Lao Mo came here, of course he wanted to eat some food. Although he has a little money, he can't eat meat twice a year.

Especially when he saw that there was almost four catties in Heitian's pot.

Most of the waste soils are big-bellied men, but if the other party shows up a bit, it won't be a problem, right?

But now the two browless guys, one big and one small, actually spit.

Such things as saliva... In good conscience, Lao Mo doesn't really mind, but he has to consider face.

He said with a dark face, "I've eaten, and now I want to ask you, do you want me to help you with the Iron Palm Gang?"

Qu Jianlei frowned, and asked suspiciously, "Help me get it done?"

Old Mo looked indifferently, "Do you think that if you kick Er Snake, it will be for nothing? Someone will come to trouble you!"

"However, if you are willing to pay two silver dimes, I will help you negotiate a deal, and this matter will be over."

When Qu Jianlei heard this, his first reaction was to take a look at the hairless monster: Then is his beating for nothing?

The second reaction was: Old Mo, are you... planning to find a long-term meal ticket?

However, in the end, he still warned himself: Be restrained!

So he just asked, "Yesterday, the three silver dimes are just the layout fee?"

"Of course," Old Mo replied confidently, "I made it clear yesterday, one size fits all."

Qu Jianlei knew very well that one yard of fart was worth one yard. Yesterday, someone was extorting money.

The hairless monster went out yesterday to inquire whether outsiders must pay a layout fee to build a residence.

All the people he asked were smiling without saying a word, and some of the smiles were even more unacceptable—as if they were looking at the mentally handicapped.

He immediately informed Brother Heitian.

Qu Jianlei really didn't care, he had already expected that there was a possibility of being blackmailed.

But he can be sure that Lao Mo is definitely not simply blackmailing, and he must have strength if he dares to ask those two sentences loudly at the other party.

It is not shameful to pay money to keep peace. It seems a bit unfair to pay three silver coins, but it is enough to have proper care in the future.

As long as the care is in place, it doesn't matter if he is asked to pay the money every few days.

But the effect of the last sum of money is not over yet, and now it is a bit shameless to collect money again.

He didn't care about the three silver coins, as long as he didn't deal with them in the future, "Since one yard is one yard, then I will handle it myself."

Lao Mo was a little surprised when he heard this, but he can't be asked to ask the other party for such a thing, right?

He turned around and left, leaving only one sentence, "When someone finds you, and you ask me for help, it won't be the same price."

Qu Jianlei didn't answer, picked up the spoon, started to eat with a snort.

After eating, Qu Jianlei continued to meditate.

At this time, practicing "Ba Duan Jin" and "Wu Qin Xi" is more suitable for digestion, but he doesn't want people in the camp to notice.

After meditating for about four hours, the work was over, and then I heard the hairless monster say, "Brother Heitian, take me out tomorrow?"

Qu Jianlei replied without thinking, "Honestly, I'm here to take care of the house."

The hairless monster said again, "I don't want to be beaten anymore, let's go out with the cart."

Qu Jianlei said very simply, "If he dares to hit you again, I will break his arm."

There are some unwritten rules in the camp - if you fail to steal the first time, you immediately go to steal the second time, which is to challenge the rules.

Those who challenge the rules will naturally not be protected by the rules. People who are gangsters should be more aware of this.

The two were lying in the shallow pit, and Xiao Jing asked in a low voice, "Can you lend me an overfrequency oscillator dagger?"

This poor child didn't even have a decent self-defense weapon, he looked very much like Qu Jianlei three months ago.

Qu Jianlei replied flatly, "Go to sleep, you don't have to fight him."

He fell asleep quickly, not noticing that Xiao Jing beside him had his eyes open, and fell asleep three hours later.

The next day, Qu Jianlei woke up very early, and saw the bloodshot eyes of Xiao Jing when he turned his head, "Did you sleep well?"

"This..." The hairless monster replied hesitantly, "How about we build a residence today?"

"The residence... this may not be a place where you can live for a long time," Qu Jianlei hesitated and shook his head, "wait for another two days to see."

It is not easy for newcomers to integrate into a camp, and he knows this very well.

But this time he came over in a high-profile way, and the trouble he might cause is different.

He didn't realize this before, but what happened in the past two days made him react.

If we can't solve the problems of Iron Palm and Lao Mo, we may stay here for a long time.

But he can't be blamed for this, what about moving, why don't you bring everything that is useful?

Could it be that he should go to Xianxia World to find a storage bag?

Now Qu Jianlei has realized that if he wants to practice, it cannot be done in a wild camp.

First of all, he has no money, so it is impossible to bring a lot of resources to retreat and practice.

Secondly, when he is practicing, there will be some movements, which is not suitable for camping in the wild.

Among other things, playing a set of "Baduanjin" is not suitable for the camp, and it is easy to be surrounded by people.

