Xiao Jing is very strict with cracks, and he is very rude, but in essence, he doesn't want to make things difficult for others.

He felt that he had brought the crack back to life and brought him into this small circle, so he was obliged to take good care of it.

The crack is now negotiating a good condition, and I dare not tell Brother Fugui, so Xiaojing will help Guan to talk about it.

Qu Jianlei did not expect that there would be a follow-up to the matter of the mecha.

He was really greedy for mechas, so he couldn't help but ask again, how could such a change happen.

The reason inside, the cracks are all over the place, and I have analyzed it with Xiao Jing.

So Xiao Jing just said it straight-there originally wanted to hang you, but you just stopped talking.

Now the other party knows that you are capable, and after waiting for a long time, you haven't seen me to look for you, so you take the initiative to come to your door.

After analyzing it, Qu Jianlei felt that there was no problem with the logic, and was a little moved for a while.

In the past, he is more against this kind of underground transaction, firstly because it is not authentic, and secondly because the risk is too high.

But if this set of mechs can be repaired, the probability of successfully crossing the endless mountains will increase greatly.

Only by turning to the other side of the mountain can he completely get rid of the shadow of Hong Zizong's settlement... right?

The strong sense of insecurity made him want to take a chance and gamble on this unsafe journey.

At this moment, intuition overwhelmed reason again, "We have this little deposit."

He was ill again, and it was better to take a big risk than to be on guard against danger from nowhere.

Qu Jianlei was never afraid of death, but most of the time, he worried that his death was not worth it.

Now that he has made up his mind, Xiaojing and Liao will naturally not say anything.

Two days later, in a wilderness twenty kilometers away from the settlement, Qu Jianlei saw the mecha.

The mecha was in the box truck, and after he had looked it over carefully, the truck drove away.

Not only are they wary of each other, but the other side is also guarding against black and white.

There was no rush or silence. It can be seen that everyone's sincerity in the transaction is still very high.

Qu Jianlei didn't know much about mechas. Before he came, what he was most worried about was whether the mechas were pink?

If not, oh, then nothing... no, there is still something, this mecha is a bit damaged.

From the perspective of Qu Jianlei's two knives, it can be seen that the integrity rate of this mecha will never exceed 70%.

Both parties in the transaction covered their faces, and the truck drove away. There were two people on Qu Jianlei's side and two people on the opposite side.

The two sides were silent for a while, and then they asked each other, "Are you satisfied?"

Qu Jianlei smacked his lips and muttered uninterestedly, "The chrysanthemum is damaged."

"Of course there is some damage," the other person replied disapprovingly, "otherwise we wouldn't sell it."

I'm talking about Kikube! Qu Jianlei snorted softly, "The driving part is damaged."

Mecha is an individual weapon, and it can also have some auxiliary functions, a powerful defense system and firepower output.

But the reason why it can become a powerful combat unit is ultimately inseparable from two units.

One is the energy unit and the other is the drive unit.

These two units are usually on the back of the mecha, the energy storage is on the back, and the drive system is on the lower part of the back.

Such a design layout obviously encourages offense, but it is normal. Who would encourage escape when designing weapons?

"Are you going to bargain?" The other person asked disapprovingly, and then said, "You make an offer."

Qu Jianlei said simply, "One thousand silver dollars."

"It's impossible," the other person replied simply, I've never seen such a bargain, "four thousand silver dollars, it can't be lower."

"Then it's not a good deal," Qu Jianlei had never been interested in haggling.

He didn't look back, and said to himself, "Crack, remember to take back the deposit of forty silver dollars."

"The ten yuan in compensation is for me to have a look at the appearance of the mecha."

His idea is very clear, damage to the drive system means that the core part of the mech is destroyed.

Is it worth buying a car with a broken engine? Might as well disassemble and sell the parts.

To be able to leave ten silver dollars is already considered a special thing for him.

"Yeah," Crack stood behind him and snorted lazily.

The other party didn't expect that the deal broke down so quickly, and they wanted to make more money for such a rare item, was it wrong?

However, they are also very clear that although this thing is rare, there are really not many people who are brave enough to buy it and can afford it.

Courageous desperadoes can still find a few. It is really hard to find a small team as rich as Fugui.

It is true that quite a few big forces have money, but they are afraid of being swallowed up to the bone and flesh.

"Two thousand silver dollars, no less. For this mecha, we lost three brothers and four were seriously injured."

After much discussion and discussion, it was finally settled on 1,500 silver dollars.

But Qu Jianlei didn't have so many silver dollars, and he only had more than two hundred silver dollars left in Hong Yi's settlement.

The more than two hundred yuan cannot be spent, because he has to continue to purchase materials.

Then there is the silver ticket of the energy block store, which can be converted into more than 1,000 silver dollars, but it is not enough to make up 1,500 yuan.

