Recruit black physique to start practice in the wasteland

Chapter 90 Chapter 105 The Secret of the Ultimate Warrior-106 Top Secret

Chapter 105 The Mystery of the Ultimate Warrior

"Yes," Qu Jianlei nodded, the other party had already fallen into his grasp, and he didn't mind telling the other party the truth.

"I was wanted because the Sai family forcibly injected me with the first-generation genetic modification medicine, and I didn't use the neutralizing medicine."

The words are very concise, and those who understand will naturally understand.

There was a flash of energy in Bentley's cloudy old eyes, and he pondered for a moment and asked, "Are you sure it's the first generation?"

You really understand! Qu Jianlei nodded slightly, "Actually, I used the neutralizing potion twice, and then ran away quietly."

"That's right," Bentley nodded slightly, then sighed, "No one will let you go..."

"What a fortune that was."

Qu Jianlei saw that the other party was able to speak to the point, and his attitude was a little better, "They were poison injections and killed many people."

"Understandable," Bentley nodded, and then asked aloud, "How old are you this year?"

Qu Jianlei looked at the other party speechlessly, and sighed after a while, "Can you talk about serious things?"

"What I'm talking about is business." Bentley was also a little speechless, "Forget it, have your attributes awakened after the injection?"

"Attribute?" Qu Jianlei was stunned when he heard the words, "What is that?"

"After the genetic modification is successful, he may awaken as the ultimate warrior," Bentley said lightly.

"There is only one potion transformation, and the possibility of awakening attributes is unlikely, but you are already an exception. Who can say clearly?"

"As for the awakening attribute, the younger the better, the five attributes are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and other miscellaneous attributes are relatively rare."

Qu Jianlei was stunned, and it took a while before he spoke, "How do you know so much?"

"Because..." Bentley thought about it, and gave a wrong answer, "You are worthy of trust."

Unfortunately, Qu Jianlei's thinking can really keep up with the other party, he smiled nonchalantly, "Don't you think I'm cold-blooded?"

"Because of Spencer," Bentley still replied jumpily, "and the third and fourth, and...don't lie to me."

That old crook Spencer had eaten and drank all winter and left with Cher with some silver dollars in his pocket.

Qu Jianlei was still able to catch up with him, he nodded, "I once got involved with two companions, and they both died."

"I don't want anyone to die because of me, so I really want to kill you."

Bentley nodded, "I understand, but the news I want to tell really worth my life."

But it may not be worth the lives of Cindy's mother and daughter! Qu Jianlei replied noncommittally, "Maybe."

Bentley smiled nonchalantly, "I know you don't agree, but it doesn't matter, I've already decided to join you."

"I told you the news, if you think it's worth it, after you grow into the ultimate warrior...can you kill a few people for me?"

Qu Jianlei nodded without hesitation, "As long as it's worth it."

"Well, let me think about it." A trace of confusion appeared in Bentley's eyes, "Where should I start..."

Qu Jianlei didn't think it was a problem, "Let's talk about why you know so much first."

"Well," Bentley nodded, he thought it was a good suggestion, "Actually, I was born in the general settlement..."

"It's not the total settlement you think of, but the real settlement...the place we call 'Central City'."

Qu Jianlei kept silent, he did not reject being a loyal listener at all.

Bentley is a native of Central City, and his family background is not bad. When he was fifteen years old, he received injections of four generations of genetic modification drugs.

His physical response is excellent, and if he continues to receive injections at the age of sixteen or seventeen, he may awaken as the ultimate warrior.

If he is eighteen years old at the latest and the four injections of genetic medicine are completed, if he has not awakened, he will be given up.

But at the age of seventeen, something happened... His third chance to inject the medicine was rejected by others.

In fact, every injection of genetic medicine will eliminate the vast majority of candidates based on subsequent reactions.

He can persist until the third time, which shows that his own conditions are indeed very good.

However, no matter where, there is no shortage of powerful people, and Bentley became the unlucky guy who was robbed.

Back then, he was young and vigorous, so he was definitely not convinced, and his father did not allow his son to be bullied like this.

What happened next, needless to say, his father sued everywhere to no avail, and instead lost his job.

In a fit of anger, Bentley crippled the person who knocked him out, and pretended to be the person who received the third gene injection.

Then he was wanted, and his family was implicated, and everything went wrong.

Within a few years, his parents, brothers and sisters all died of various accidents.

In Bentley's opinion, the reason why the other party waited for a while was purely to know whether he would awaken as the ultimate warrior.

Since he has not responded, it means that he has failed, and the other party will naturally retaliate ruthlessly.

In fact, Bentley did not fail completely. What he awakened was a miscellaneous attribute—the body can release weak electric currents.

However, this attribute is too rare, and he is a wanted criminal, so he cannot get follow-up cultivation methods.

