Flower Scorpion was the nickname of the female shooter, and she was quite famous among hunters.

The female gunman was furious when she heard the words, "I haven't lived enough... dare to reveal my mother's name, Iron Palm Gang, this matter is endless!"

If the nickname is leaked, it is also a leak, especially if the enemy is such a terrible master.

The third wheel galloped away, bringing up billowing smoke and dust.

At this time, even if Qu Jianlei wanted to stay, he couldn't stay in Sanlun - his sight was also blocked.

So he changed to a Gauss machine gun without hesitation, and slammed at the two motorcycles.

A gunman on a motorcycle was shot, and the bullet picked up the rider, who immediately fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the last motorcycle was so frightened that it flew away regardless.

The smoke and dust all over the sky obscured the shadow of the motorcycle.

Qu Jianlei didn't want to waste ammunition, so he adopted a prone position, set up a Gauss machine gun, and killed the members above with short bursts.

After a dozen or so short bursts, two more people in the truck were shot and killed.

The remaining one was so frightened that he jumped out of the car.

Before jumping out of the car, he threw out a Gauss automatic gun so that he could get out of the car and fight back.

There was nothing wrong with this idea, but the moment he rolled to the side of the Gauss gun, a ray of light shot out.

He slumped for a while, his head fell to the ground, and there was no more movement.

"I'm out of my mind," Qu Jianlei muttered softly, "I just want me to hit a fixed target."

If the opponent rolls around casually, he really has nothing to do, especially the truck that is turning around also brings up a lot of smoke and dust.

The most standard choice should be to jump out of the car with a gun.

It's a pity that this kind of action is too much a test of personal military accomplishment.

In this case, it is considered good for ordinary people to jump off the car without getting injured.

This person was killed, and there were three people alive on the opposite side, one of whom was seriously injured and the other two were slightly injured.

It was a bit difficult to beat these three, some kept rolling over, while others hid behind the motorcycle.

After half an hour, Qu Jianlei finally killed the three of them.

The hairless monster had already returned on his motorcycle. After running a long way, he still observed the situation behind him.

Ride away on a motorcycle? For him, that was unimaginable.

It was possible to run, but when the supplies in the car were used up, he was still dead.

Qu Jianlei carefully replaced the guns one by one, then raised his hand to greet him, "Search for the spoils."

The pursuit of sixteen people left eleven lives, as well as three motorcycles and an open truck.

There are more guns and ammunition, and even the escaped Huascorpion left behind a laser rifle.

Unfortunately, the laser gun broke, which is far less durable than the Gauss gun.

But it is not completely useless, at least some laser gun parts can be accumulated.

What's funny is that these eleven people didn't fire a few shots in total, but they saved a lot of ammunition.

The biggest harvest, of course, is the convertible truck. With this truck, I finally don't have to drag and pull the patchwork cart.

After the two cleaned up the battlefield and put the corpses in the car, Xiao Jing said with emotion, "It's a pity that two cars ran away."

"It's almost enough," Qu Jianlei shook his head, "It's a good thing they are not professional enough, otherwise...it would be difficult to run."

Having said that, he still couldn't help laughing when he saw a truck full of loot, "Captain of the transportation brigade."

Xiao Jing doesn't know how to drive a car, so the driving is left to Qu Jianlei.

But after walking not far, he found another problem, "The fuel tank is leaking!"

Being in the wild, Qu Jianlei has nothing to do about oil spills.

You can only find some plastic plugs and stick them with tape.

Just after finishing these operations, he said to continue on his way, but the dust billowed in the distance again, and a three-wheeled car took the lead.

"Dare to come?" Seeing this, Qu Jianlei was furious, jumped onto the truck, and turned the on-board machine gun.

Seeing him on the other side, he was also taken aback, quickly took out a piece of red cloth, waved it in the air, and drew a triangular trajectory.

"The Fallen?" Qu Jianlei really didn't expect that the other party would encounter the Fallen during their retreat.

After thinking about it, he still picked up the horn, "Keep running, don't stop, go around in the direction of the front of the car!"

He really wasn't worried about the three of them. His truck was stationary at the moment, and he was armed with a vehicle-mounted machine gun.

As long as the opponent doesn't slow down, he doesn't need to worry at all, and it is difficult for a sharpshooter to aim accurately on a bumpy motorcycle.

Seeing that the opponent just now was willing to cooperate, Pian Sanlu crossed from the direction of the front of the car.

At the same time the rider shouted, "Be careful, they have machine guns on board too!"

It was a truck and two motorcycles chasing the three-wheeled one.

Under the billowing smoke and dust, it is not very clear, but the general outline can still be seen.

The three chasing vehicles were also disturbed by the smoke and dust, so they didn't notice Qu Jianlei's truck at first.

After they found out, they hurriedly slowed down and braked.

