Donatas stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with a solemn expression, frowning and staring out the window.

The sky was cloudy, just like his mood at the moment.

At that time, he and Pollyanna were very good, but in the end they lost to the harsh reality.

Up to now, both of them have their own situations, and when they meet again, they can only do nothing.

Donatas also thought about reviving the old relationship, which can be regarded as a strong alliance, but Pollyanna refused without hesitation.

She didn't say anything excessive, but the disdain in her eyes was irresistible.

So the two never met in private again, and when they met in some public places, they only said hello at most.

But yesterday and today Donatas had to pester Poliana because he was in trouble.

The mining deadlines for the two mines he bought are about to expire, and it is said that other forces are thinking about it.

There are two management methods for the empire's mines, the small ones can be sold out, and the large ones are government-run.

The official camp may not necessarily be mined by the government, and more often it is the sale of mining rights, which can increase income through taxation in the later stage.

The two mines in Donatas' hands are still very early from the depletion period and are in the period of high production.

The two mines have brought him huge profits, of course he is not willing to give up easily.

However, this kind of profit cannot fail to attract people's attention. The person who made the decision to sell the mining rights at the beginning was transferred away.

When a new person comes to power, he naturally has someone to take care of, and the world keeps reincarnating like this.

Donatas wanted to win over a new supervisor, but he made it very clear: with such a large profit, one wave is enough for you.

Eating from beginning to end, most likely will not end well.

Donatas understands this truth, but... Isn't this unwilling?

Now someone has made a request, if you can do something about Pollyanna, renew the mining rights... there is still room for discussion.

He really had no choice.

Although if he gave up the renewal, the wealth he had accumulated over the years would allow him to live a carefree life, but who would think it was too much money?

In comparison, those teenage complexes should be ended as soon as possible... He is just a businessman now.

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door, and a gorgeous and strong young woman came in.

"Boss, Sanyan is here and wants to visit you."

"Three eyes?" Donatas withdrew his thoughts, then shook his head, "Forget it, tell him that he doesn't need it these days."

The woman was taken aback for a moment, she knew very well what occupation Sanyan was, she was a senior pimp.

But his own boss is an out-and-out womanizer, and he can't live without a woman for a day.

Is it me again tonight? The woman's expression was a bit unnatural... Although the boss was not stingy, she didn't want to!

Donatas' thoughts wandered, and it took him a long time to realize that she was still there, "What else?"

The woman twitched and replied, "Boss, you know, I'm on my menstrual period these few days."

"Huh?" Donatas gave her a strange look before shaking his head, "I'll go outside the manor at night."

"Go outside the manor?" The woman was even more stunned when she heard the words. She knew very well how much her boss paid attention to safety.

Ever since his net worth gradually became richer, Dotanas has paid more and more attention to safety, and built a super-defensive manor on the outskirts of the city.

The manor covers an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters, with various equipment and facilities, and the guards are extremely strict.

Most of the time, the boss will stay in the manor, where he can not only rest, but also work.

When he had to go out, Donatas would take a large number of guards with him.

The only thing that is inconvenient is the hobby of "wild people have diseases", but you can't go to play, can you recruit people?

The pimp with three eyes can establish a relationship with the boss and can easily enter and leave the manor because he can provide high-quality services.

"Well," Donatas snorted softly, "I haven't gone out for a long time, I want to go and relax."

The woman hesitated, and summoned up the courage to speak, "But now, now...your safety is very important."

Recently, Donatas and Pollyanna should, the female civil affairs officer is not without any resources.

The authority of the civil affairs officer is actually not small. The time for the fourth star to become a livable star is very short, and many things have to be decided by the civil affairs office.

If someone wanted to please Pollyanna, they might even take the initiative to deal with Donatas.

It is precisely because of this that many people have advised him not to go out recently.

"Huh?" Donatas glanced at her lightly, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"Don't dare," the woman's complexion changed slightly, but she still bravely replied, "But we all rely on you for food."

"Hehe," Donatas shook his head, "Pollianna can't do these things...well, let's go down."

The woman hesitated, moved her mouth, and finally backed out silently.

Donatas was silent for a long time before speaking out suddenly, "Is she okay?"

"I can't feel it," a deep voice sounded, but I couldn't see where the person was. "The people next to your pillow don't even have confidence?"

The person's words were a little offensive, but Donatas didn't care, he gave a wry smile.

"People next to me? There are too many people next to me. Ever since the mine collapsed for the first time... I only have confidence in my interests."

There was no sound in the room anymore, as if it was just an illusion.