He doesn't worry about others learning it, it's just some means of strengthening the body, and he can learn the ability to calculate.

But this way of exercising doesn't match the wasteland style.

In case someone wants to ask the bottom line, it is difficult to explain the origin clearly, which will easily cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Qu Jianlei didn't plan to stay in Tianshui camp for a long time, and there was no need to work hard to build houses.

In a blink of an eye, he stayed in the camp for seven or eight days, and the supplies were decreasing day by day.

On this day, when Qu Jianlei was exercising, there was a sudden gust of wind that made him shiver.

"It rained again yesterday, so it's a bit cold."

Then he remembered that it seemed like winter was coming.

During his stay at Sweetwater Camp, he also inquired about the route to the settlements of Hong Yi and Hong Si.

The people in the camp hadn't accepted him yet, and they didn't say anything about Hong Yi's settlement, but they knew the direction of Hong Si's settlement.

Qu Jianlei had been away from the Luanshi camp for a long time, and suddenly came up with the idea of ​​going back there to take a look.

After all, he was still a little uneasy in his heart, feeling that the garbage dump might cause trouble.

Thinking of this, he turned back to the camp, told the hairless monster, and then rode his motorcycle away.

Xiao Jing really wanted to go with him, but Qu Jianlei said that it was inconvenient to take you away.

In fact, he also wanted to take him away, after all, one more person could better conceal his identity.

However, considering the risks involved in this trip, there is no need for Xiao Jing to take risks with him, and it may become a drag.

To make a long story short, it took Qu Jianlei six days to find the Luanshi camp.

He hid the motorcycle fifty kilometers away, and then approached the camp in the dark.

However, the moment he saw the camp clearly, he was stunned, and his body became cold in an instant.

The Rock Camp...has been destroyed, most of the buildings have been destroyed, from the outside in.

Shocked, he raised his night vision binoculars and approached cautiously while watching.

After some investigation, just as he thought, the entire camp was empty, and most of the supplies were gone.

There are some less valuable things left, such as charcoal, scrap metal objects.

The fat sister's grocery store was also swept away, leaving basically nothing.

Qu Jianlei's own house had its roof blown off, and the inside was in a mess. It didn't look like much was taken away.

The key is that the things he collects are worthless!

Qu Jianlei pondered for a while, then suddenly frowned, "It can't be that one?"

He hurried outside the camp and approached a rock cautiously.

He walked up to observe carefully for a while, then took out a short dagger, and carefully pushed away the floating dirt, the pit below was empty

"Sure enough," he sighed dejectedly, it really was that alloy ring.

When Mr. Sai gave Alloy Ring, he said that there was an urgent message, and he could use it to send out an alarm, which could be received from a long distance.

Qu Jianlei speculated in his heart that if he could send a signal from a long distance, he might be detected from a long distance.

So before he left, he felt that he might not come back, so he buried the alloy ring near the camp.

In order to avoid being discovered by the other party, he handmade a rough Faraday cage and put the alloy ring in it.

As a result, the Faraday cage is gone now, "Sick, this is a Faraday cage... the second frequency band is missing?"

The first frequency band omission caused him to travel here after being electrocuted.

The second omission made Mr. Sai realize that he had slipped away quietly.

Qu Jianlei couldn't help frowning: Could it be that this Faraday cage is my natural nemesis?

However, the next moment, he couldn't care less about complaining, and now he had to face the status quo.

The rock camp was destroyed, it must be because he escaped, and Mr. Sai took his anger on this camp.

Anyway, Qu Jianlei has already experienced the behavior style of the general settlement, and he is ruthless and decisive.

Then the death of the old cripple in another camp was obviously also because of himself...or Morrison.

Qu Jianlei buried the sand back first, and then quietly left a few kilometers away.

He chose a stone to cover himself before calmly considering the problem he was facing.

After much deliberation, there are four words that cannot be escaped after all: Big trouble!

Mr. Sai would never think that he buried the alloy ring because he wanted to find a place to die quietly.

Then, he has two reasons to find himself.

One, of course, is the news about the pink mecha, why did it run away when it was so good? Maybe there is information.

The second reason is: he can carry the poison without taking the antidote... That is a genetic modification drug!

Qu Jianlei could even guess: the second reason will give Mr. Sai even more motivation.

It was a potion that was originally a failure, and it needed expensive medicine to assist it, but it was actually cracked?

Undoubtedly, Mr. Sai would guess that he has a high probability of mastering the method of taking medicine without damage.

A failed potion turned into a successful potion in the blink of an eye...

Not to mention the profits, this is an epoch-making discovery in itself.

Thinking about this clearly, Qu Jianlei was in a state of confusion for a moment: I... this must be Desperate?

(Ask for all kinds of help during the new book period.)

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