Faced with Mrs. Jia's rebuttal, the paranoid couldn't be more serious, so he could only smile, "It's really not many anyway."

"There are so many prosperous star fields," the old lady replied nonchalantly, "I have to ask Senior to give me some guidance."

There was obviously resentment in her words, and the paranoid didn't answer, and said to himself, "It's not bad to grab a set first."

He seemed to be talking to himself, but out of the corner of his eye, he was glancing at Rhodiola—this one didn't approve, he would never do anything.

But to be honest, he is really not just talking, but very caring.

After all, this kind of formation is just what he needs in the future, so how can he not worry about it?

Qu Jianlei was indifferent to his words, this person, the most taboo thing to do is half-hearted.

Now that you have chosen the right goal, you must not forget your original intention, and you must not make it to the end, just like a bear breaking corn, breaking off one by one.

Taking a ten thousand step back, he already knows that there is at least one set here, and if he has no other choice, just come here to grab it.

It doesn't make much practical sense to say this in advance.

In fact, Mrs. Jia is also concerned about the panda's reaction.

Finding that he didn't say anything, the old lady understood in her heart.

She said lightly, "Senior, if you want to grab it, just go ahead...I wish you success in advance."

The paranoid smiled when he heard the words, before he was about to say something, and then he was taken aback, "Aren't you two going to meet me?"

He is very confident in his ability, but facing the headquarters of a star field military region alone-this is too inflated.

"The mission here this time is to save people," Granny Jia replied casually, and then glanced at Qu Jianlei again, "Is that so?"

Qu Jianlei thought about it, and it seemed that it was not good to let these two supreme beings pinch each other, so he decided to have a fight.

"Paranoid is a little too eager for success, but with good intentions..."

"Anyway, I already know that there is a super formation here, are the others important? When we need it, just come and get it."

"It's a good one, just come and get it," the paranoid laughed loudly, "Old Hong, I really admire you a little bit!"

"Keep your voice down," Qu Jianlei muttered softly, "There are gendarmes on the street."

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the first time he has seen black uniforms in the downtown area.

It was the imperial military police called "black skin" by the soldiers.

The three Supremes would not be afraid of the Imperial Gendarmerie, but... why bother?

Might as well go back early and rest.

In the early morning of the next day, they met Xiao Moshan again in the same gym.

The paranoid wasn't even there to avoid a possible trap.

Xiao Moshan found that the man was not there, he was taken aback for a moment, and then pouted resentfully.

His mind is much more alert than ordinary people, and he can guess what the other party is doing.

I still can't believe my ability to do things! He was really helpless, if he wasn't careful, he would have died on Garbage Star long ago.

However, he can't care about it, the dignified Supreme is so cautious, what right does he have to complain?

This time, Xiao Moshan joined Qu Jianlei and the three of them, and the time he agreed with each other was in the evening three days later.

Time passed quickly, and towards evening, Qu Jianlei and Xiao Moshan came to an abandoned training ground in the wild.

No. 3 star does not lack this kind of field training ground. Once the military region decides to expand its army, it can be used immediately.

The two wore tactical helmets, so they couldn't see their faces. Xiao Moshan had a B-level aura, and Qu Jianlei had an A-level aura.

It's not that he wants to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but if he really exudes a supreme aura, it's easy to make more right and wrong out of thin air.

The third star does have a double-digit peak, but the peak is still scarce, and this kind of occasion is not suitable.

A-level cultivation is definitely enough here, after all, most of the highest come to the third star for cultivation.

On the trees not far away, two supernatural warriors were hidden, watching them quietly, with weapons in their hands.

Qu Jianlei told Xiao Moshan with his eyes, but Xiao Moshan spread his hands calmly: Is this normal?

Ten minutes later, an off-road vehicle painted in camouflage colors drove up, with a vehicle-mounted machine gun mounted on top.

Qu Jianlei chuckled, "It's a familiar scene, right?"

Xiao Moshan replied calmly, "It's not strange to be on the third star, after all, we are ready to fight at any time."

While talking, the off-road vehicle stopped more than 20 meters away from them, and three people got off the vehicle.

The two were also wearing tactical helmets, while the other was wearing a hood, with shackles on his hands, and was limping.

Qu Jianlei released his perception, then nodded towards Xiao Moshan: That's right, it's Youyou.

Youyou was grabbed by a B-rank soldier, whose other hand was hanging on his waist, ready to draw out a laser pistol at any time.

The other was also a B-rank soldier. Although he was empty-handed, he was carrying a laser sniper rifle across his shoulders.

There was another person in the car who didn't get out. He was a reformed soldier. As long as he stood up, he could pick up the on-board machine gun.

In short, the opponent is quite cautious and ready to attack with weapons at any time.

Compared with their full armor, Qu Jianlei and the others were much simpler, both with laser pistols and waist knives.

However, Qu Jianlei showed an A-level aura, which naturally had a deterrent effect.

