Qu Jianlei came to the frigate and found that the airtight cabin was perfectly fitted.

Then he asked Xiaohu about it, and learned that it was a manual hatch, without mechanical transmission control, and there was no monitoring or anything inside.

The big-headed butterfly has already realized that the hatch is locked, and there is a high probability that someone is hiding inside.

It said aggrievedly, "This kind of cabin... I am not capable of inspecting it. I have too many things to do now."

There are too many starships of various types involved in this battle, and it takes a lot of work just to take stock.

Moreover, the capital ships are all new types, and most of the relevant structures are seen for the first time, so it is understandable to be a little negligent.

Qu Jianlei nodded slightly, and then used his mental power to sense it, but there was nothing to gain.

He looked around, picked up a metal rod, and tapped a few times on the hatch.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he glanced at the paranoid, "You figured it out, and you still called me over."

Through the information from the sound and vibration, he was sure that there was really someone hiding inside.

But the mental power can't be sensed, and there is no temperature and life signs, no wonder Xiaohu can't find anyone.

If he can hide from his spiritual perception, it should be that the Supreme has not escaped.

But Qu Jianlei doesn't think that the paranoid will not be able to find the other party - why did you ask me to join in the fun?

The paranoid also smiled slightly, "I don't want to experience the backlash before the Supreme Being dies... you can attack with your mind."

In fact, he was just out of resentment at being ordered by Xiaohu, and he didn't know whether he should kill this person.

Qu Jianlei coughed lightly when he heard the words, and raised his voice, "You heard me, if you don't come out, I won't be polite!"

In fact, he didn't even know if he could hear the sound from the outside in this airtight cabin, but it didn't matter, at least he wasn't punished for not teaching.

There was no reaction in the airtight cabin, as if there was really no one in it.

Naturally, Qu Jianlei was not polite, and directly launched a mental attack, which was not low.

There was no response to the first blow, but he was not surprised - the opponent should have mental protection.

After all, everyone knows that Rhodiola defeated Siegel Supreme with a mental attack. It is strange that the other party was not prepared.

Without hesitation, he delivered a second blow, much stronger than the first, and planned to follow up with a third.

However, there was still a response to the second blow, and there was a wave of breath inside.

Obviously, the other party was injured, and the well-concealed aura finally couldn't be maintained.

When the third blow was issued, the fluctuating breath became more obvious.

Immediately afterwards, the airtight cabin was opened, and a figure appeared, "Stop...stop!"

This person was wearing an aerospace helmet—should be prepared for a protracted war, so that his face was difficult to recognize for a while.

But just from the breath, Qu Jianlei recognized that it was really Cartel.

Carter's body was shaking a little, and he spoke with force, "Do you know... what you did?"

Qu Jianlei shook his head helplessly, he originally wanted to interrogate this fellow, but now he really has no interest.

These people don't know where their sense of superiority comes from. Presumably what they will say next is nothing more than those intimidating threats.

He was really tired of hearing such words, so he turned around and left, "Paranoia, I'll leave it to you!"

"It's me again," the paranoid muttered, raised his hand and shot a golden wheel...

Qu Jianlei didn't pay attention to the follow-up at all. After returning to 8384, he issued an order.

"Bundle up all the starships, including the larger wreckage."

This was another hard work, and finally the battle was completely over, and some small ships were also activated by the small lake.

While collecting starships, the paranoid came back and waved the two Nawu Talismans in his hand, "What a poor ghost!"

When he found out that Qu Jianlei was commanding Xiaohu to tie up the starship, he was a little puzzled for a moment.

"Many starships are useless for maintenance, right? Are you really willing to pick up these junk?"

"What are you talking about?" Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes at him, he was very sensitive to "picking up trash".

"To kill such a fleet, we must clean up the traces."

"Where can this trace be cleaned?" The paranoid couldn't help retorting, he really likes to be serious.

Then he pointed in another direction, "It's only three million kilometers away from Sapphire Blue, can't they find it?"

Three million kilometers is far away on the ground, but in space, it's really not that far away.

Especially the scale of this battle is large enough, with all kinds of sound and light effects full, it is estimated that it can be observed five million kilometers away.

In addition, some people already knew that the Rhodiola team might be ambushed, so how could they give up the opportunity to observe?

Qu Jianlei also knew that this was indeed the case, but he said calmly.

"Even if you're pretending, you still have to clean up the battlefield so that others don't think it's a provocation. Doesn't the empire want to lose face?"

The paranoid's mouth moved, but in the end he didn't insist on it—the other party really made sense.

So he chose another topic, "Do you want to return to Sapphire? The Eagle Group cannot get away with the attack."

He's a man who can't stand his anger, and it's clear that Rhodiola will take revenge.

