky, who came out on the other side, who can see through my disguise?"

Running fast and jogging, he was still attacked - in such a situation, even Qu Jianlei couldn't avoid it, let alone him?

Fortunately, the second master was really anti-high and bloody, but he was slightly injured and escaped by luck.

However, he had been killed by Linghu before, and he was not completely injured. This time, he was injured again, which made the situation even worse.

(Third shift, the first day of October, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass during the double period.)

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