Qu Jianlei didn't move at all, and stayed where he was for more than ten days... At this time, it doesn't mean that running far can win.

In fact, the main thing... He buried a lot of supplies in the safe area.

At present, it can run far, but those materials include a lot of energy blocks, and the mecha eats energy blocks very much!

He felt that he had done a good job of shielding, with protective colors, heat shielding, etc... not missing at all.

But on the fifth day, he felt something was wrong.

Looking up, he frowned, "Fuck...flying mecha?"

In wasteland lore, most mechs can fly.

However, many mechs can only fly close to the ground, perhaps at a height of three to five hundred meters, in order to avoid obstacles on the ground.

But here's the real thing: there are very, very few mechs that can fly... very, very few.

There were very few mechas in the first place, and now it is the end of the world, and the conditions for maintenance are not available.

So most of the mechs can't fly, even though everyone knows that they used to be able to fly.

Qu Jianlei even heard that transport mechas can also fly.

But obviously, with his current state, he couldn't fly no matter what.

Then he can only continue to hang on, and he feels more and more that he is not safe enough.

Just as he thought, with the passage of time, more and more people came to the mountain to search the Hongyi settlement.

At the peak, it is estimated that 20,000 to 30,000 people entered the mountain.

I don't know what benefits the general settlement gave, or what orders were given.

However, it is inconvenient to have too many people, and it is also beneficial, that is, there is a mixture of fish and dragons, but it is not as orderly as when there are few people.

Especially at night, most people would not continue to search the mountains, but they camped casually, which affected other people's searches.

Fights are not uncommon. In the vicinity of Hong Yi's settlement, everyone abides by the rules, and it's different when they enter the danger zone.

A fight can start if there is a disagreement, and it is not uncommon for people to kill and steal goods.

Anyway, there are a lot of wild beasts and mutant beasts here, and it's normal for some people to go missing.

In fact, this time the adventurers entered the mountain on a large scale, which also aroused the response of the beasts.

The timid beasts fled to the deep mountains, and the bold or fierce ones became more aggressive.

During this period, Qu Jianlei was almost discovered twice, one of which was that the other party was holding a metal detector.

Fortunately, he took advantage of people entering the mountain on a large scale, and went out several times at night, catching some small animals such as rabbits and roe deer.

When the searchers approached, he let the animals out, and those people turned resolutely to hunt wild animals.

Time continued to pass, and more than a month passed, and it rained twice, and the weather began to gradually turn cold.

Autumn beasts are the most ferocious, and they have to accumulate fat and food for the winter.

For a while, the losses of those who searched the mountain also increased greatly. Even if they stayed in the mountain at this time, most of them were already elite.

Finally someone complained, and then the voice quickly amplified: the beasts are going through the winter, and people are going to go through the winter too.

If you don't take advantage of this time to make some reserves, you may not survive this winter.

As for the people from the general settlement, there were only two words in response to this voice: Suppression!

It's noisy, isn't it? Get rid of the noisy people, and no one will be noisy.

However, this time, the target group they targeted was a bit too large, and Hong Yi has always been known for his rules here.

Some people even began to assassinate people who came to the general settlement, some sniping, some setting traps, and some poisoning.

Hong Yi's escort team was originally biased towards the general settlement.

In addition to the factor of affiliation, they were killed by Hei Tian and two cars of people, this enmity is really not small.

However, the conflict between Hong Yi's survivors and the general settlement became more and more intense, and they finally could no longer sit idly by.

If this goes on like this, the image that Hongyi Settlement has worked so hard to build will be completely ruined!

So Hong Yi's party in power finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to negotiate with the people in the general settlement.

The emotions on both sides were not very good, and there was almost a fight during the period, but in the end, people from the general settlement gave in.

It is impossible for them to give so many people high subsidies, and they are unwilling to tell the other party what the person they are chasing has committed.

Anyway, without you Hong Yi's natives, my family can still search.

However, once Hong Yi's aborigines evacuated, within a few days, wild beasts preparing to spend the winter rushed in.

This time, even the team of adventurers they hired couldn't take it anymore, and the casualties began to increase significantly.

The point is that everyone doesn't know what Heitian committed, and he was searched for half the summer and autumn.

Since you think we don't deserve to know, then don't blame us for being lazy.

At this time, the people in the general settlement can't win the hearts of the people.

So they abolished some teams, and raised the hiring price, leaving some teams.

Then the area they searched is the safe area and the dangerous area, and the extremely dangerous area has no way to go.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is the last stubbornness of the general settlement - it is really embarrassing to evacuate like this.

So they put all their eggs in one basket, and Hei Tian was hiding in this area.

