The six people divided into two groups and left. Xiangxue drove, carrying Qu Jianlei, Xiao Qin, Claire and the unconscious Qianfeng away first.

Huascorpion and Bentley were riding motorcycles behind, but their speed was not much slower than them.

On the way back, we inevitably encountered interrogation.

However, although Bentley has an electromagnetic attribute, Huascorpion has a wind attribute, and there is no wind element aura outside the manor.

Moreover, not only are the two of them B-level, they are also mutant attributes, and the city guards who interrogated them did not dare to offend them too much.

The identities of both of them could stand the investigation. Some people wanted to investigate further and found that they had something to do with the Haiyin family, so they let them go.

Qu Jianlei and the others were not afraid to investigate. As for Qianfeng Zhigao, who was sleeping in the car... his mental illusion was not for display.

Without any risk, the six returned to the homestay, and then faced a search across the city.

However, the search effort was much smaller, after all, it was just a quasi-lord's home that was attacked.

For the planetary government, this is indeed a very serious matter, but it is only a social incident, and there is no high-level game.

In comparison, it is more important to hope that Hoyle, the second in command of the No. 4 star, will fall.

As for the matters that attracted the attention of the Divine Culture Association, the importance was not at the same level at all.

Moreover, the attackers did not directly attack the Norton family's manor, but a fierce battle took place outside the manor.

Even the planetary government itself is shirking responsibility intentionally or unintentionally, and the intensity of the inspection can be imagined.

I checked twice within three days, and after another five days, I didn't check again.

Qu Jianlei thought that he could transport Qianfeng Zhigao away, so he greeted everyone and said that he was leaving.

Xiangxue was the most curious, and asked him what he was going to do, and when he heard that he was going to take Zhi Gao away, he offered to count her in.

Qu Jianlei flatly refused, saying that this time is quite dangerous, so don't join in the fun.

Xiangxue asked again, it is quite difficult to take such a big living person away from Tianshan, how do you plan to take it away?

What she meant was that if you let me participate, I can help you think of a way.

But Qu Jianlei really didn't want her to be in danger, so he declined again.

However, how to get such a big living person to the Smurf Star is indeed a big problem.

Don't even think about boarding the starship with a false identity. Qianfeng Zhigao is unconscious beside him, and he can't explain it to others.

Smuggling through the warehouse is a way, and he can also monitor Qianfeng in real time, but the risk is relatively high.

The point is that accidents are too easy to happen on the road, Qu Jianlei felt that he was about to have a psychological shadow.

To be honest, he misses that dilapidated starship very much now. If it was there, how many living people would not be able to hold it?

It would be great if 8384 can be exempted from inspection on Tianshan, or 3344.

However, this is unrealistic, that kind of inspection-free pass is only useful on the transit star, even if you go to the Tianren star, there is a possibility of accidents.

How about... contact Rhine? She should have been back.

But in the end, Qu Jianlei gave up on this idea, and instead went out to find the branch of the Elf House.

Sure enough, the Elf House really agreed to his request, and could bring a large piece of inspection-free cargo onto the starship. need to add money. As for the life support cabin, one item costs 200,000 yuan.

This is an organization that is very good at playing around the edges, and it stipulates that the life support module can go on the starship-it doesn't matter whether there are people in it or not.

Qu Jianlei originally thought that maybe he wanted to explain something, but he didn't ask at all.

Back at the homestay, he stuffed Qianfeng Zhigao into the survival cabin.

Then, he gave Xiao Qin the Nawu Talisman he had seized from this person.

There are not many things in the Nawu Talisman, the most valuable is just a small amount of energy blocks and two A-grade crystals.

The Grade A crystal was given to Xiangxue as a gift to the "friendly army", and everyone had no objections.

The next day, he was going to take the life support cabin to the starship, and arranged for Xiao Qin to inject anesthesia into the life support cabin.

Not long after, Xiao Qin ran over in a panic, "Boss, that Supreme... looks changed!"

After everyone heard the words, they hurried over, only to realize that Qianfeng, who spent the whole night in the life support cabin, had changed greatly!

The original gray hair is now only mixed with a little white hair, and the bloated cheeks have become a little thinner.

Even the tip of the nose collapsed a bit.

Qu Jianlei was thinking about it, Xiangxue exclaimed, "Isn't this so-so, so-so...Jabbar?"

When the others heard the words, they exchanged glances—cooperated with the boss to catch an oolong and come back?

Qu Jianlei frowned and thought for a while, then asked in a deep voice, "Is it the 'seeker has a share' Jabbar?"

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is notoriously fond of money, and has an almost pathological pursuit of money.

The reputation of this person's love of money has even spread outside the circle.

Generally speaking, other people are not afraid of Supreme beings who love money, and most Supreme beings simply cannot spend money to please them.

