Xiao Moshan has been wanted for many years, even his immediate superiors thought that this person might have violated the law and absconded.

When the news of his appearance came, the military intelligence system was the first to respond.

And it is the gendarmerie system that belongs to the military that competes with them for interrogation power.

In terms of rank, the intelligence system is higher than the military police, but this is not absolute, and different situations must be treated differently.

Relying on the advantage of information, the intelligence department snatched Xiao Moshan into his hands immediately.

The military police quit, saying that this person obviously violated military regulations, and we will take him away for investigation.

The intelligence department said that this is our person. First of all, we have to figure out what happened.

If the results of the investigation show that this person has indeed violated military regulations, it will not be too late for you to deal with it.

This is still a living story, and it can be regarded as an explanation of the gendarmerie system.

But after hearing Xiao Moshan's reaction, the intelligence department believed that the fault was not with his family, but with the Garbage Star Garrison.

It wasn't a big deal, but Xiao Moshan was treated like this, obviously someone didn't take the intelligence system seriously.

Unfortunately, the intelligence department is not monolithic, and there are some noises.

Coupled with some government factors, how to deal with related matters, no decision was made in the end.

But the military police system jumped out again, saying that you have finished handling it, and it is our turn to investigate.

Facts have shown that Xiao Moshan was wronged on Garbage Star - of course, it will take some time to actually prove it.

Moreover, the relevant people may not be willing to cooperate. In short, this is a muddle within the military.

However, the military police said that apart from matters related to the military, it is necessary to investigate how Xiao Moshan left Garbage Star.

They already knew that Xiao Moshan was very close to a man named "Jian Lei", as well as Bentley, Xiao Qin and others.

These guys have wreaked havoc on Junkstar.

Whether Xiao Moshan participated in these tragedies, and how did he leave Garbage Star... must be investigated clearly.

The intelligence agencies have already done relevant research.

But Xiao Moshan firmly insisted that he broke away from those people a long time ago, it was nothing more than hypocrisy at that time.

"I have always thought that I am a soldier first, and have other social attributes second!"

The most powerful proof is, "If I'm with them, how can I be alone in space?"

As for how he got on the starship, and how he drifted in space...he also had an explanation.

It was nothing more than smuggling onto the starship, and later the starship was attacked by star thieves, and he was exiled in space.

After the military began to wipe out Zarif, the star thieves scattered and fled. For the purpose of revenge, they did attack some merchant ships.

Among them was a merchant ship from Garbage Star.

It is said that Xiao Moshan was hiding everywhere in Garbage Star at that time, far away from the mainstream society, so he shouldn't have known this kind of news.

In fact, even the canyon does not have this information, and only the bases that can contact the outside world know about it.

But I can't stand it anymore, Xiao Moshan has teammates, doesn't he?

When Qu Jianlei returned to Garbage Planet, he paid special attention to any news about that planet.

Then he discovered that during the time he left Junkstar and returned, two starships had problems.

A starship disappeared, and what happened to it is unknown, and another starship was looted and blown up by pirates.

When Qu Jianlei collected this information, he didn't have a very clear purpose. He just wanted to know himself and the enemy.

However, Xiao Moshan insisted on leaving the team after he received the crowd, and he sent these messages.

Not only for the safety of the Shadowless Knife, but also for the responsibility of his own team - it is better to get rid of it as much as possible.

Xiao Moshan didn't choose the missing starship - who knows if that starship will show up again in the future.

Anyway, he bit him to death, and he was riding on the destroyed starship.

Logically speaking, there is no problem in this process, the great thing is that the details have yet to be verified.

But the gendarmes didn't agree with this statement - how can you prove that you really cut yourself off from Jian Lei's gang?

This is the way the military handles affairs. They would rather kill mistakes than let them go.

In fact, even the Shenwen Society made a request to participate in the interrogation of Xiao Moshan, because they suffered heavy losses on Garbage Star.

However, it's okay for them to show off their might in other places, but they are really not qualified for the military.

Especially the intelligence agencies, which rank extremely high in the military, don't care about them at all.

——Our people are also qualified for review by one of your research institutions?

In short, it is mainly because Xiao Moshan is unable to prove that he has nothing to do with Jian Lei's team, so he has been imprisoned until now.

Of course, there are also some secondary factors that played a part.

However, the intelligence department kept Xiao Moshan in custody, which meant to protect him, lest he be taken away by the military police.

Now that it was Jia Shuiqing who spoke out, the military just took advantage of the donkey and released him directly.

Xiao Moshan's situation is roughly like this. There are still some threats from outside, but the problem is not too big.

The key is that he got news of Youyou during the process of being interrogated.