He originally thought that he would turn himself in after earning some money, and return to mainstream society on the condition of atonement.

But he didn't go back for a few years, and his family members were all dead, which made him unbearable, and killed the one who replaced him.

This has stabbed the hornet's nest, and the arrest warrant for him has been announced to every settlement.

He had to hide his name and wander around. In the process, he naturally did a lot of evil things.

It wasn't until ten years ago that he realized that there was no hope for revenge, so he came to Zhou Liu to take care of him, thinking that this would be the end of his life.

As a half-baked maintenance engineer, he was occasionally invited into settlements when he was busy in winter,

Regarding the arrest of Shaqu in the settlement, he had noticed it before.

He was even investigated because of his maintenance ability, but... his age is really not right.

And what interests him the most is Shaqu's age - he's a teenager at all, what a crime is this?

Bentley also knows that the Sai family in the Hongzi inhabited area is not bad.

He heard today that Shaqu had killed the Sai family's pursuit convoy and also killed an impact mecha, so he instinctively thought it was related to the Ultimate Warrior.

Originally, he planned to die of old age in a foreign land, but now seeing the hope of revenge, he directly took a detour from other intersections.

"That fellow Spencer has asked me about the Ultimate Warrior intentionally or unintentionally, so I'm really not surprised to see that it's you."

Qu Jianlei couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "This Zhou Liu... is really prosperous."

"There are too many wanted criminals," Bentley replied casually, "It's impossible for the four of you to be innocent by using nicknames all the time."

Qu Jianlei thought about it, and wanted to ask something else, but Hua Xiezi's voice came from the phone.

"There is smoke and dust ahead, and there is a convoy!"

"Did you pass by?" Qu Jianlei stood up and took a look, "No, this is where I destroyed the mecha."

"Shoot as much as you want," Bentley also stood up, "Give me the Gauss machine gun, my marksmanship is very accurate."

"Yes," Qu Jianlei agreed without hesitation, he really didn't doubt what this person said.

The logic is self-consistent, and the reaction is natural. The key is that it is too reasonable, and there are too many things he doesn't know.

Bentley laughed self-deprecatingly, "The lightning can only play Gauss guns, not laser guns."

The Gaussian gun itself is electromagnetic in nature, so there is still nothing wrong with it.

While speaking, he put a hood on his head, which was tighter than Qu Jianlei's face scarf.

Qu Jianlei looked at him in astonishment.

Bentley coughed dryly, "My arrest warrant is much more serious than yours, and the hair shape is not convenient to show... I'm used to it."

Qu Jianlei gave a thumbs up, "Professionals are different, I admire it!"

"Hey," Bentley was also a little speechless, "I just don't want to die too unjustly... By the way, I still have some cultivation methods for attributes."

This is to make me feel at ease, Qu Jianlei nodded, understanding what the other party meant.

It's perfectly normal for two insecure people to work together for the first time and try to gain each other's trust.

Just then, the sound of a Gauss machine gun blared, but it sounded directed toward the sky, and then the horn blared.

"The red gold team is working, and you don't want to die... Get out of here!"

Naturally, Bentley picked up the tweeter, "Get out, we are the ones who fight the impact mecha, if you don't get out... die!"

This voice is powerful enough—mainly because the content is too scary.

"Isn't it?" The other side was obviously taken aback, and then a motorcycle rushed out of the smoke and drove out.

There is only one rider on the motorcycle, and there is a white flag on his back-the rules of the wasteland, this is for talking about business, don't accidentally hurt him.

Qu Jianlei didn't wait for him to get too close, and directly shot at him. Bentley could see the origin of the truck, and the other party might as well.

This shot was not aimed at people, but the distance was not very far, and the splashed mud even hit the rider's face.

Bentley's voice sounded again, "This is the cannon that was removed from the mecha, do you want to be shot again?"

When the veterans play together, it's really not something newcomers can match.

The rider was startled and angry at first, and was about to explode, when he heard this, he braked suddenly, and the motorcycle flicked.

Then he cupped his hands at the opposite side and walked away without looking back.

Hua Xiezi continued to drive forward, and after a while, he came to the wreckage of the mecha.

Three trucks and five motorcycles were not far from the mecha, and more than a dozen people watched them eagerly.

Qu Jianlei took the tweeter and said lazily, "I'm not leaving yet, are you waiting for lunch?"

"Dare to ask Your Majesty's background!" A person who seemed to be the leader said, "You said you were the ones who did the beating, so did you do it?"

"Yes, I'm in a good mood," Qu Jianlei bent down and grabbed the main cannon with one hand.

He shook the main cannon in his hand, and said without hesitation, "Did you see it? Get out of here...or die if you don't get out!"

