Recruit black physique to start practice in the wasteland

Chapter 77 Chapter 79 Domineering Claire-80 Wicked Grinding

Chapter 79 Overbearing Claire

Seeing Qu Jianlei fired two more shots, Hua Xiezi turned her head and looked at Spencer again.

She said lightly, "You have a chance to reorganize the language."

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly, "Sir, if I really have the money to compensate you, why would I do such a dirty thing?"

Hua Xiezi said coldly, "That is to say... you are useless?"

"It is useful, of course I am!" Spencer replied without hesitation, "I am very familiar with the settlement and the nearby camps."

As a leader among adventurers, Hua Scorpion does not lack experience in dealing with these idlers.

She knows that even the most inconspicuous person has value to be used - otherwise, she wouldn't be able to do so many bad things.

So she was really not surprised by this person's answer, but raised her chin slightly, "Wait there."

However, her attitude, a little too arrogant, made a middle-aged woman feel uncomfortable.

She muttered softly, " you want to be so ostentatious?"

The next moment, there was a flash of white light, but it was Hua Scorpion who pulled the trigger of the laser gun.

The woman's hair was broken in an instant, and her face turned pale.

Hua Xiezi said coldly, "If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you with my next shot!"

She has always been more cautious in doing things, but at this point, being cautious is not enough.

Heitian wants to live here forever, the first impression is very important, if he is seen as weak, things will continue to emerge in the future.

They didn't intend to stand up, but before entering the camp, they were approached by someone.

In the final analysis, it was the other party who played tricks to kill her. In this case, Hua Xiezi had no choice but to be tough.

The woman touched the hair on the top of her head, intending to say something, but she couldn't open her mouth even if she moved her mouth.

Two lines of tears flowed down unsatisfactorily, and she actually cried.

The spectators also stopped talking, and the surroundings were silent. They really didn't expect that the foreigners who came this time were so ferocious.

Qu Jianlei's performance was amazing, but Hua Xiezi's reaction was not too bad.

The accuracy of the laser gun is very high, but it can make a bun with a single shot, and the gun feel is not so good.

The most indispensable thing in Zhouliu settlement area is hunters, and there are a lot of people with strong eyesight.

Although the foreigners who came here were only a small team of four, there were at least two top players.

The little girl on the co-pilot is probably a little worse, but who dares to bet that the driver is not a good player?

The Honest Camp has always liked to teach outsiders a lesson, but it's not like they haven't encountered powerful thorns.

Most of the adventurers who come to Zhouliu are to gain wealth, and some of them are whimsical and self-sufficient.

But there are many truly tyrannical people

The honest camp suffered the most severe defeat, a three-person team turned the entire camp upside down.

Two of those three ended up dead, but more than thirty died at Camp Honesty.

However, this was not over yet. In the second year, the guy who escaped by chance recruited a dozen or so good men and attacked the Honest Camp again.

Fortunately, there were two medium-level adventure groups who temporarily borrowed the camp and helped resist the attack.

After more than half of the attackers were killed or injured, they voluntarily withdrew from the battle, but put down their words: Come back later!

The people in the honest camp couldn't take it anymore. After checking the identity of the deceased, they finally found out who the thorn was.

Then some bigwigs came forward to speak out, and the Honest Camp lost a lot of money, so it barely exposed the matter.

So seeing that both Qu Jianlei and Hua Xiezi were so strong, no one dared to stab them for a while.

Qu Jianlei ignored the group of people and waved at the trembling bandit, "Come here."

The bandit had a wink. After walking over, he first picked up the silver coins that had fallen on the ground and handed them back, "My lord."

Qu Jianlei put away the silver dollar, "You are so brave to steal from me."

The bandit originally wanted to defend himself, but after moving his mouth, he finally sighed, "I'm blind."

Qu Jianlei is not good at socializing, and usually speaks very briefly, "Do you know how much the things in my car are worth?"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention bandits, many of the onlookers changed their faces: Showing off your family in a strange place?

