This cloud of darkness is the result of Granny Jia's "stopping with stillness".

She has done this kind of thing in Hope Starfield, but the scale is much worse, which is caused by the needs of the battle.

The actual strength that the old lady can display is far more than that, after all, it is the highest level of cultivation.

Some time ago, she has been adjusting, and now that the adjustment is in place, it is time to replace the elemental breath in her body.

Changing to another supreme, she may not be willing to use her internal energy like this, but for her, this can be regarded as a rigid need.

She wanted to investigate other supreme beings to consume her internal energy, but Qu Jianlei thought it was unnecessary, it would be better to create a long-term rainy weather.

The weather gradually changed without causing much concern to others.

This is related to the old lady's micro-manipulation ability, but at the same time, no one has considered that any Supreme will consume his own internal energy like this.

But in this way, in the short term, Mrs. Jia's combat power is basically not to be expected.

Both Qu Jianlei and the paranoid think that this is not a problem, and it is enough for them to protect the manor.

The old lady is only responsible for consuming her internal energy, and when she can't hold on anymore, she can just use the spirit gathering array to recover her energy.

She herself is in the manor, so it is very convenient to replenish the aura, and it is safer than going out to check the highest.

Overcast clouds gradually formed, and within these hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, nothing happened to the old lady.

Mrs. Jia created cloudy clouds for five days, and in some places the water vapor accumulated thick enough that it would rain lightly from time to time.

On the sixth day, she finished manipulating the water element and went back to the Spirit Gathering Formation to rest.

After two days, because no one deliberately controlled the water element, the cloud tended to gradually dissipate.

However, the old lady has already recovered 80% of her aura, and she walked out of the spirit gathering array to control the water element again.

Before I knew it, half a month had passed.

Granny Jia's internal energy has not recovered to its optimum level, but the accumulation of water elements is steadily increasing.

In the end, there was a relative balance. She manipulated the water element for three days, rested for half a day, and recovered for half a day.

Because of her continuous manipulation, her whole body gradually became tired.

If you persist in this way, it is likely to cause some damage due to fatigue.

Considering that the old lady is old and may not have enough time to repair her injuries, Qu Jianlei and Paranoid will occasionally help her out for a while.

Xiangxue was on the verge of falling short, even though she was a level A water attribute, her micromanipulation ability was really not enough.

However, during this period of time, she has been observing the old lady's micro-manipulation, which is also of great help to her.

Not just anyone has the opportunity to observe the operation with the highest attribute of the same attribute for a long time, and she really made it this time.

A month later, the cloud had completely stabilized, and there was always rain for a certain period of time every day, and the sun was rarely seen at other times.

To this kind of weather, the people in the Meteorological Department are already numb. When people ask when the rain will end, they can't give an answer.

However, that's not a bad thing. Before that, the air here was a bit dirty. Now the air quality is much better.

Naturally, the government has no reason to forcibly interfere with this kind of weather.

On this day, Qu Jianlei finally perfected the ordinary Qi gathering array - there is still room for improvement, but it can be used now.

In addition to the three Supremes, there are four A-levels, two B-levels, and one C-level in the team. Such a gas gathering array is enough for use.

Qu Jianlei decided to rest for two days, and then asked Xiao Qin, "Qing Hu hasn't sent any news from Baron yet?"

"I gave it twice a while ago," Xiao Qin replied in a deep voice, "but it wasn't accurate enough, so I didn't tell you..."

"He is now on the move frequently, rarely stays in one place for too long, and he is vigilant enough."

It is not surprising that the highest level of spiritual attributes has a stronger perception of danger than ordinary ones.

During this time, no one was watching the manor, and the old lady was very sure about it.

What Qu Jianlei didn't know was that just one day before, the patrol headquarters had carried out an EOD operation.

Harman is completely missing, and there is a high possibility of encountering an accident. The patrols made a judgment and checked his rest room.

Because they were vigilant enough, they discovered the fire explosion device left by the second in command.

This device is too sophisticated, and someone suggested that a supreme being be invited to sense it carefully and eliminate the danger.

But it's a pity that Zhigao is not so easy to invite, let alone do this kind of EOD work?

In the end, they had to disassemble part of the gunpowder and detonate it artificially.

The power of the fire explosion was not very great, and protective devices were erected around it, so the impact on the patrol headquarters was not too great.

Granny Jia fully monitored the surrounding area and noticed this scene, but because the movement was so small, Qu Jianlei really didn't notice it.

The old lady didn't know what the guards were doing, but she didn't think it was necessary to tell the panda everything.

As a member of the same group, she must take responsibility, which is the principle of being a human being.

