Qu Jianlei didn't dare to look directly at Steve, but the movement of the other party raising his wrist was really not small.

He could feel it from the corner of his eye, the other party... seemed to start calling?

His heart sank slightly: Oops, I'm about to be found out!

Those four A-level watches are all in his arms!

Although he turned off the positioning and turned the vibration to the minimum, there was still vibration after all-otherwise he would not have noticed the communication.

But he is now far away from the highest...not even 200 meters!

If the Supreme has the heart, it is really nothing to perceive this vibration, and people may even feel the change of electromagnetic waves!

Then, he has to make a move, unless the other party is not calling these four people.

However, it is not yet dawn, is it possible for the other party to call other people? Qu Jianlei would never bet on such a small probability event!

So he turned his head and looked at the other person, a strange light appeared in his eyes - confused!

This is one of the spells that Mrs. Jia gave him a while ago. It is spiritual, but the spell is not a practice method.

In essence, confusing the mind is one of the illusions, but it can hypnotize and even change memories if practiced to a very high level!

Qu Jianlei is far from reaching the level of the latter two, he has only just grasped the surface.

However, even if it is superficial, it may affect the other party for a moment when there is mental arithmetic or unintentional.

But for Qu Jianlei, confusion is an optional addition, he used this technique just to cover up his direct gaze!

But for Steve, those eyes really gave him an indescribable shock, "This is...the military?"

A supremely cautious being, similar to someone who is insecure, he is very sensitive to anomalies.

A pair of eyes suddenly appeared in an empty place, which was already very scary.

What's even more frightening is that he instantly recognized that the other party was using a spiritual spell!

After all, how many years has it been to be the highest, if you haven't even dabbled in spiritual magic, then you are too underestimated.

In fact, most of the Supremes will also try to master some spiritual spells-the practicality is really too strong.

However, Steve is not normally sensitive, but also very quick thinking.

The moment he recognized the spiritual spell, his thinking automatically jumped—an awakened person with spiritual attributes, is this the military?

He really never dreamed that it was the military who came to deal with him... Did I provoke you?

No matter for any force, the military is a behemoth that cannot be easily touched, not to mention that he is just a supreme!

However, although Steve was cautious, as Qu Jianlei analyzed, once this person decided to make a move, he would be decisive!

What about the military! This is Steve's third thought: No one can decide my fate!

In the blink of an eye, three thoughts flashed through his mind.

There is no need to have the fourth thought at all, just fight back - whoever wants to fuck me, I will fuck him!

As for other considerations, Steve couldn't care less: let's get through this first and then talk about other things.

In an instant, he will mobilize the water vapor in the air to counterattack-this way of operation, the counterattack speed is the fastest!

As for the fact that it might be less powerful, that doesn't matter, the opponent is only A-level!

His thinking is really jumpy, and his intuition is also terrible. In fact, until now, he has no chance to judge the other party's cultivation.

Of course, if he had a little more time, he could completely straighten out the logic.

——If the other party is the supreme spiritual attribute, in good conscience...he is not worthy of letting such an existence take action.

——If it is a supreme being who is proficient in spiritual spells with other attributes, why is it worth so much effort to ambush? Just shoot and it's over!

No matter what, Steve decided that the opponent was A-level, and it was okay to say that it belonged to the fighting instinct.

Anyway, his reaction was to mobilize the water vapor to attack the opponent first.

The effect of the attack is not important, what is important is to regain the initiative, and after turning from defense to offense, take down the opponent in the shortest possible time.

Because he was very skeptical that there was more than one person ambushing him. If he wasn't insane, which A-level would dare to...

However, before he could think of anything more, and before he could attack, his brain was jolted violently.

It was as if someone swung a sledgehammer weighing several hundred kilograms and hit him hard on the head.

Wrong, maybe it weighs more than a few hundred catties, after being promoted to the highest level, objects weighing several hundred catties are basically useless to him.

Probably, when he was at A-level, he was smashed with a sledgehammer weighing several hundred kilograms?

However, the history of Grade A is too long, and he can't even recall how weak he was back then.

Anyway, he reacted immediately, "Psychological attack... how dare he, he, how dare he?"

However, for Qu Jianlei, this kind of attack really has nothing to dare, because he has no choice!

He is only A-level, even if it has no attributes, the only spells that can cause damage to the supreme are spiritual and electromagnetic attributes.

He didn't plan to use the electromagnetic technique, because the other party came to find Heitian, so it was impossible not to be on guard against electromagnetic spells.

Then all he can choose is mental attack, even if he needs to bet, the opponent's mental attributes will not be stronger than his own.

But for this, he still has a certain degree of confidence.