As for what role Feiying played in this matter and whether he was wronged, that doesn't matter at all.

Even if the news was leaked by other forces, it is absolutely impossible to say that Feiying didn't know anything about it.

He has already thought about it, even if he kills a few people by mistake, he will take a deep breath.

Qu Jianlei sighed softly when he heard the words, then shook his head, "Don't worry, this account will be settled slowly, and the future will last forever."

The paranoid is completely curious now, "Then what are you going to do next?"

"It must have informed the old lady and them," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation.

"This time, we are afraid that the sky will be pierced. We need to notify them to escape as soon as possible. If it is too late, it will be too late."

Why doesn't he want to go back and find out who leaked the secret? But in comparison, the safety of comrades-in-arms is more important.

When Hua Xiezi heard the words, he couldn't help but speak out, "I especially admire the boss, he is truly affectionate and righteous."

The paranoid was a little unconvinced, "We have already left everyone behind, is it possible for the news to spread?"

However, to debate this, even Hua Scorpion can answer.

"Leaving aside the military's long-distance communication capabilities, is it possible that someone doesn't know about such a large fleet?"

If there is no news of the fleet for a long time, someone will naturally react: something happened to the fleet.

It took three hours to clean up the battlefield, and it was very...not clean!

But Qu Jianlei couldn't wait anymore, the later he left, the more likely the old lady and the others would be in danger.

The left and right are just for show, and the difference is enough.

Then he greeted Shanghua Scorpion and Paranoid, and the three entered the last ominous ship that came.

This starship didn't take part in the battle at all, and there was no damage on it.

Moreover, it appears very rarely in the skyhook star field, so it should not have been noticed.

The 3344 and another anti-smuggling ship that participated in the battle later had very little trauma, and there were ominous ships far away to support them.

As for the other four starships that were severely damaged, they could only drag the huge assembly of starship wreckage and hurry on their way slowly.

The three undamaged starships traveled quickly, and they were not idle during the process, interrogating the captives on board.

Among the more than 30 captives, in addition to those from the fleet, there were also several from the latter two armed merchant ships.

The members of the fleet are generally strict with their mouths, but after all, they can't hold back.

There were even those who actively cooperated, indicating that they came from the Department of Different Tubes.

——This department has great power and strict rules, but there are also those who come to gild and are willing to expose their identities in order to survive.

The main purpose of this fleet coming to the Skyhook Starfield is to hunt down Ran Bingluan who caused the thunderstorm.

Due to the failure of several raids, the Department of Abnormal Management re-evaluated Ran Bingluan and his forces, and made this decision.

As the paranoid guessed, the initial structure of this fleet was perfected by the military with the help of the Department of Alien Administration.

The original intention of the fleet was to deal with small and medium fleets with supreme presence.

However, regarding the specific use of the fleet, the Department of Alien Affairs and the military have different understandings, which can be said to be differences in philosophy.

The Alien Management Department sent a fleet here this time, and also wanted to prove that their direction was correct through some typical cases.

After coming, this fleet has been cruising near the asteroid belt, and it also pays attention to secrecy.

But this news was still known by Baron, and he proposed to borrow this fleet.

It was through the mouth of the prisoner that Qu Jianlei learned some relevant news about Baron.

Needless to say, the cause of the incident was the annihilation of the Laval family. One of the survivors was valued by Baron.

As for the whereabouts of that A-rank survivor...he died in the Star Wars that just ended.

He was flying a small ship and got hit and died.

Space is really too unfriendly to the awakened ones below the highest, no matter how talented they are, they have to face the cruel facts.

Speaking of geniuses, Qu Jianlei heard another story about a genius, which was related to Harman, the second in command of the Skyblade Star patrol.

He co-authored Harman to deal with them because he was a very talented grandson.

The genius is now in his early sixties and has already reached the peak of A-level, but it will take some time to hit the peak.

Harman is old and will not live long. He wants to pave a way for his grandson in his lifetime.

However, it is a pity that with his realm, he can only leave some A-level contacts at most, and it is impossible to invite the highest level to help him.

But his grandson is already A-level, and similar contacts are not particularly important.

So when Harman heard that Baron was going to deal with Rhodiola, he took the initiative.

Of course he knew how difficult Rhodiola was to mess with, but his lifespan was almost up, so he wasn't afraid to fight.

It was precisely because of this mentality that he was so careful that he did not forget to take the poison, thinking that he would not bring his grandson into trouble.

In the end, it was he who had the obsession to protect the younger generation, and there were no more behind-the-scenes masterminds.

Qu Jianlei can understand this kind of mood. It's not surprising how crazy a dying person is.

What made him a little uncomfortable was: Why do you think that Baron's chances of winning must be higher than Rhodiola?

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