But this guy loves money too much, the greedy type, and in the end he is notorious and hated by gods and ghosts.

After Qu Jianlei confirmed that it was this person, he couldn't help but smack his lips, "I'm so stupid, this guy didn't bring any money with him!"

Hua Xiezi looked at him suspiciously, "Boss, what you have to consider is why you got dropped?"

"What else is there to consider?" Qu Jianlei smiled nonchalantly, "The genuine Qianfeng must have gone to Capital Star."

After such a toss, it is undoubtedly a disappointing thing to catch the right owner.

But this Kareem also has the highest metal properties, so it doesn't matter, as long as it suits that monster to seize the house.

As for when to find trouble with Qianfeng again, there is no need to worry about it.

Anyway, the Norton family must have understood his determination to take revenge, so let's spend it day after day in fear.

On the other hand, Xiangxue was a little embarrassed, "What's going on, our information actually went wrong?"

"Okay, you don't have to worry about it," Qu Jianlei smiled and comforted her. In fact, taking Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has other benefits.

"Anyway, you remember, don't tell anyone, we captured Kareem alive."

"This is no problem," Xiangxue was still struggling with why her information was wrong, so she just explained casually.

"It has been said for a long time that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is dead. Anyway, he has no relatives, and no one cares about whether he is dead or alive."

Claire was a little curious when she heard this, "He is supreme, how come he has no relatives?"

In her impression, Supreme is the top existence of imperial society, and some young and beautiful girls are willing to take the initiative to curry favor.

Xiangxue glanced at her and replied casually, "Because he's really stingy!"

It was nine days after Qu Jianlei brought the life support module to the transit star, and there was no accident on the starship.

After the special car sent him to the Elf's House, the waiter thoughtfully called a taxi.

Sure enough, where the money is spent, the service is thoughtful.

Qu Jianlei drove the car to an unoccupied place in the suburbs and got off, letting the taxi turn around automatically.

Then he released Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, put away the life support cabin, and carried the man away with lightning.

After a day and night, he came to his own territory, opened the stone gate and walked in.

The grotto was quiet, and the paranoid didn't make any sound.

Qu Jianlei threw Kareem on the ground and went to check his warehouse.

After looking around, he found that nothing was missing, so he walked out again, only to find that the outline of the human face still did not appear.

"I said, everyone was caught by you, and you don't know how to make a fuss?"

The outline of the face still didn't appear, but the voice rang out, "Where's your spirit-gathering formation?"

"I still have to feed it into your mouth?" Qu Jianlei snorted dissatisfied, "Let's see if it works for me?"

A cloud of black mist floated out, the kind that was so faint that you couldn't see it unless you looked carefully.

Black mist enveloped Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and four or five seconds later, the voice sounded again, sounding a bit depressed.

"About two hundred and forty years old...too old."

"Huh?" Qu Jianlei laughed angrily, "Choosy, are you still in a good mood?"

Hearing this, the other party muttered softly reluctantly, "I advanced to the highest level before I was eighty years old."

This is still a real genius, at least not worse than Qing Hu, but to Qu Jianlei, it is not convincing.

When he advanced to the highest level, he was only about forty years old.

So he said disapprovingly, "If you think you are too old, then you don't have it!"

After a pause, he said coldly again, "I can catch the hundred-year-old Supreme, but how will the empire react?"

The highest level of advancement before the age of a hundred can be regarded as a genius among geniuses, and it is definitely the top priority of the empire's attention.

Once this kind of supremacy happens, the official reaction can be imagined.

Moreover, with such a small range of choices, it is really difficult to find a metal with the highest quality, the key is to be the most sinful one.

There was silence in the stone room, and it took a long time for the silhouette of the head to make a sound again.

"It's okay for those under two hundred years old, right? The risk of seizing the house is very high. I'm really not reconciled to such an old man."

What he said was indeed reasonable, but Qu Jianlei was really tired of it.

He shook his head slowly, "Sorry, you didn't make an agreement in advance, but now you are sitting on the ground and raising the price, what do you mean?"

"I didn't know you caught him so quickly," the voice of the silhouette of the head was a little helpless.

"I thought you would make a decision with me before you act, after all, is it supreme?"

"Don't be angry, I won't let you be busy, let me show you my formation first, is it okay?"

This is so... Qu Jianlei really wanted to curse.

But thinking of being able to see the information of the teleportation array, he couldn't get angry anymore, so he could only snort, "Don't play tricks!"

Unfortunately, he spoke too late, and there was a twist on the stone wall, and a pattern and lines of small seal script appeared.

Qu Jianlei glanced casually, then was stunned, "Why is it only the upper half?"

The silhouette of the human head asked plausibly, "If I show you everything, when will I be able to get out of trouble?"

Qu Jianlei was speechless for a long time before humming.

"In addition to catching people and bringing them here, I also spent a lot of money... We will settle this account slowly in the future!"

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