Qu Jianlei flipped through the list of wanted criminals and was a little speechless. He really didn't expect that there were so many wanted criminals hidden in the asteroid belt.

Aside from the highest level, there are thirty to eighty A-level wanted criminals... How many A-levels are there in the entire Skyhook Starfield?

In other words, there are nearly thirty A-level people who can be confirmed hiding in the asteroid belt.

Qu Jianlei thought of Zarif Star's fourth star thief, who should have defected to the star thief with a wrong.

He couldn't help thinking about it distractedly, wondering how many of these thirty people were wronged?

But he doesn't care much about A-level wanted criminals anymore, as long as these people don't go to the pole to seek death, he has no interest in dealing with them.

As for the wanted criminals below A-level, Qu Jianlei didn't even have the interest to glance at them.

However, after he thought about it again, he was deeply puzzled: Why did he dare to plunder the starship with only a team of A-level cooks?

So he couldn't help but asked Sharif again, "Are there really so many wanted criminals?"

Sharif knew what he wanted to ask, so he just replied flatly, "A person can pay a lot to live...you know that."

Qu Jianlei was silent when he heard the words, and nodded after a long time, "I've been taught, let me leave."

Where are you going, would you like to help me? Sharif really wanted to ask, but in the end he didn't make a sound.

Not long after, the female C-class came to report, "The lord went directly to the star port, boarded the 8384 ship and left."

Sharif didn't respond at all, as if he didn't hear this, he smiled after a long time, "You're really impatient."

Qu Jianlei left in a hurry, because he really wanted to capture the most wanted criminal Kerry as soon as possible.

The teleportation array in the hand of the silhouette of the head is his top priority recently, and he must not delay it.

And the one who saw him captured Kareem showed quite surprise, so he has to catch Kerry as soon as possible.

A quick snap down of the second Metallic Supreme should put more pressure on the contours of the head.

In this way, not only is it beneficial for him to obtain the teleportation array, but he can still maintain a considerable deterrent when the opponent succeeds in seizing the house.

If the time is too long, the other party may underestimate his ability.

After 8384 took off, it drove straight to the abandoned ore planet without going to other places.

This dilapidated starship is a bit famous in the asteroid belt, and he plans to exchange for a starship when he catches the wanted criminal.

During the voyage, he encountered several waves of starships, but nothing happened.

After all, masters like the mentally disabled young master of the Norton family are rare.

Qu Jianlei found traces of a new starship landing on the abandoned mine planet.

However, he was already used to the strangeness, and even couldn't help it. The person who controlled these starships might be a wanted criminal.

Although I can't see the light, the other party may not dare to be exposed in the public eye.

He sensed that there was no one on the planet, put the 8384 ship into storage, and replaced it with the high imitation 3344 to leave.

The information given by Sharif shows that Kerry is very likely to be hiding in the head and neck of the asteroid belt.

Head and neck is just a common name for people here, it has nothing to do with the shape.

What is certain is that the Head and Neck is where the Empire first developed the asteroid belt.

This area occupies a lot of space. There are hundreds of stars with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers, and 30% of them have minerals.

Many celestial bodies have lost the value of mining, and some celestial body mines are still being mined, but basically they are sporadic operations.

Even some scattered small teams will bring small mining equipment and take a starship to try their luck.

There are fewer conflicts of interest involved here, and the order is relatively better.

However, it is not absolutely so peaceful. More than ten years ago, some people tricked people into opening mines, and they were treated like slaves.

Mining these sporadic mines is not very profitable, and it is really not profitable to use large mining equipment.

Seriously, it is labor plus small equipment, which can guarantee a certain profit.

This is the famous "black miner incident", which later provoked people and was taken over by the authorities.

It's hard to say whether there are still black miners, but absolutely no one dares to use them openly.

Qu Jianlei has never been to the head and neck area. Although the base camp he chose is also an abandoned mine planet, it is not in this area.

However, he had heard of this place and knew that the big forces looked down on this place, but the government had some influence.

But he had considerable doubts about Kerry hiding in this area.

No matter how you put it, it is the highest, where should you not eat spicy food, why bother to hide here and be a savage?

Until Xiaohu quietly said, "Boss, you are also supreme, isn't it the same?"

Qu Jianlei realized instantly, that's right, if he can get up quietly, why can't others?

It is true that there are a little more secrets in him, and it is impossible to be strict, but are there no secrets in others?

Taking a step back, even if there is no secret, maybe there are other last resorts!

If he can let go of his lofty arrogance and not pursue all kinds of enjoyment, will others not be able to suffer?