Some people backed away silently, and couldn't help but blame themselves: I really have nothing to do, so why not join in the fun!

It is certainly impossible for these four people to kill everyone, but what if they are just the vanguard?

The bandit understood this truth better, and after a few shudders, he replied in a low voice, "I just want to make something worthless."

This is true, but not entirely true, Qu Jianlei is not interested in refuting him, so he glanced at Hua Xiezi, "You deal with it."

Hua Xiezi's reaction was straightforward, "Losing money, I won't ask you for more, five hundred silver dollars."

The bandit's expression changed, he smiled wryly and cupped his hands, "My lord, I don't have that much all over my body."

Hua Xiezi is not a talkative person, but Boss Hei Tian doesn't like to be in charge, so she can only come forward.

So she snorted coldly, "Do you think that our cart of supplies is not worth five hundred silver dollars?"

Just look at this light truck full of people, with two top experts and full armor, how can the supplies on the truck be less than five hundred silver dollars?

A fool wouldn't believe it, would he?

The bandit didn't dare to refute, so he could only answer honestly, "Whatever you say, my lord, I will believe it."

"I believe..." Hua Xiezi glanced at him up and down, "Since the money can't be paid out, which hand made the hook just now?"

The bandit subconsciously hid his right hand behind his back, with a bitter expression on his face, "My lord, please forgive me this time... I have value."

Hua Xiezi looked at him indifferently, "You don't even want an arm, do you?"

Seeing that the bandit couldn't hide, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, "Alright then, I'll give you an explanation!"

He directly drew out the short dagger with his left hand, slashed on his right hand, and his index finger and middle finger fell to the ground.

People can't stand firm if they are not ruthless, and living in the wasteland emphasizes this point even more, not only being ruthless to others, but also willing to be ruthless to oneself.

Blood spattered out, he looked at Hua Xie with a pale face, and asked tremblingly, "My lord, are you satisfied?"

"I'm not satisfied!" Hua Scorpion replied bluntly, "I want your hand, who said two fingers are enough?"

"Besides, I want to do it myself, you do it yourself...Who gave you face?"

This is the mentality of a real strong man, I am the one who will punish you... Who told you to show your stubbornness?

The bandit turned pale and shook his body, "My lord, without my fingers, I won't be able to do this job in the future."

Hua Xiezi nodded slightly, "Okay, cut off your partner's left hand, and I'll let you go."

As she spoke, she pulled out a laser pistol and pointed at the other person's forehead, "I'll count to three..."

He didn't give the other party any chance to refute at all, and the time to choose was only three numbers - life or death?

Bandits have too much to say, for example, to emphasize the friendship that should exist between companions.

But if there are only three numbers... He turned around and walked towards his partner, stepping on the other's left arm with one foot.

Bandang struggled desperately, but he lost too much blood and didn't have much strength.

The hand raised the knife and fell, a palm fell off, and blood spattered everywhere...

Loyalty and betrayal are really the eternal themes of Wasteland.

With a trembling hand, Huaxie sent the severed palm flying with one shot, then put away the laser pistol, and said calmly, "Okay."

Then she waved to Spencer, "Take that dog and get in the car."

Wei is established, but this honest camp must not stay anymore, just take the old man and leave.

Spencer watched her series of cold-blooded operations, how dare he say no? Honestly climbed into the car.

Even so, his old eyes were still looking around sneakily.

However, although there are a lot of supplies in the car, they are all tied up very well, not only for the needs of the long distance, but also to prevent others from making money.

Cindy's experience wasn't too bad. Before Huaxie could say anything, she put up the reverse gear and reversed the car.

After pouring out seven or eight hundred meters, she deftly turned the direction, and the cross-country light truck turned around and galloped away.

However, after driving for three or four kilometers, the speed of the car gradually slowed down.

Then as soon as the car door opened, a short and sturdy figure climbed up the manger along the pedals, it was Claire.