When the sky was getting dark, a convoy drove out of the manor. There were five large off-road vehicles in one color. It was easy to mess with at first glance.

The convoy walked for about an hour and came to a luxurious manor, which was also heavily guarded.

The manor is called "The Garden of Fragrances", and it is one of the top entertainment venues in Fengrao City.

An elderly guard saw the approaching convoy and directly opened the automatic door to let the convoy in.

The young guard next to him pressed the laser pistol on his waist and asked curiously, "Don't you need to check your identity?"

"No need for this one," the older guard shook his head, "Although he doesn't come a few times a year, he's a high-roller."

The young guard lowered his hand from the handle of his gun and asked again, "What big man?"

"Miners," the old guard replied casually, "Others, don't ask around, don't ask if you shouldn't."

The convoy stopped in front of a huge dome-shaped building.

A dozen strong men in gray uniforms got out of the car and surrounded the fourth car.

When Donatas travels, which car he is in is never fixed, which also increases the difficulty of the opponent's sneak attack.

He got out of the car, surrounded by a group of guards, and walked towards the gate of the dome building.

Immediately a waiter greeted him, "Excuse me, my lord, which restaurant do I want to go to?"

Donatas pinched his forehead and snorted softly, "Let's go to the fighting gym."

Fighting halls are female fighting, usually reformed fighters, only covering the vital points to increase viewing.

But when it comes to hands-on, some of them are not only for viewing, but also quite bloody.

There are not many times when people are killed, after all, it is a formal entertainment venue, but there are really many scenes of blood and flesh flying everywhere.

Donatas sat in the small box and shook his head after watching it.

"Forget it, I'm going to the catwalk... I've seen too many bloody things, and I feel a little tired."

There is more than one catwalk hall here, there are unobstructed catwalks and talent shows.

Donatas stayed late into the night in the box, drunk and yawning.

The leader of the guard was a metallic B-rank, walked up to him and asked in a low voice, "Boss, do you want to go?"

"What time is it?" Donatas waved his hand and said vaguely, "Go down and watch."

The leader looked at the same four drunk-eyed beauties, hesitated and said, "How about... taking them back to the manor?"

Donatas waved his hand and said simply, "Let's play for a while!"

The four guards in the box left, leaving only one man, four women and five people.

The four girls had already been drunk, and the small box was filled with a silvery scene.

Donatas' hands were no longer enough, and his mouth was too busy.

It's just that a ray of light flashed across his eyes from time to time, indicating that his mind was still clear to a certain extent.

Suddenly, an extremely small voice came into my ears, "Boss, enough is enough."

"I know," he muttered softly, "Well, thank you for your hard work."

Thinking of the mysterious A-level wood-attribute guard beside him, his mood was definitely settled.

If someone really wants to sneak attack him, it can't be hidden from this person's perception.

If he were to be sniped as an ordinary B-rank, he would definitely be hit badly.

Without this person, he would never dare to agree to other people's request to "fish".

Anyway, if B-level hires A-level as a guard, it won't work without enough financial resources.

Every time he thinks about this, he can't help but ask himself: Is there any meaning in life without such a life?

While thinking wildly, Gwendren vaguely heard a muffled sound, "This is..."

Although he still retained a sliver of sobriety, the anesthesia of alcohol on the mind also made him quite trance.

Forget it, let's not distinguish, anyway, with that person helping to observe, there will be no trouble here.

The next moment, his head shook violently, and his body fell limply to one side.

The four girls who accompanied the wine thought that the distinguished guest was playing tricks again, giggled and greeted him with their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, two blue lights flashed, and two big holes appeared on the wall of the small box.

The smiling girls suddenly realized that something was shot on their body, and it felt a little sticky and wet...

They couldn't help being startled: What kind of new trick is this?

Wipe it with your hand, and there is a pungent fishy smell, and when you take a closer look under the dim light, your hand is full of bright red.

"Ah~" A girl couldn't help but yelled, "Killer!"

The guards outside the door rushed in after hearing the sound, but it was too late.

Donatas fell on the sofa, with a big hole in his head, and his body was still twitching slightly, but it was obvious that it was hopeless.

In the flowerpot not far from the sofa, there was also a person who fell down, a thin and small person, who was also shot in the head.

The guards were not unfamiliar with this man. They had met him several times in the manor, and they basically didn't say hello to him.

Look at the wall again, there are two penetration holes - the murderer used a large sniper rifle and killed two people through the wall.

(Updated to, Summon Monthly Pass, Subscription and Recommendation Ticket.)

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