So this kind of "self-centered" thinking is really undesirable.

Then it occurred to him that Carrie suffered from a mental illness called "contact personality disorder."

This is not the same as his illness, but there is no doubt that the other party is not good at and may even reject contact with other people.

Thinking of this, Qu Jianlei shook his head helplessly: The other party's illness may be more suitable for an otaku than him.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of pity even faintly grew in his heart, which probably means sympathy for each other.

Although the other party killed a lot of people, but he himself...why didn't he kill a lot of people?

With this complicated mood, he began to look for Kerry's whereabouts in this area.

The area of ​​the head and neck is still quite large, and it will consume a lot of time to investigate the stars one by one.

But Qu Jianlei didn't have a better choice. Fortunately, these stars are not particularly huge.

He himself carries an energy tester, an element sensor, an ultra-micro wave sensor, and so on.

These are collected bit by bit during his wanderings, many of which are trophies.

He has never used these instruments before, and he doesn't pay much attention to them, but he himself pays attention to collecting related instruments.

After all, he is a mechanical repairman with strong hands-on ability, maybe when he will be able to use it?

As far as the advanced nature of these instruments is concerned, they have basically reached the security standards of large forces, and they are not as good as those of important official departments.

Relying on them alone, he can roughly scan a star with a diameter of less than 200 kilometers within two to three hours.

So it doesn't take too long to scan the stars, and most of the time is still spent on the road.

For this purpose, Xiaohu has planned a reasonable inspection route map to achieve the purpose of the shortest route and the least time.

In this roadmap, different priorities are also considered.

Qu Jianlei's first choice is those planets where people still mine tailings, followed by stars with scattered teams.

He thinks that the probability of the other party hiding in such a place is very high, and it is the most difficult to find a drop of water hidden in the sea.

No matter how well you hide that kind of barren astral body that doesn't want to shit, you will always come out to contact the outside world, right?

Qu Jianlei had already fully overestimated the other party in his heart - just assume that the other party has sufficient supplies and a concealment formation.

But even so, there are corresponding supplementary needs, right? The base camp he built on the abandoned star is the proof.

In view of this, Qu Jianlei decided to start with the human star.

When examining stars with tailings development, someone will step up to question his legitimacy.

However, 3344 is a high imitation warship, Qu Jianlei revealed the aura of A-level, and then said that it was enough for him to do the survey.

It's not that no one sees a problem with the warship, but... the weapons on it are fine.

Besides, they only do surveys, so they can't stop them, can they?

If there is any more crookedness, Qu Jianlei will release the attack ship and levitate on the star for a while.

In short, regardless of whether he represents the government or not, his fighting power is definitely leveraged.

The people guarding the mine also have weapons, but the other party has no intention of being violent, so why should they ask for it?

So except for the first few companies, the inspection was a little bumpy, but everything went smoothly afterwards.

This is even more so for those stars mined by scattered small teams.

There should be no shortage of outlaws in the small team, and there are also people who are determined to protect their harvest.

However, anyone who is not blind will know that the cost of this high imitation warship's trip alone exceeds their profit.

So when people come, the target cannot be small ants like them, just be obedient and obedient.

Qu Jianlei didn't make things difficult for them either, and just did his own thing.

Because he showed too much restraint, someone even came up to him and asked him, can your starship take us to other stars?

Don't ask you to send us off, just let us take a ride with the wind, and it doesn't matter if you pay a little bit.

This is the "interstellar gold digger". If there is no harvest on a certain star, they must move to other stars.

Some people came forward and asked if this starship needs helpers. Our price is very cheap.

Qu Jianlei knew that it was not easy for these people to make a living, but he still coldly refused.

It took him 30 days to check all the stars, but he found nothing.

There are a few of them that are a bit suspicious. He has also sensed them with A-level perception, and secretly remembered them.

He thinks that there is a high probability that Kerry is hiding in these few houses, but he is not in a hurry to review, and he will check the unoccupied stars first.

If all uninhabited stars can be ruled out, then the next step is the second verification.

Anyway, going through all the stars can effectively reduce some people's vigilance and make it easier for him to make a sudden move.

Qu Jianlei planned this way, but when he checked the fifth unmanned star, he encountered a little accident.

This star is not big, with a diameter of a hundred kilometers, but it has a lot of radioactivity.

As a result, many instruments cannot be used - at least not accurate enough.

So he simply got out of the starship, and while flying on the star body, he used A-level mental power to perceive it.

After only flying for a minute, he frowned: Not far ahead, there is a hidden cave!

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