Members of the group must help and support each other in order to go further, and the highest pride does not allow her to stay out of it.

The movement of the patrol detonating was very small, but the powder that erupted was both highly poisonous and foul-smelling, which almost made them fall for it.

The powder is a mixture of poisons, and what is rare is that it is actually mixed with paraquat.

This makes some people a little puzzled, Harman himself has wood attributes, why should he mix his own exclusive poison?

But the boss of the patrol saw another layer, "This... I'm afraid Harman used it to commit suicide!"

Harman buried gunpowder in his lounge. It was a scary thing. Who would do this?

Many patrols agreed that he should have encountered a strong enemy, but the crux of the problem is - who is the strong enemy?

They tried to investigate through monitoring when Harman buried the gunpowder.

Not to mention bringing gunpowder in, but just talking about the construction of the lounge, it can't be hidden from people, right?

Unfortunately, the patrols did not find much useful information, because the video data about Harman is incomplete!

This incompleteness is not due to a problem with the monitoring of the headquarters, but because the relevant information has been artificially deleted.

It was not Xiaohu who shot, but Harman himself.

The patrol headquarters is an important place for public security, and relevant information is generally kept for later verification.

But that's just "average". For the high-level guards, they can delete the information related to themselves.

This is something against the principle, but as a big shot, who wouldn't encounter some inconvenient things occasionally?

The records that only involve themselves and have nothing to do with the affairs of the headquarters are deleted.

Harman is the second in command of the patrol, so it is very convenient to delete some records.

He didn't delete too many records. In the past few decades, he only deleted four or five paragraphs in total.

But this made the patrols blind. They really couldn't see when Harman's office had been remodeled.

Moreover, the second-in-command is originally of wood attribute, so it is very convenient to change the underground structure, and it will be quietly modified without much movement.

In the end, everyone unanimously guessed that the record deleted more than a month ago was the most suspicious.

After all, apart from this time, the last time Harman deleted the records was eight years ago.

Theoretically speaking, no one likes to sleep on the gunpowder for many years, right?

Now that the top leader's guess is out, everyone is even more curious.

In this mere month or so, Harman will provoke some powerful enemies, and even think about committing suicide.

Some people have already thought that Baron is looking for someone to deal with Rhodiola recently. Could it be that the second in command got involved?

However, there is no fool who can think of this. Who would openly raise this guess?

Whether Rhodiola is easy to provoke or not is second, the key is that the name of the highest cannot be called directly.

Moreover, the two supreme powers are fighting against each other. Who dares to easily get involved in this super maelstrom?

They were even very puzzled: Harman is going to retire soon, why do he get involved in this kind of thing?

However, although no one publicly raised speculations, some people felt that they had found the truth, so they would inevitably chew a few words in private.

After such a back and forth, the gossip still spread.

But then, there was almost solid evidence—it was because of the tragic death of the landlord's family.

The middleman who passed on the message was still found by the city guard——the body was found.

There is no doubt that this one was silenced by the punks of the upper level.

But the one who was silenced was not a good stubble, he actually set up a regular message, which was sent out shortly after his death.

This person didn't know anything about the inside story, and he wasn't even sure who the superior's gangster was. He only gave a guess.

But anyway, he knew why he threatened the landlord and what he said.

These messages were all sent out by him - if you want him to have a hard time, then everyone will have a hard time.

The landlord was trying his best to cover up the matter, but it was exposed by others.

No matter how meticulous the plan is, there may be mistakes. Human nature is too complicated.

The murder of the landlord's family is definitely considered a major case. After the news broke out, no one could suppress it.

——If Harman is not dead, maybe he can be suppressed, but now there is really no one in charge.

So the guards also got the news: someone wanted to kidnap the landlord and force Rhodiola and his party to leave.

If someone combined the two cases, it would be easy to explain: the mastermind of the kidnapping was Harman, and he was killed because of it.

If the Rhodiola team really took action, it would be normal for the four of them to disappear without a sound, and it would be more normal for Harman to prepare to commit suicide in advance.

As for Harman's motive, it is still a mystery, but it is not very important.

Importantly, there is a good chance that the two cases are related.

However, even so, it is impossible for the patrols to take the initiative to join the case-everyone hasn't lived enough yet.

However, as a senior A-level, Harman has too many interests and acquaintances in Tianren Star.

For his disappearance, the patrol headquarters must have an explanation.

So it didn't take long for them to submit a situation investigation statement to the planet's consul.

There is no speculation about the Rhodiola team in the description, it is a simple investigation report, and the landlord's case is not even mentioned.

This is a clear statement: We can't investigate other things, so please send someone who can make decisions.

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