The little boss suddenly looked shocked, "The ultimate warrior?!"


Chapter 106 Top Secret

Qu Jianlei hadn't heard much about the ultimate warrior before, but it was determined by his news.

Even Cindy, a housewife, knows that Bentley is even more so, so it's not surprising that the other party can recognize her.

Chijin is not a small team, there are more than 200 people, naturally there is no shortage of news.

The opponent recognized the main cannon, and was even more shocked by Qu Jianlei's divine power, thinking that it was the ultimate warrior.

However, they did not give up their fight for the mecha, "My lord, you don't seem to care much about mechas, do you?"

"That's right," Qu Jianlei admitted frankly, he came here to destroy the mecha even more.

The belt can't be taken away, and the Sai family can't take away the wreckage and repair it.

"But whether I care or not is my business. Just because I don't care, you can't just grab my things... who are you bullying?"

"We didn't mean to bully you," the other party expressed his attitude very simply.

"We didn't know whose spoils it was just now, since you're not interested, can you sell it to us?"

Bentley snorted softly, "A bunch of unscrupulous vultures are nothing more than a pile of recyclable garbage."

The next step is naturally to talk about how much this pile of garbage is worth.

This kind of thing must be Huaxie, although she is not interested in bargaining.

But there's no other way, the two uncles are really lazier than the other, so she has to do it.

The price on the other side was based on the price of scrap products at the beginning - the core central control system has been completely destroyed, so can it only be used to sell materials?

But Qu Jianlei and Bentley are both repairmen, they can estimate the degree of damage and give a corresponding judgment.

Of course, Hua Scorpion had to follow the expert's advice and insisted on it.

In the end, she was really angry, "This is the mecha of the Sai family in Hongzi District. It is our enemy, and we want to destroy it."

"When we make the mech a little bit messy, we can accept your price... Don't you just want to collect the junk?"

There is someone who knows the goods on the opposite side, "Is this... the mecha of Hong Zisai's family?"

"Are you scared?" Hua Xiezi sneered, "So don't stop us, let's break it up a bit, so you can pick it up for nothing?"

That's the reason, but the words are too ugly. As a prestigious team, Chi Jin can't afford to lose this person, can't he?

The opposite party stated directly, "Okay, just count according to what you said, Hong Zisai family... Who are you scaring?"

"You can pull it down." Hua Xiezi is actually a good negotiator, but she has never been interested in this.

In the same way, Qu Jianlei and Bentley actually knew many things well, but they were just too lazy to care about them.

At this time, Hua Scorpion was highlighted, "It's fine if you don't tell the news, since I said it, the price will be doubled!"

The face of the little leader opposite was flushed, "You are going too far, we are not afraid of the Sai family!"

"Aren't you afraid?" Hua Xiezi also covered her face, but her voice was full of contempt, "Do you want to sell it to the Sai family at a higher price?"

"Who do you underestimate?" The little boss was really annoyed, "How could our Chijin be afraid of the Sai family?"

"You want me to believe in empty words?" Hua Xiezi really despised the other party.

"Let me just say it openly, can you guarantee that you won't sell it to the Sai family?"

"Of course," the little boss replied very simply, "I can make a promise."

"I don't care about your promise," Hua Xiezi said frankly, "If you take this little money seriously, your status is not enough!"

Without waiting for the other party to say anything, she said, "But if you dare to violate it, there is no need for the Chijin team to exist."

"Hehe," the little boss laughed angrily, "Are you... a threat to our team?"

"I'm just stating a fact," Hua Scorpion said lightly, "We destroyed this mech."

The little boss wanted to be angry, but he really didn't dare, so he could only ask depressedly, "I agree with your it okay?"

"Okay," Hua Scorpion nodded and replied without hesitation, "Remember my warning...don't think I'm joking."

The little boss smiled and didn't take it seriously, "Then...a deal?"

"We only need an energy bill," Hua Scorpion said lightly, "Is there a problem?"

"Of course... no problem," the little boss was not surprised by this request at all, "Who will be in Zhou Liu all the time?"

People in Zhou Liu regard their bank notes as sacred, but those who really run around know what hard currency is.

Not to mention, the price Hua Scorpion negotiated was pretty good, a full two thousand silver dollars.

After receiving the banknote, the three left without hesitation.

On the contrary, Chi Jin's person was a little strange, "This is not an imposter, is it?"

The little boss has really seen the world, "The main gun of the impact mecha, are you blind?"

He knows the main gun, the key is that the opponent raised the main gun with one hand... Do you know what this concept is?

"However, it's obvious that the mecha was ambushed," anyone who dared to object was a little bit of insight.

But this is just a strange noise. Chijin's team just went out on a mission and has to return.

It was an earth-shattering game that night, and it was impossible for them not to realize that it was not a team with such thoughts.