This is not blind arrogance. In addition to his self-confidence that he is mentally strong, Mrs. Jia also gave him a certain amount of confidence.

The old lady didn't make any comments, but she heard that she wanted to find Steve, and she didn't explicitly stop her.

Qu Jianlei thought about the attitude of the old lady—maybe the old lady thinks that I can get a supreme helper?

But what if... I don't have such a helper?

That is to say, the old lady thinks that under certain circumstances, I can win a Supreme.

In fact, it is not so difficult to kill the enemy by leapfrogging when mental calculation is not intentional.

Qu Jianlei especially remembered that after he advanced to A-level, there was also B-level who tried to plot against him.

He can't remember that guy's name anymore, but who gave you the courage to take a shot against a famous and tyrannical A-level?

In the final analysis, it is nothing more than the precedents of killing enemies by leapfrogging. Although there are not many examples, it is enough to induce some greed!

The moment Qu Jianlei used his confusion, he launched a mental attack, and it was a blow with all his strength.

Fortunately, the opponent's spirit unexpectedly fluctuated significantly, which greatly increased the success rate of the attack.

In fact, Steve's obvious flaws come about precisely because he's intimidated by the "military" associations.

Afterwards, the brainstorming in his head also caused some abnormalities in his mental fluctuations.

Without these variables, Qu Jianlei might not... well, things have already happened, some assumptions are really unnecessary.

Qu Jianlei chose the right time, but immediately after, his mind shook suddenly, and his eyes were temporarily blinded.

However, blindness did not affect his tactic, and when he regained some vision, he fired more than ten golden spears at the figure.

This is still a full-strength blow, and the opponent's water attribute is said to be crispy, but there is a big gap between the two of them.

When Qu Jianlei's eyesight slowly recovered, he saw Zhigao opposite him, who had already been hit by three golden spears.

The golden spear didn't pierce very deeply, but the blood on the opponent's body splashed, staining his clothes red.

What's particularly interesting is that the figure's seven orifices are bleeding out, which is obviously not the attack effect that the golden spear can produce.

"Haha," Qu Jianlei chuckled, and launched another mental attack.

At the same time, his body flashed like a ghost, and rushed sideways forward.

This is of course to shorten the attack distance, but also to guard against the opponent's possible counterattack.

Steve is really uncomfortable now, a mental attack directly hit him dizzy, so he fell to the ground.

It is not easy to insist on standing.

At this point, though, his reaction was a little haughty, not consistent with his prudence—so what if he fell to the ground?

In the final analysis, this is due to the pride of the empire's supernatural warriors. Why do they fall when they can stand?

Steve was able to let go of his airs, but as the Supreme, how could he let A-level beat him to the ground?

So the tragedy happened like this, and the three golden spears were inserted into him without any accident.

It is possible to avoid all the golden spears if he is willing to fall to the ground and dodge.

Let it go to Qu Jianlei, who will never consider image, when fighting for life and death, face is really not important, living is the best.

But Steve is still pedantic, no matter how cautious he is, his thinking is still influenced by the civilization of the empire.

However, at this moment, he had no time to think about the three golden spears. This was not just because he was also temporarily blind.

In his dizziness, he had only one thought in his mind, "His mental power...is stronger than mine?"

It is normal for a warrior with a spiritual attribute to have stronger mental power, but after he has advanced to the highest level, he is also working hard to improve his mental power!

He is a big realm higher than the opponent, and he is actively repairing the shortcomings, but...is he weaker?

Immediately afterwards, his super-jumping thinking thought of another question—it is estimated that there will be a second mental attack!

There is nothing wrong with this idea, that's what Qu Jianlei thought about it.

However, although Steve thought of this possibility, sadly, he couldn't make any reaction.

The mental attack is not only extremely fast, but also hard to guard against! Also, the related armor is very rare.

There are not many substances that can withstand mental power, and some substances have an effect, so they have to be thick enough.

Who will carry heavy mental power armor with them when they are hungry?

In this regard, spiritual spells are somewhat similar to electromagnetic spells. When facing them directly, you must prepare armor in advance.

Fortunately for Steve, he carried around a small armor that could resist psychic attacks, which is really rare.

But he is also sad, because because of the splitting headache, blindness and uncoordinated limbs, he didn't even have a chance to take out the armor!

Compared with the mental attack he received, the three golden spears stuck in his body were all insignificant injuries.

Just as he was dodging his body and trying to avoid the mental attack, the second mental attack arrived.

(Updated to, in the last three hours of this month, ask for a monthly pass. There is a change in the early morning routine, and the monthly pass is scheduled to be guaranteed for next month.)

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