What Qu Jianlei valued was that this silver ticket is universal, and it is more convenient to buy energy blocks.

He thinks that after crossing the endless mountains, the bank notes may be universal, and the energy blocks are consumables.

So it is best not to use bank notes.

Then what he can use is gold.

He discussed with the other party, what to pay the fee, but the other party's request was silver dollars, mutated animal meat, or energy blocks.

The first two are obviously unlikely, Qu Jianlei will not easily provoke the meat bully.

He still has seventeen energy blocks in his hand, so it doesn't matter if he pays fifteen.

Considering that he bought it with a 30% discount, he even made a profit.

But the account can't be calculated like this, how can you lose energy blocks when you cross the mountains? If you want to add a lot, you can only go to the settlement.

So Qu Jianlei asked what price should be paid for gold, but the other party said that he was not very interested in gold.

After finally selling the mecha, which is a hot item, and get back something less hot?

If you must pay in gold, it is three kilograms of gold.

Qu Jianlei was quite speechless, three kilograms of gold, he can exchange it back to three thousand silver dollars, is this a turnaround?

However, the trading form of wasteland has always been like this. When everyone gets what they need, the price will fluctuate quite a bit.

Very rarely, the crack actually said, "Since it doesn't make sense, forget it."

The other side really won't give in this time, forget it, I will refund you 30 silver dollars tomorrow.

In this kind of transaction, the price difference of ten silver dollars is not worth mentioning, and the two parties left resentfully.

On the way back, Crack expressed his opinion, "One kilogram of gold can be exchanged for almost nine hundred silver dollars..."

"A while ago, I heard that someone from Hong Yi made this. I can exchange two kilograms of gold for 1,800 yuan."

Qu Jianlei said leisurely, "When I exchange gold, I always exchange one gram for one silver dollar."

Crack was stunned for a moment, but he didn't argue, "Maybe you are a big deal, and I will discuss it accordingly."

Qu Jianlei didn't make a sound. He didn't know if the other party wanted to enrich himself just now, but...is it important?

At this time, if you can help in this kind of matter, isn't it normal to charge some money?

And looking at the posture of the crack, it is obvious that he wants to accompany himself and Xiaojing to cross the endless mountains.

In that case, if he was carrying a large amount of silver dollars, would he be able to hide it from them?

So there's really no need to think too much about these things.

Crack lived up to his promise and returned at noon the next day.

"I found someone to exchange. The price of gold has risen recently. One gram of gold can really be exchanged for one silver dollar."

Such exchange can be done outside the city, and the gold in the settlement should be higher... Qu Jianlei had such an idea in his mind.

So the last time I exchanged gold for silver dollars, I still suffered a disadvantage?

But the next moment, he put this thought behind him.

There is no such thing as taking advantage of disadvantages. If you can get the right thing at the right time, how big is a little premium?

The place of exchange is just outside the settlement, which is a casino.

There were a lot of big men watching the scene, and each of them looked fierce and menacing, not to be trifled with.

I don't know if the other party complied with the willingness rules or found out about Fugui's identity. There was no problem in the exchange process.

What surprised Qu Jianlei was that the other party actually asked him if he wanted silver dollars or bank notes.

So he got two thousand silver notes.

He casually gave Lian two ten-silver bills, and he asked aloud, "Can this kind of thing be spent outside the city?"

The opposite party smiled slightly, "This is stronger than silver dollars, that is, to give Fugui a face, or move silver dollars slowly."

Qu Jianlei was taken aback for a moment, and replied, "Thank you very much."

"No thanks," the other person replied disapprovingly, "There is still gold, remember to take care of me."

The co-author gave some convenience, which is also a plan-such a neat gold bar should not be put together sporadically.

Hearing this, Qu Jianlei relaxed, and he should be vigilant for being inexplicably friendly, and it's normal to be profitable.

The two left the casino, and Crack went shopping again.

When he came back at noon the next day, he found Qu Jianlei and said that he had contacted the mecha seller again.

He negotiated some more terms, 1400 silver dollars, plus the convertible light truck and some ammunition.

Generally, second-hand light trucks may not be worth the money, but this light truck has been remodeled.

The meaning of the crack is that since it is necessary to cross the endless mountains, it is useless to keep this truck.

The vehicle-mounted machine gun will not stay, but with so much ammunition in reserve, some can be left behind.

If we change our minds and don't want to climb the Endless Mountains, we can get a better truck.

After all, the convertible is a captured trophy, and no matter how it is modified, it will almost fail.

Qu Jianlei thought about it, but still said that there is no need to change it, "There are so many things in the car, it will count as long as it lasts."

The transformation of this car was witnessed by the three of them. If they are recognized, they may cause unnecessary trouble.

What he didn't know was that the three of them, Hua Xiezi, were following a convoy on their way to Hong Yi's settlement.

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