The wasteland girl is really not squeamish, no, she even has a face scarf on her face.

She flipped into the truck quickly, looked at Spencer up and down, and said in a rough voice, "Boss, can you give me this dog?"

Spencer bent his legs and knelt down, "Master Adventurer, please forgive me, this is my job,"

Although he knew that one of the two top experts was ruthless and the other was ruthless, but the most difficult to serve now must be this little devil.

Adults always have basic logic when they talk and do things, but children... have no reason to say.

No, opening his mouth would take away his lifeblood, so he could only choose to be flexible.

"I want to order this snow mastiff!" Claire announced domineeringly—this is also the reason why my mother slowed down and let her into the car.

The point is that this dog is so cute, it can touch porcelain, play dead, and pretend to be lame...

Spencer didn't dare to say anything, so he could only reply with a wry smile, "Then you might as well kill me."

"Then I'll kill you!" Claire frowned, and pulled out the laser pistol from her waist... It was just given to her by Cindy.

Cindy's gun was given by Qu Jianlei. She lent it to her daughter temporarily because she didn't want her to kill people with a knife.

Killing people with a knife, she worried that it would not be good for the child's growth, would be easy to be countered.

But it also shows from the side that she does not reject children killing people, even girls.

The wasteland is like this, soft-hearted children don't grow up, Cindy didn't understand before, but now she understands.

"Grandma, wait a moment," Spencer was scared out of his wits, "I'll sell it, can't I sell it?"

"That's what I said earlier," Claire shook the pistol in his hand, "Is five silver dollars okay?"

"It's my first time to kill, and I don't want to kill an old guy who can't fight back."

I don't want to be killed by you either! Spencer really wants to cry but has no tears.

He bit the bullet and said, "Xue'er is very's really more than five silver dollars."

"I don't care about that, I think it's worth five silver dollars, that's all it's worth," Claire said confidently.

"When you let it crash, you didn't consider our thoughts, so why should I consider yours?"


Chapter 80

There is nothing wrong with saying that the wicked will be punished by the wicked.

Spencer was at Camp Honesty, which was famously hob meat, with nothing but a handful of age and a dog.

He is not afraid of being beaten when he touches porcelain. Anyway, there are a group of neighbors who will help him, and it is fine if others can't get rid of his dog.

It turned out to be good now, a child announced that your dog is mine, and if you don't agree... I'll kill you!

This is really not just talking, the children of the wasteland really dare to kill people.

So he said simply, "I really don't deserve to get your hands dirty."

"Xue'er only listens to me. This kind of snow mastiff... will only be loyal to one person in his life. If you don't believe me, ask this lord."

He raised his hand and pointed at Flower Scorpion, thinking that this person should know more about Snow Mastiff.

However, it was a pity that Hua Xiezi looked at Qu Jianlei again - she really didn't understand the characteristics of animals in the Zodiac area.

Qu Jianlei nodded slightly, "It's true, if you kill the snow mastiff's owner in front of it, it will hate you forever."

Then he changed the subject, "So, you have to take him to a place where the snow mastiff can't see it first, and then kill him."

However, that snow mastiff was really not ordinary smart, and directly blocked Spencer with his body.

Even Claire could see that the puppy had understood everyone's conversation.

So it stood in front of its master, and its attitude was very clear: If you want to kill him, kill me first.

A smile finally appeared on the corner of Spencer's mouth: Good Cher, I didn't hurt you for nothing!

Claire is not as reasonable as adults, but she also really likes this puppy.

There is no pressure on her to kill the dog owner - the reason why she has to do it herself is because she is worried that others will snatch her puppy.

But killing the puppy is too cruel, so she yelled, "Mom~~~"

Cindy wasn't driving fast enough with the windows down, so she heard it.

She sighed secretly in her heart, wouldn't it be over if you killed a disobedient pet?

But the daughter's growth needs to be gradual, and she can't be spoiled, "You can ask the second sister."