Youyou is a serious member of the garrison, and she was wanted at the time, because she also came into contact with news that she shouldn't know.

From a certain point of view, the issues she involved overlapped quite a bit with Xiao Moshan.

It's just that she wasn't from the intelligence system, so she naturally couldn't get the corresponding protection, and was directly taken away by the military police.

Her experience was also much more miserable than Xiao Moshan's, it is said that she was tortured severely.

In addition, her performance on Zarif has also been used to make a fuss.

Speaking of which, she was captured at the time and couldn't help herself, but if others wanted to make things difficult for her, they naturally ignored it.

In the final analysis, it was she who had an intersection with the Sidang family, and was later released to help manage the prisoners.

In the process of management, she worked hard to fight for various rights and interests of the captives, which many people can attest to.

It's just that she is also a prisoner herself, and the effect of being soft-spoken is not obvious.

However, human nature is indeed too complicated, and some people have twisted their mouths, and there are more than one.

This made Youyou's situation even more passive.

Not to mention that she is also related to Jian Lei, so don't have too many people staring at her.

Up to now, ten years have passed since the Zarif incident, and Youyou is still under investigation, and the results of the investigation have not yet come out.

Xiao Moshan has some connections in the intelligence department, and Cheng Qingshan also said hello, the key point is that he is still at the peak of B-level wind attribute.

When he goes a step further and becomes a level A wind attribute, he will become a favorite in the army.

So those colleagues informed him of Youyou's current situation intentionally or unintentionally.

Speaking of this, Xiao Moshan said seriously, "At that time, she was an A-level seedling, and it is very difficult to atone for her sins now..."

"I can see that those people really want to destroy her, and only you can save her."

Qu Jianlei pondered for a moment, then shook his head with a sigh, "It's hard to say, maybe he's the same as you, looking for the army."

Xiao Moshan shook his head dumbfounded when he heard the words, "How is that possible!"

"Why is it impossible?" Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes at him, "You are only allowed to have feelings in co-authorship, and others are not as noble as you?"

Xiao Moshan was so choked that he rolled his eyes, thinking how could I be like her? There are relevant regulations for intelligence agencies to screen people!

But he couldn't refute it, so he could only ask aloud, "Then I'll ask someone to ask her what she means?"

Qu Jianlei was taken aback for a moment, but finally nodded slowly: I seem to still owe her a talisman!

After all, he couldn't leave his former comrades in arms alone, let alone be implicated by him.

If he didn't have that ability, he would choose to develop obscenely first, but now...he obviously has a certain ability.

All in all, upon hearing this news, he found Xiao Moshan quite pleasing to the eye.

But there are some things, it's better to ask clearly, "What kind of power is there to embarrass you two?"

"Shenwenhui," Xiao Moshan replied without hesitation, "those guys are really disgusting, their tentacles are very wide."

It can be heard that even within the intelligence department, there may be some people who are willing to sell the face of the Shenwen Society.

That is to say, it is placed in the military system, and the friendship between comrades and colleagues is very important, otherwise the related pressure will be much greater.

After a pause, Xiao Moshan made another suggestion, "If you are really interested in helping her out, there is currently a panda team..."

"They are looking for trouble with the Divine Culture Association. If they can find a way to join forces, the effect will be much better."

Qu Jianlei replied calmly, "There's no need to join forces, I'm a panda...is there anyone else making things difficult for her?"

Xiao Moshan opened his mouth in astonishment when he heard the words, and it took him a long time to sigh softly, "No wonder!"

It's not that he didn't think about this possibility, but according to the known situation analysis, it's unlikely.

The strength of the panda team is obviously much stronger than Jian Lei's team.

At this moment, it is not difficult to understand the appearance of the two supreme beings, a man and a woman—they are basically members of the team.

As for A-level water attribute female awakeners, that's even more normal.

Thinking of this, Xiao Moshan couldn't help feeling, how long has Jian Lei been away from Garbage Star?

I don't know how this guy worked so hard, but he was able to recruit so many good players, which is really admirable!

After sighing, he said seriously, "In addition to the Divine Culture Association, there are also some stakeholders who are at work."

"Who are they?" Qu Jianlei said indifferently, "How many Supremes are there?"

Hearing this question, Xiao Moshan's face became a little hot - originally he wanted to take revenge on himself.

He can also use some connections in the military, but as he gets to know his opponent better, he finds that he really can't do it.

After a pause, he sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"There aren't many supreme beings, the main reason is that it involves a wide range of people and there are too many people in the interest chain."

"For this, I am ashamed, but I still suggest that you rescue Youyou first."

"As for whether to take revenge, you can ask her for her opinion."

(Updated to, the backstage is stuck, summon monthly tickets, follow-up and recommendation tickets.)

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