In the end, Mrs. Jia didn't get involved with Mu Yu's affairs.

Because the homestay is currently the focus of the entire team's business, they have invested a lot of money here and placed great hopes on it.

Even if it doesn't make money temporarily, it's not a big problem. The key is that this is the bridgehead for the team to formally contact the empire.

The old lady believed that if there was a problem here, the panda would at least be so angry that she would scold her.

So she doesn't need to get involved in Chaoyang's affairs. Taking good care of the homestay in Paradise is the greatest responsibility to the team.

And that guy who is paranoid... is also a little unreasonable, if he suspects that she intends to watch the fun, there is no reason to go.

Mrs. Jia planned to wait and see what happened, but she was paranoid and scratched her head anxiously, wishing she could go to the Thorn Starfield right away.

But Qu Jianlei said, "Go home first, send Tianyin out, and your identity will be cleared."

"This person seems to be..." The paranoiac felt a little disapproving.

But considering that this is the junior girl and the one who pointed out Mu Yu's current situation, he finally didn't say anything more.

If Mu Yu really has a turning point, this person is also credited.

Two days later, the ominous ship took off again, with Qu Jianlei, Paranoid, Huaxiezi and Tianyin on board.

It is really difficult to let Tianyin leave the paradise through normal channels. This planet's identity verification is not so strict.

But leaving on an armed merchant ship is different, as long as it can escape the monitoring of Xinggang.

And this is what Xiaohu is good at, so it goes without saying.

Arriving at Homeland Star's farm, Qu Jianlei gave her a booklet after helping Tianyin apply for a fake identity.

Tianyin finally breathed a sigh of relief at being able to escape from Paradise Star. This girl looks strong, and the pressure in her heart is not small.

She was not too surprised that the team had its own starship—there were more than one starship under the name of Lord Concey.

She had heard about the false identity before, and although it was the first contact, she could accept it calmly.

Seriously, she stayed on the farm all the time... She was a little at a loss, because neither of the seniors would be here.

Zhenshanbao and Youyou seldom talked, and felt that it was difficult to get close. She had been in touch with Bentley for a little longer, but this person was even harder to get close to.

She knew that these were her own people and they were trustworthy, but she herself was not good at communication.

After receiving the pamphlet, Tianyin flipped through it and was stunned, "Improved exercises?"

Then she looked at Qu Jianlei suspiciously: Is this thing reliable?

She doesn't have much contact with the society, but she has profound attainments in cultivation: can the cultivation methods be changed casually?

Tianyin also knew that this supreme being called Rhodiola was not only the boss, but also possessed unimaginable strength.

However, improving the exercises cannot be done by one person, and requires long-term and extensive experiments.

In just one month, not only did he improve the exercises, but he also asked me to practice directly... It doesn't sound very special at all.

The paranoid man could guess her intentions, and said directly, "Just rest assured and practice, there will be no problems."

Tianyin hesitated and asked, "Senior, don't the improved exercises need to be carefully verified?"

Si Dangjia replied very simply, "No need!"

It's not that he has a problem with Tianyin, but that people from the military are used to speaking simply.

The paranoid didn't want to say more, seeing that this guy was a bit disrespectful to his junior, so he added another sentence.

"Don't be dissatisfied. Boss' improved exercises...can't be bought in the market with money."

"Really?" Tianyin's eyes widened.

Although she already had a high opinion of the boss, the affirmative reply from the two of them refreshed her cognition once again.

Seeing that everyone else was "too lazy to talk to you", she paused, then spoke again.

"Boss, can I go to the thorns with you?"

Hearing this, Qu Jianlei shook his head subconsciously, "You only have the identity of the home star, isn't it convenient?"

Tianyin replied seriously, "The Thorn Starfield is not strict in verifying the identity, I am very familiar with it."

Qu Jianlei hesitated for a moment, but the paranoid said, "Why don't you take her with you, I haven't been to Thorn for a long time."

At least two hundred years! Qu Jianlei nodded after thinking about it.

Both the homeland and the paradise have stabilized, and they can travel through passenger starships. They simply drove the ominous ship and left.

The Thorn Starfield can be regarded as the inner circle of the inner circle, and it is already very close to the core starfield.

This is the earliest star field developed in the era of great interstellar voyages, and it was named "thorns", which means "thundering roads and blue strands to overcome thorns and thorns".

In fact, each of the four livable planets in this star field is extremely lively and rich, and they have nothing to do with thorns.

At Tianyin's suggestion, the ominous ship first docked at Wo Saturn.

This planet ranks at the bottom of the Thorn Starfield, but even so, it is much more lively than Paradise Star.

Because it is the planet with the worst economy in this star field, they are not too strict in checking outsiders.

