Launching Satellites

You must know that countries with nuclear weapons and countries without nuclear weapons are completely different.

Just like Eagle Sauce, it can only bully countries that do not have nuclear weapons.

As long as any country possesses nuclear weapons, Yingjiang will not dare to start a war at will.

At most, it is a moral condemnation and so-called technical blockade and economic sanctions.

This is Yingjiang’s consistent approach to treating countries with nuclear weapons.

I think that was not how Lao Maozi was dragged down in the beginning, and now the Dragon Kingdom is also blocked by Yingjiang.

Regarding this approach, Su Xinghe just smiled disdainfully.

This approach may have some effect on other countries.

After all, technological blockades and economic sanctions will slow down that country’s development.

But this is nothing to Su Xinghe, a technical blockade?

Sorry, for Su Xinghe, this doesn’t matter at all, as long as the energy points are sufficient.

Not to mention just the technologies on the Blue Star, even the technologies that entered the interstellar,

Su Xinghe can take advantage of them, so that is what they should be worried about.

From now on, Su Xinghe will implement a technical blockade on them.

As for the economic blockade, it is even simpler. If you are short of anything in the future, just grab it.

For Su Xinghe, as long as he wasn’t hungry, it wouldn’t be a big problem and he could just grab everything else.


Soon, those people had already checked the satellite.

“Report to Commander, the inspection is complete. There are no problems.”

“Well, very good, ignite and launch.”

Su Xinghe did not hesitate and gave the order immediately.

Seeing this, Corian immediately shouted to the surroundings.

“Everyone, stay away from here, evacuate, and prepare to light a fire!”

Because when the satellite is launched, the high temperature caused can melt people in an instant.

So every time other countries launch satellites, they will tell others to retreat far away.

After everyone had almost evacuated, Kerien picked up the walkie-talkie and gave instructions.


“The countdown begins…10!”






With a deafening sound, the satellite carrying Thick flames spurted out from the bottom of the rocket.

The next moment, many water guns appeared around the launch pad, spraying water at the launch pad.

Its purpose is to cool down the launch pad and prevent it from being burned due to excessive temperature.

After the launched water merges with the high-temperature launch pad.

It evaporated into a large amount of water vapor, which suddenly blocked everyone’s view.

In front of everyone’s eyes, except for the white water vapor and the flame, the rest was invisible.

Soon, the rocket disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Seeing this, Su Xinghe and others turned around and came to the control room.

Su Xinghe got straight to the point as soon as he came in.

“How is the situation now? Is there any problem?”

In fact, Su Xinghe was still a little nervous now, although in theory there was no problem.

But a theory is just a theory after all, and the specifics will depend on the actual situation.

“Report to Commander, no problems have been found so far.”

“Very good, I will report it immediately as soon as there is any new situation.”

Su Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, but the worry in his heart has not completely disappeared.

“Yes! Commander.”

A few minutes later, the engineer in charge of the satellite’s operation said excitedly.

“We have entered space, and we are already approaching the predetermined orbit in our hearts.”

After hearing this, several people also came to the instrument.

I saw a small red dot moving on the instrument, which was the global positioning satellite they launched.

Everyone couldn’t help but hold their breath and stared straight at the red dot.

Finally, this satellite did not disappoint everyone, and it entered the predetermined orbit.

At this point, it shows that their first satellite launch has been a perfect success.

Seeing this scene, everyone could no longer hold back their excitement and began to cheer.

“Hahahaha, it’s successful. We finally have our own positioning satellite.” ”

Yes, we have been waiting for this day for too long.” ”

Hahaha, we finally don’t have to worry about those countries, and now we can face the situation with confidence. It’s them.”

Su Xinghe was equally excited, but he restrained himself and didn’t laugh and dance like them.

But it can be seen from the smile on his face that he is in a particularly good mood at this time.

The next moment he put away his smile, as if he had thought of something, and after saying hello to a few people.

He left the control room directly and returned to his room.

“Kazav, just go ahead and issue a statement saying that the satellite launched by Leah this time was secretly developed by you.” ”

And it must be pointed out that you already have various types of anti-satellite missiles. Once Whoever takes action first will not be tolerated.”

Su Xinghe picked up the phone and arranged these matters for Kazaf.

Now only Kazaf has the status to issue such a statement.

Anyway, those countries already know that Kazaf is a puppet.

So, in this case, there is no need to worry about those countries not believing these facts.

“As you command, sir.”


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