It is also beneficial to take a step back, that is, the efficiency of search is greatly improved, and the security is also guaranteed.

However, after half a month, there was still no news from Hei Tian, ​​so some people continued to be dismissed.

When winter began to fall, only a few mountain passes were left to guard the general settlement, and the large troops had to evacuate sadly.

During this period of time, Qu Jianlei was also suffocated.

If it wasn't for paranoia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and a strong sense of insecurity, it would really be unbearable.

During the day, he can still meditate and even punch, but at night, he can only lie down and rest.

Once the blood is strong, it is very likely to be observed by night vision goggles.

After the number of searchers decreased, he found some opportunities to continue going deep into the mountains.

However, he still has a lot of materials buried in the dangerous and safe areas, how can he be willing not to take them away?

When the people who searched the mountain retreated to the mountain pass, he observed for another three days before he gradually took out the materials he had buried.

The loss of supplies is not too big, five kilograms of gold, as well as some firearms and ammunition are missing.

This situation was expected by Qu Jianlei - the family has metal detectors.

Fortunately, there are not many metal detectors, and the endless mountains are too big, and there are too many scattered metal parts in the mountains.

The one who stole the gold was also a smart guy, so he took it away without making a sound, without shouting.

Otherwise, someone should be waiting in ambush here.

He counted his belongings, and the main treasures were twenty kilograms of gold and thirteen large energy blocks.

Other supplies such as firearms, ammunition, food, etc. are abundant... Originally, he prepared for three people.

Thinking of the three becoming one, he couldn't help feeling a little sad in his heart.

A famous quote from a golden-haired guy flooded into his mind: Maybe... this is life.

Because of the loss of five kilograms of gold, he approached the last two material burial sites with extra caution.

However, at the last place where the materials were buried, he was shocked to find through the night vision goggles that someone was actually lying in ambush.

There was only one person, about 300 meters away from his burial site.

Who is this so bold? In Qu Jianlei's heart, he couldn't help being surprised: How dare you ambush me alone?

What is buried here is purely some ammunition. If he doesn't want to be troublesome, he won't feel bad if he just throws it away.

However, thinking about making money is not easy, and I still want to practice when I have time, such a batch of ammunition...is also money.

The most important thing is that his curiosity was born: Who is it that dares to ambush me like this?

He simply stopped approaching at night, but waited silently until dawn.

Looking around in the bushes, Qu Jianlei was a little confused: It's actually a flower scorpion!

The attitude of the other party was very clear, just sitting there without moving, with the gun on the ground.

This woman really makes me a little helpless...

He is short and intends to leave quietly. This man has probably already guessed that I buried the ammunition.

If someone else was guarding him, he might kill him. If he left quietly, he would feel a little bit tangled in his heart.

But if it was this person, it would be fine. Hua Xiezi tipped off the news in time, allowing him to escape the catastrophe.

At that time, he took out two energy blocks to the other party as a reward.

But now that I think about it, with Souyama's strength and persistence, the news fee is obviously a bit low.

However, he wanted to leave quietly, but Hua Xiezi stood up and moved his hands and feet.

Then she took out a tube of nutrition and ate it, and walked around with the gun in her hand.

The left hand is holding the gun, and the right hand is still placed on the chest in the "OK" gesture.

Fortunately, she was heading in the same direction as Qu Jianlei's hiding place - the reason was because of the high terrain.

It seems that there is no way to hide! Qu Jianlei simply didn't leave, let's see what she would do.

When she walked to a distance of more than a hundred meters, she raised her gun and looked left and right carefully.

Qu Jianlei originally planned to sigh lightly, pretending to be beeping or something.

Seeing that the other party was so nervous, he could only spit out two words, "Don't move!"

Hua Xiezi's body froze suddenly, and it took almost two seconds before he let out a sigh of relief, "I was scared to death."

Then she held a gun in her left hand and walked over quickly, "You really haven't left yet."

Qu Jianlei sat up, didn't hold a gun, but asked helplessly, "It's already winter, why are you still here?"

"I'm looking for you," Hua Scorpion replied without hesitation, "You probably don't want to part with these ammunition."

Qu Jianlei drooped his eyelids, pondered for a while before speaking, "I'll see you off... I'm just curious, who would dare to ambush me alone."

Hua Xiezi shook her head, "I want to take it, I already took it away, I want to go to the opposite side with you."

Qu Jianlei was very speechless, "The Endless Mountains are scary, especially in winter."

Hua Scorpion replied without hesitation, "You have an armor, it's worth the risk."

Qu Jianlei asked again, "What about your two companions...?"

Hua Xiezi replied calmly, "One died, and the other was disabled."

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