The four spent five days on Wo Saturn, and then drove the ominous ship to Blessing Planet.

Blessing star sits on the second and the first of the four livable stars. Its own conditions are very good, and its development is strictly controlled.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are a large number of institutions of higher learning here.

In addition to Chaoyang Ability Warrior Academy, there are two other top ten academies in the empire.

What's more, there are many large high-tech enterprises and a large number of research institutions here.

After the ominous ship landed, the four were indeed strictly interrogated.

Hope Starfield's starship was originally underestimated, and the residence permit of Paradise Star was the same.

It is precisely because they stayed in Wo Saturn for a few days before and bought a lot of luxury goods that the inspectors looked a little higher.

In other words, the itinerary designed by Tianyin is really reasonable.

However, Tianyin, who did not have a residence permit in Paradise, was still interrogated for a long time.

After removing the disguise, she can definitely be regarded as a big beauty, and her temperament is also very good.

Although her figure doesn't fit Qu Jianlei's aesthetics, he has to admit that she can at least score eight points in the fat category.

This kind of beauties must be inspected intensively, and the feeling is that... Homeland is completely unworthy to be compared with Paradise.

When Gemini said it, it was an insult to Paradise.

In the end, she said that she had studied at Chaoyang College and told some secrets about the college before she was released.

After leaving Xinggang, Qu Jianlei still wanted to hang out for a few days, but was dragged by the paranoid and went straight to Chaoyang College.

The college is located on the outskirts of Chaoyang City, covering an area of ​​more than one hundred square kilometers.

There are several research institutes surrounding the college, as well as a biotechnology research center.

The major shareholder of the center is Chaoyang College, which can be regarded as the property of the college.

After Mu Yu achieved the highest achievement, she was also hired by the college as a non-staff teacher, probably in the nature of a visiting professor.

So she was frozen in the research center, and the related procedures and fees were handled by the paranoid.

The last time he renewed his fee was when he was about to hit the top, and he renewed it for five hundred years at once.

It's not that there is no money, the key is that the renewal limit is 500 years, so many things may happen in such a long time.

To put it to the extreme, Chaoyang Academy may not even exist by then, and there is no point in renewing the fee for too long.

The four came to the research center, and the paranoid took out a set of proof documents, saying that he wanted to visit someone who was frozen.

The front desk in charge of the reception was obviously taken aback.

In the research center, more than a hundred people were frozen, all of whom were either rich or expensive - ordinary people simply couldn't afford such expenses.

But there are really not many people who come to visit the frozen people, and it costs a lot of money to visit once.

The most important thing is that if it weren't for the targeted development of technology, this visit would really not be necessary.

The front desk made a report to the top, and after a while, a B-level awakener came out.

He could feel that there were at least two high-level awakened people on the opposite side, but at the gate of Chaoyang Academy, he really had nothing to fear.

After checking the certificate, he frowned slightly, "Who is the holder of the certificate? I need to check your identity!"

"You're not mistaken, are you?" The paranoid brows raised, "When I went through the process, I only authenticated the certificate and didn't recognize the person!"

At the beginning, he wasn't sure that he would be able to make it to the top, so he arranged corresponding tasks for Pierre.

——Once he dies, Pierre will hold the certificate, and when his lifespan is close to the end, he will renew the fee for Mu Yu depending on the situation.

Of course, Pierre betrayed him and didn't get proof, it was just an accident.

In short, the original unnamed proof materials also cost a lot of money.

Now that the other party wants to check his identity, the paranoid is really upset.

However, the B-level awakened person was unmoved, and just replied lightly, "The rules have been changed long ago, because there was an accident before."

"This is..." the paranoid muttered resentfully, and took out his identity certificate.

His character is indeed flawed, but generally speaking, he doesn't intentionally make things difficult for others.

However, the B-level did not accept the certificate inspection, but said lightly, "We need to test the genetic map."

"Are you okay?" The paranoid was furious, "Who gave you the right to test your genetic profile?"

He would never do genetic testing, because the former owner of this body was a wanted criminal of the empire.

However, Grade B was not intimidated, and still said blankly, "This rule is also changed at the same time."

"If you want to visit, you must be tested, otherwise you will be asked to leave!"

What he said was "please leave", but judging by the tone and attitude of that speech, it was simply pushing people away.

"Dare to drive me away?" The paranoid was furious when he heard the words, and directly released the supreme coercion, "Do you want to die?"

Level B felt the momentum of the other party, and his expression changed drastically.

However, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and he still dared to speak.

"My lord, this is not a place where you can act recklessly, please think clearly!"

"How daring!" The paranoid stretched out his hand, strangled the opponent's neck, and lifted him up directly.

(Updated to, Summon Monthly Pass, Subscription and Recommendation Ticket.)

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