It's just that it was a bit late, Qu Jianlei pulled the trigger, and the on-board machine gun spit out flames frantically.

The three-wheeled car also circled back, and the woman in the trunk took up the machine gun and swept wildly.

I have to admit that experienced hunters can easily develop a tacit understanding in fighting.

Qu Jianlei was shooting at the truck, but the third-wheeled target was on the other two motorcycles.

There was a roar from the opposite car, "There is an ambush, retreat!"

However, it was a bit late after all, and a motorcycle was hit by Hua Scorpion and flew into a rage.

Qu Jianlei's strafing shot also killed the driver of the truck, and continued to sweep at the truck.

Seeing this, the only remaining motorcycle turned around and ran away in fright.

After another five minutes, the battle was completely over, and Qu Jianlei cooperated with Pian Sanlun to kill the rest of the Fallen.

As for continuing the fight between the two? That doesn't exist!

Hua Xiezi directly raised his hands and shouted loudly, "I offended you today, accept the punishment!"

Qu Jianlei has no obsession with morals and cleanliness, and doesn't mind cutting grass and roots.

But he remembered the last battle, Pian Sanlun was the first to run, and there was obviously some dispute among the opponents.

So the vehicle-mounted machine gun in his hand pointed at the other party, "Let's talk about compensation, why are you chasing me?"

"The Iron Palm Gang intends to fully enter Camp Sweetwater," the woman replied simply, "It happens that you offended them."

Qu Jianlei had already guessed the cause and effect, but he didn't expect that it was related to the presence of gangs.

Anyway, these words made him very upset, "Well... did I offend them?"

"It doesn't matter who offends whom," the woman replied happily, "They need to stand up, and you just happened to bring some supplies."

Qu Jianlei nodded slightly, he thought so too, it doesn't matter who offends whom, anyway, they have already pinched.

"Iron Palm Gang... so called because who has a mechanical arm?"

"It's just a mechanical palm." The woman was not surprised that the other party could guess it, "it's just that the gang leader usually doesn't make a move."

After a pause, she said contemptuously, "It's really a blind manipulator."

"No matter how stupid you are, it's his own," Qu Jianlei said lightly, and then asked, "What about you?"

"I'm hired," the woman replied without thinking, "30% of the spoils will go to me."

Qu Jianlei was not surprised by this answer, "How much can you compensate me?"

The woman raised her finger and pointed to the distance, "The spoils of the fallen are all yours... how about it?"

Qu Jianlei snorted softly, "If I don't make a move, you will die. It's all mine... Isn't that what it should be?"

The woman asked him indifferently, "You know Article 2 of the Convention on the Suppression of the Fallen, right?"

The equal share was seized... Qu Jianlei remembered that this contract was far away from him before, so he didn't think about it.

But he didn't intend to listen to the opponent completely, "That's emphasizing the participants...you are being hunted down!"

"Okay," the woman didn't want to be serious about this matter. In fact, she was lucky to survive today.

"What else do you wish for?"

Xiao Jing spoke up first, "I want to kill that second snake...he hit me several times!"

"Well, this is one," Qu Jianlei nodded upon hearing this, "Can this small request be met?"

"It's too easy," the woman replied proudly, "It's a little harder to find this little guy than to kill him."

Qu Jianlei pondered for a moment, then looked at the other two, "Can these two be trusted?"

"My life-and-death brother," the woman replied bluntly, "I will tell them everything you tell me."

"Then you come here as a hostage," Qu Jianlei nodded slightly, "I have something to do, is there a problem?"

"Sister, don't listen to him," the rider became anxious when he heard this.

"No problem," the woman replied without hesitation.

Then she glanced at the rider, "If he wants to harm us, it's enough not to rescue him just now."

The rider couldn't help muttering, "We may not be able to run."

"Shut up," the woman scolded, and stepped out of the car, "Have you forgotten what I am best at?"

The rider's mouth moved twice, and finally closed.

Seeing the woman climbing up the manger and jumping directly into the truck bed, Qu Jianlei was also a little puzzled, "What are you best at?"

The woman hesitated and replied, "Intuition."

Qu Jianlei was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded, "That's good for fighting."

He really didn't believe that anyone could have a stronger intuition than him, but there was no need to be serious about this matter.

He took an elastic rope and tied the woman's hands behind his back, "Okay, let's go and see what was seized."

The rider and the other man were staring at each other, but they couldn't resist.

Taking hostages is actually not very popular in the wasteland. Here, life is really worthless.

But the woman is the leader of the three, the key is Qu Jianlei's behavior, it doesn't look particularly hostile.

If something unexpected happened, the two would fight back, but Gu Qianwang who took the initiative to attack did not.

When we drove up to have a look, everyone felt a little disgusted.

In the trunk of the fallen man, there were three corpses, the ones that had been decomposed.

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