The one with the laser sniper rifle made a series of gestures, and then said in a deep voice, "The goods are here."

Xiao Moshan also returned a series of hand gestures, and he didn't care about the other party calling people as goods - this kind of concealment is really normal.

Seeing the gesture on the other side was correct, he nodded slightly, "Where's the rest of the money?"

Xiao Moshan patted the small satchel on his waist, and said in a deep voice, "Can you take off the hood?"

"No," the other party replied steadily, "Since there is an A-level adult present, you should be able to judge it."

He said "Your Excellency," but not in a respectful tone.

But this is also normal. It was originally a private transaction, and it was not visible, and they were not afraid of the other party's troubles.

Xiao Moshan was just testing it out, and after hearing this, he slowly took off the small bag on his waist, opened it and lit it up.

Then he closed the small bag and threw it directly at the opponent's feet.

Guard Youyou's Level B let go of his hand, stepped forward to open it, took a look, and counted it again.

Youyou stood there quietly without any reaction - she was still restrained.

The key is that she knows that it is Xiao Moshan who came to rescue her, so she doesn't need to make trouble out of thin air.

After counting the bank notes, Level B nodded slightly, "Two million... just right, you can come to pick up the goods."

With a flash of Xiao Moshan's body, he came to Youyou's side, and pulled off her hood as soon as he raised his hand.

Youyou's face showed an unhealthy white color, and her whole body was a lot haggard, as if she had aged thirty or forty years out of thin air.

There are still a few shallow scars on her face, it seems that she has suffered a lot.

It was okay at last, her eyes were still clear, after seeing Xiao Moshan, she just nodded her head slightly.

The other party was wearing a tactical helmet, and her cultivation base was sealed again, so she couldn't perceive who the other party was, but it shouldn't be an outsider, right?

"Follow me," Xiao Moshan didn't help her, but cut off her handcuffs with a flash of the knife.

Youyou followed Xiao Moshan to leave, and the three gradually drifted apart in the eyes of others.

The two people who got out of the car looked at each other, and the one who picked up the money gave a puzzled look - do you want to do it?

The final payment of 2 million has already been obtained, if you keep the other party, wouldn't it be for nothing?

The one with the sniper rifle gave him a blank look, and said angrily, "Do you know where he came from?"

"Get in the car and leave, hurry up!"

At this moment, someone in the helmets of the two spoke, "The other party has a car coming, and someone will pick it up."

"Go!" The two jumped into the car, and at the same time, the gunmen who were ambushing on the two trees also jumped to the ground.

The off-road vehicle increased its horsepower and quickly left the training ground.

It was Mrs. Jia who was driving to meet her. She was driving a convertible off-road vehicle, and the roof was closed only after the three of them got into the vehicle.

Qu Jianlei took off his helmet, raised his hand to touch Youyou's body several times, and said with a smile, "Long time no see."

"It's you!" Youyou was stunned for a moment, then hugged him as soon as she raised her hand, and burst into tears.

Qu Jianlei raised his eyebrows, released his perception, and looked carefully to see if there was any positioning device on her body.

The experience of rescuing Bentley told him that he really shouldn't be careless when dealing with these powerful forces.

Especially this time, the rescue was so easy, and it only cost some cash.

Although he believed in Xiao Moshan's character and IQ, he really had to guard against such things.

Fortunately, the military did not install any weird things on Youyou—probably because they believed too much in their base camp.

However, Qu Jianlei still sensed that Youyou had many hidden wounds, some of which were old wounds.

As for her cultivation level...it's still B-level, but it's a little worse than when the two broke up.

There was also a ruthlessness in Youyou's bones, and she stopped crying after five or six minutes.

Then she spoke very naturally, "Boss, I need to take care of my body for two years before I can fight with you."

"There's no rush for the battle," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "But your family, will it be affected?"

Youyou was startled when he heard the words, then looked at Xiao Moshan, "He said no."

"Probably not," Xiao Moshan also took off his helmet, and replied flatly, "The way they treat Youyou is not right at all!"

It is not that the empire does not have continuous regulations. For example, sending prisoners to defend the border is a disaster for its children.

But in Youyou's situation, there are different opinions at present, and there is no conviction, so how can you sit still?

Xiao Moshan belongs to the intelligence department and knows a lot about various unspoken rules to make such a judgment.

But what he was even more curious about was, "That...why did that lord disappear?"

"He's at the back of the palace," Qu Jianlei replied in a deep voice, "I never overestimate the moral standards of certain people."

The next moment, his face changed, and he looked at the old lady Jia in front, "Do you feel anything?"

With the attainments of the paranoid in terms of mental power, some simple information can also be conveyed.

"He has met his opponent," the old lady replied blankly, "but it should be a trivial matter."

Xiao Moshan frowned, and his whole body began to tense, "Then be careful ahead!"

(Updated to, Summon Monthly Pass, Subscription and Recommendation Ticket.)

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