Generally speaking, the firepower carried by a fire support ship is enough to destroy Qu Jianlei's fleet.

In addition to the diversification of weapons and intensive firepower, the key is that the ship is equipped with various types of tracking weapons.

Of course, the corresponding attack power is only "in theory", and the actual operation is another matter.

In fact, this kind of ship also has shortcomings. Its own defense capability is not too strong, and it is easy to be damaged when encountering siege.

However, this "not too strong" is relative to its attack power, at least stronger than the protection ability of standard warships.

Xiaohu can control the starship to dodge flexibly, but to deal with those tracking weapons, it must throw decoys and intercept them.

In short, the appearance of such a battleship has also greatly increased the pressure on Qu Jianlei's fleet.

This kind of pressure may not be reflected in the specific lethality, but the suppression and control of the overall battle situation is of great significance.

Immediately afterwards, there was even worse news, and the paranoid recognized the last two battleships.

"Those are two digital logic battleships... Is this finally used in actual combat?"

Digital logic battleship... Qu Jianlei is completely speechless, actually took out this kind of weapon, do you want everyone to play with it?

But fortunately, the direction they chose to break out of the encirclement was the location of a digital logic battleship.

They later learned that this battleship was mainly used to capture the "thunderbolt type" of starships, and it was not very aggressive.

This is not to say that it is less dangerous. In fact, the support role in the team is often more difficult to deal with than the main attacker.

Unfortunately, it was chosen by Qu Jianlei as the first attack target.

Although the thunderbolt battleship's functions are against the sky, and its protection is also very thick, second only to the space carrier, but it is really unreasonable to encounter the opponent's concentrated fire.

After the intensive artillery, the Thunderbolt battleship was immediately paralyzed.

Although the degree of damage was not high, Xiaohu's command was very precise, directly destroying the opponent's power system.

As a starship that can sail in space, this battleship has a spare power system.

However, in the process of switching power, an assault ship rushed forward regardless of its own safety, and delivered the strongest blow.

With the flameout of the Thunderbolt warship, the assault ship was completely blown up and turned into scattered space junk.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and the two sides suffered such battle damage. It can be expected how cruel this battle will be.

The opponent's small ships flew out one after another, feeling like poking a hornet's nest.

Under Xiaohu's precise control, the remaining five small ships flexibly fought with each other.

However, the difference in numbers is too great, no matter how strong the micromanagement is, it is useless, and the defeat should only be a matter of time.

The five larger starships can help deal with small warships, but they are still facing huge troubles.

The fire support ship launched an all-round attack on them, and the five starships had to evade and intercept related attacks.

However, throwing bait bombs does not take much computing power, which can be ignored.

However, there is another problem, the number of decoy bombs is limited, and many attacks do not eat decoy bombs.

Qu Jianlei's stockpile of decoy bombs was far more than the standard configuration of the battleship, so the pressure wasn't too great for a while.

But the bad thing is that on the three completely empty warships, there are not many reserves of decoy bombs.

Fortunately, the fire support ship also identified 8384—this dilapidated starship is likely to be the flagship.

Therefore, the 8384 ship suffered the most attacks.

After a quick analysis, Xiaohu came to a conclusion, "The data must be invaded, otherwise we will suffer heavy losses."

In fact, heavy losses are minor. If the other three warships in ambush cannot arrive in time, the entire army may be wiped out.

Qu Jianlei frowned, "But it's more difficult to wipe out the opponent..."

If the opponent cannot be completely wiped out, the consequences will be very serious, not much worse than the exposure of Jielei.

However, at this moment, a small ship on the opposite side was fired up and exploded—the kind that flew in all directions.

The speed of the big-headed butterfly accelerated again—thanks to the 20 million computing units on the 8384, otherwise it might not be enough.

The next moment, it shouted in surprise, "The attack ships on the opposite side are also unmanned!"

"I'm rough..." Qu Jianlei muttered softly, and then came to his senses.

"In other words, the other party also has artificial intelligence?"

"That's right!" Xiaohu replied bluntly, "I'll just say, digital logic battleship...why dare you call it that?"

Qu Jianlei didn't think too much about it, and asked very simply, "Are you confident that you can beat the opponent?"

"I've never been afraid of anyone," Xiaohu's voice was soft and waxy, but his confidence was really irresistible.

However, immediately afterwards, it said regretfully, "It's a pity that the 3344 ship is still on the way... Alas, it is still restricted by the computing power."

On the high imitation warship, 50 million computing units are installed, which is much more powerful than the 20 million.

"It's a bit of a mistake," Qu Jianlei muttered softly, "But there's nothing I can do about it."

The tattered 8384 is the symbol of the Rhodiola team, and the 3344 represents another force.