Do you need to learn something like sitting on a mountain and watching a tiger fight?

Therefore, for the wreckage of this mecha, the Chijin team had to fight with others for a long time before occupying the place.

Everyone has analyzed the reason why the mecha was destroyed, and some even guessed the industrial burning and cutting ointment.

In other words, the attacker's goal was to destroy the mecha, and he had no interest in capturing it.

This kind of behavior is too prodigal, and it is difficult to understand.

They didn't react until they saw each other-it should be because the team size is relatively small.

But now, they have a new understanding, "Are you worried about the location of the mecha?"

"What do you think about so much?" The little boss replied casually, "With the participation of the ultimate fighter, let's transport the mech away with peace of mind."

In the car going forward, Hua Xiezi asked in the mobile phone, "Boss, where are we going?"

"Find a settlement first, and buy a big car," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "How about going to the general settlement?"

"I have a car," Bentley said. "Heavy trucks, except for the mounted weapons, are not as good as this car..."

He didn't say much, obviously confident in his truck.

Qu Jianlei looked at him in surprise, "Boss... your family is quite solid."

"I have awakened my attributes," Bentley replied casually, "A majestic reformed warrior..."

"I've spent most of my life wandering around. If I can't even save this little family fortune, isn't my life in vain?"

"You two wait for a chat," Hua Xiezi said, "Which way should I drive?"

Bentley pointed in a direction, and Hua Xiezi glanced at Qu Jianlei, seeing that he didn't respond, she pointed in the direction decisively.

Only then did Qu Jianlei remember the question that was interrupted just now. "Lao Ben, how many settlements like Hongzi and Zhouzi are there?"

"Seven, namely Tian, ​​Xuan, Di, Huang, Yu, Zhou, and Hong."

"Huh?" Qu Jianlei was startled when he heard this, he was so familiar with this sequence.

Especially the language of the wasteland is different from that of Blue Star, but the pronunciation of these too weird.

So he couldn't help but ask, "Is there no Huangzi settlement?"

"Huh?" It was Bentley's turn to be surprised this time.

From meeting Qu Jianlei, to talking about his experience, to responding strongly to the Chijin team, he has always remained calm.

Generally speaking, it is a kind of indifference that sees through the world, even if there is still deep hatred buried in his heart.

But this question made him break his defense directly, and there was a deep sense of astonishment in the eyes exposed through the opening of the hood.

"How do you know that there is another word for 'huang'?"

"'s inconvenient to say," Qu Jianlei replied flatly, "Everyone has a little secret, right?"

Bentley stared at him blankly and didn't speak, obviously he was very concerned about this issue.

And Qu Jianlei drooped his eyelids naturally, not out of guilt, but out of habit.

After a while, Bentley asked aloud again, "Is there any possibility behind the word Huang?"

"It should be possible," Qu Jianlei replied very vaguely - it is really impossible to elaborate.

Bentley was taken aback for a moment, and then he was obviously relieved, "It turns out that you have another encounter, and the origin is bigger than I thought."

Qu Jianlei asked him curiously, "Is that why you believe my words?"

"Do you have to lie to me?" Bentley replied casually, "My enemy is from the deserted area."

Qu Jianlei blinked his eyes and patiently listened to the other party's story.

"The Huangzi settlement has long been destroyed, and people today don't even know there was such a settlement..."

"If it wasn't for the enmity with the other party, I wouldn't have accidentally learned that they are descendants of Huangzi District."

Speaking of this, Bentley stared into Qu Jianlei's eyes, "What is the word behind the word Huang?"

"Hehe," Qu Jianlei laughed dryly, instead of answering directly, he asked a question instead.

"Tianxuan Dihuang, the universe is prehistoric... What is the origin of these eight pronunciations?"

Bentley didn't care, but spoke on his own.

"Because of the enemy, I was also curious about this question, but I was not allowed to inquire about it. It is said that it involves top secrets."

"Hehe," Qu Jianlei let out an inexplicable laugh, but didn't say anything else.

Bentley didn't force him either, but asked a question, "How old are you this year?"

"Sixteen...or seventeen?" Qu Jianlei wasn't sure about his age either.

Then he took off the veil and showed his true face, "I really don't have much memory of my childhood."

"You really are young," Bentley knew that this person was not very old, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe it.

After being stunned for a moment, he couldn't help muttering, "At your age... how can you be so skilled in mechanical maintenance?"

In the arrest warrant, Shaqu had no knowledge of mechanical maintenance two years ago.

Bentley didn't quite believe it,

However, even if you start learning from the womb, it is impossible to have such a strong attainment at the age of sixteen or seventeen, right?

(Two-in-one plus update, congratulate Baiyinmeng on "Hei_tian".)

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