The boss must be Qu Jianlei, the second sister is of course Hua Xiezi, and the third sister is of course "Old Driver" Cindy.

The fourth child is "Blood Shadow" Claire, and she calls her mother the third sister.

But people are in the rivers and lakes, that's how it is, isn't it normal for mother and daughter to be sisters? Many Bluestar web articles are written like that.

So she looked at Hua Xiezi, "Second Sister... how can I fix this?"

"Mom, Second Sister..." Spencer's eyes wandered a little.

He has always been good at analyzing various relationships, and this is also the way to save his life, but this relationship, why...doesn't understand?

Maybe the old driver is the mother of these three people?

However, he didn't get too entangled in this. How many of his identities in the world can be true?

It's just that the Jianghu identity I heard today feels a bit unique.

When Hua Xiezi heard the word "Second Sister", warmth flashed in her eyes.

For adventurers, warmth is actually a luxury.

But women are born with motherhood, and... Cindy was introduced to the team by her.

So she looked at the old guy, "Find a little snow mastiff, it must be as good as yours... it's time to show your value."

Qu Jianlei frowned slightly. Is there an extra dog in his team?

The old Spencer didn't dare to do everything, so he could only vaguely say, "I'll work hard, it will take a little time."

This snow mastiff was picked up by him from the snow. Its blood is very common, but it is really not ordinary smart, and he recognizes him.

Someone paid eighty silver dollars to buy it, but after it was bought, he didn't eat or drink for five days.

The buyer later sent Cher back, declaring the deal void.

Spencer knew very well that he would be lucky to buy a snow mastiff as smart as him, but how dare he say so?

However, Claire snorted dissatisfied, "Forget it, don't want it... spoil the fun!"

This is how children are. She doesn't mind killing people for what she is looking for, but if she chooses another option, she is not interested.

Then she looked at Hua Xiezi again, and asked a question with great interest.

"Second Sister, did you shoot that hand last, because you didn't want him to take it back?"

"That's what I mean," Hua Xiezi nodded, "The severed palm was cut with a knife, and the wound is smooth, so it's easier to connect."

She explained patiently, "Generally speaking, only settlements can be connected to Halfhand, but what if it happens?"

Claire nodded. She grew up in the settlement, so she still knew about the operation to connect the severed palm.

"Receiving broken palms in settlements may not be able to catch them well. The main thing is to see the doctor's level... What do you think I will do?"

Spencer was so frightened that he hurriedly cupped his hands, thinking that this person is actually from a settlement? "Master Adventurer, you know a lot."

Claire snorted coldly when she heard the words, "None of your business!"

There are quite a few members of the City Guard who perform various operations, but the other party's words reminded her of her deceased father.

Spencer cupped his hands again in fright, "Yes, it's none of my business, I won't talk too much."

Claire asked again, "Those two thieves, you dealt with them very simply. Isn't this blackmailer... not a serious crime?"

Hua Xiezi thought about it and decided to tell her some social knowledge.

"Racketeering and theft are crimes, neither is more serious."

"But today's thieves team up to steal, and even want to shoot if they don't succeed... This kind of behavior is absolutely unbearable."

Just as they were discussing, a supply station appeared ahead.

The supply station doesn't seem so exclusive, after all, the door is open for business.

But seeing the light trucks full of people, the relevant people are also a little jealous-the people in Zhou Liu really don't think highly of outsiders.

Punch veteran Spencer was spotted following the car...and even his dog.

So I couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Is this a big business? Do you want to help?"

They are not as unscrupulous as the honest camp, but it is not that difficult to calculate people with a relatively safe process.

Spencer didn't dare to do anything wrong again, he kept waving his hands, and then said seriously, "I'm helping to be a guide."

You heard me clearly, I have already been a guide... This is indeed a foreigner, but it is definitely not easy to provoke!

The people at the supply station suddenly had no other thoughts.

Qu Jianlei and others rested at the supply station for one night, and then rushed to Zhouliu settlement in two days and two nights.