Qu Jianlei didn't want to abolish the two vests at the same time, so choosing this combination... was inevitable.

But now is not a good time to review. He simply issued an order, "Launch electromagnetic interference bombs and invade in an all-round way!"

At this moment, he didn't even need the cover of tracer bullets, so he had to fight to bury the opponent in space!

Even if there might be a fish that slipped through the net, you have to fight - you have artificial intelligence, and the other party also has it, so don't make fun of the second brother!

"Electromagnetic interference bomb!" Someone on the opposite side noticed the abnormality, "Did you recognize our digital battleship?"

The digital battleships they use are the latest models of the empire. In fact, the old digital battleships rarely appear on the battlefield.

However, even if it is the latest model, electromagnetic interference bombs can still cause a certain impact, which is determined by physical characteristics.

But they didn't care, and issued a logical attack command, "...It's just a little bit more difficult."

As soon as the opponent launched an attack, Xiaohu felt it keenly, "The components have been corroded, and there are data attempts to invade!"

"It should be a digital battleship." Qu Jianlei blinked his eyes twice, feeling a little puzzled, "Why are you starting now?"

At the same time, an alarm sounded from the opponent's digital battleship.

"Alert, alert, find abnormal data flow, find abnormal data flow!"

This alarm confuses the captain of the digital battleship, "The abnormal data it a modified electromagnetic interference bomb?"

At first, he didn't think about it at all, the other party actually has artificial intelligence!

However, it didn't take long for several small ships to be blown up one after another due to loss of control, which aroused the vigilance of the crew on the digital battleship.

"Even if the modified electromagnetic interference bomb, it is impossible to have such a big impact on the communication of quantum entanglement?"

Some people even began to speculate, "Will the other party...will they also have artificial intelligence?"

The speculation quickly became a reality, and the alarm came from the central control room again.

"Warning, warning, there are abnormal data flows trying to intrude, there are abnormal data flows trying to intrude!"

The small lake could have invaded a little more concealedly, but the battle was too fierce, and the opportunity to fight was fleeting, so it couldn't help hesitating.

The electromagnetic interference bomb itself is also a double-edged sword, resulting in an extremely complex electromagnetic environment on the scene, and the invasion must be increased.

The captain's face changed when he heard the words, "Strengthen the defense of the logic fortress, observe the opponent's progress at any time, and analyze the intelligence and computing power!"

Immediately afterwards, he quickly reported the new situation and asked for guidance on the next step.

The fleet commander was also surprised when he heard that, "All ships have strengthened their digital defenses, and their computing power has been fully utilized, trying to crush each other!"

However, it is useless to just strengthen the defense. In the fierce digital battle, Xiaohu's computing power is fully utilized, and the attack can be described as crazy.

The big-headed butterfly has turned into a spindle, the temperature of the 20 million computing units soared, and the air smelled of sunshine.

Qu Jianlei could only choose to lower the temperature manually, after all, his ice-type magic skills are not bad.

The five starships on the opposite side were still struggling to resist the data intrusion, but those small ships were in distress, and they were blown up one by one.

After exploding more than ten small ships in a row, the opponent finally couldn't stand it anymore, "Why is the opponent's computing power so powerful?"

This matter is still a matter of the nature of warships. Digital warships... can actually be equipped with large computing units.

However, this configuration has not been moved to the digital battleship, but a similar experiment has been done on the civilian starship.

In the final analysis, when the word "warship" is involved, it must serve the war, so the first condition is to be stable and resistant to construction!

Large computing units are quite delicate and have high requirements on the use environment.

Think about how Qu Jianlei can move 50 million computing units to the starship, which is worth one-tenth of the cost of the starship.

That is to say, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and make do with it, but if there were three things to do, he would not take such a bold risk.

Of course, in terms of arrogance, the military is not bad at all, even far stronger than him.

However, the improper design and configuration of warships, resulting in heavy losses, is to be held responsible!

The major losses mentioned here include but are not limited to the digital battleship itself, which may affect a fleet or even the entire battle situation!

With such a big responsibility, even if someone is bold enough to undertake it, others have to agree to it!

The opponent has already realized that their computing power cannot keep up with the opponent.

As for the difference between superior and inferior artificial intelligence... They didn't think about it at all.

Not confident in myself, but very... not confident!

The artificial intelligence of the military is even far inferior to that of the anti-smuggling department. The artificial intelligence at the headquarters is very strong, but the sub-intelligence on the battleship is very weak.

Speaking of the reason, it is still because of those two words - battleship!

At present, their battleships can withstand the invasion not because of their high intelligence, but because their hardware and logic fortresses are strong enough.

For resistance, it must emphasize defensive capabilities.

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