There are many houses outside the settlement, about one hundred thousand, and they rented a small courtyard.

Then Cindy and Claire went to the city to go through the moving-in formalities, and they asked for forty silver dollars each.

Claire was half the price, but after sixty silver dollars, Cindy didn't have much money left.

But Qu Jianlei gave her a hundred silver bills - it was considered as helping everyone with business.

It is more convenient to live outside the city, and it is not convenient for him and Huaxie to enter the city, but if you have a resident status, it is convenient to buy things.

He is not stingy, since he can provide convenience for this group, of course he has to take the public account.

The outskirts of Zhou Liu's settlement are actually... quite xenophobic, thanks to the fact that they brought Spencer here.

I don't know how many bad things the old man has done in the past. Anyway, there are many people who know him, and they look at him strangely.

There is no fear in the eyes, but it is not enthusiastic, at most it looks like watching the excitement.

Someone even asked half-jokingly and half-seriously, "Old Spencer, have you climbed a high branch?"

Spencer would always explain sarcastically, "Don't be kidding, I owe money to these guys, and I provide services to pay off the debt."

Once he said this, others would realize that this person was deflated, and when they looked at Qu Jianlei and the others, there was fear in their eyes.

That being the case, Qu Jianlei and the others also left a small house for Spencer in the small courtyard.

The house is really small, about five or six square meters, it should be used to store firewood for the winter.

Spencer didn't dare to care about it, and lived in with his snow mastiff, and didn't dare to ask when he would let him go.

With the rented courtyard, Cindy began to make preparations for the winter, such as purchasing firewood and so on.

She knew that the team had prepared a large number of energy blocks, as well as energy blocks and oil generators.

But she believes that those are used at critical times. Since the energy block is bought at a low price, it is not bad to make a difference after selling it.

Qu Jianlei also knew in his heart that in the past two winters, his use of energy was not efficient and was very wasteful.

However, that was the condition at that time, and there was really no choice. Now that Cindy is willing to worry about it, he is naturally happy to see the results.

With the addition of this mother and daughter, at least this team is becoming more and more like that.

Qu Jianlei himself also worked hard to tidy up the yard and house to welcome the coming winter.

Winter came sooner than he thought. On the fifth day after renting the yard, the first snow fell in the Zhouliu residential area.

Counting the days, it is not even mid-autumn, but winter is coming.

The next morning, after Qu Jianlei finished standing in the yard, he discussed with Hua Xiezi who had also finished standing.

Although the supplies are sufficient to survive this winter, he thinks it is better to hunt down some beasts.

After all, if conditions permit, they will live here for a long time, and it is not good to sit and eat.

The crux of the problem lies in the "exclusiveness" of the place. They are newcomers, and it must be troublesome to find someone to form a team.

The old Spencer may know some relatively reliable teams, but this guy's status is also very low among adventurers.

Moreover, both Qu Jianlei and Hua Xiezi thought that this guy was really not a good bird.

For small things such as renting a house and buying firewood, you can rest assured that he will be a matchmaker, but if you go hunting, it may really kill someone.

Qu Jianlei asked Hua Xiezi: Let's form a team...or add Cindy, is the team of three enough to go hunting?

Hua Xiezi thought about it, but replied solemnly: That would be too risky.

And it can be like this this year, but it can’t be like this every year, right? Ultimately, it's about reaching out to the locals.

She volunteered and said, I can check the situation and see if I can find a relatively reliable team.

After thinking about it, Qu Jianlei still felt that it was a bit difficult. The key was that Hua Xiezi, like him, had just come from Hongzi.

At this moment, the courtyard door was pushed open, and Claire walked in with the snow mastiff and Spencer.

She shouted excitedly, "Boss, I'll help you find a good deal!"

(The two-in-one 6K large chapter, the text exceeds 6,200, and these are not included in the word count. Today, the eighth update will be completed. Please ask for the first order and monthly pass.)

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