Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1019: wait

"Master! Do you really want to give up the opportunity to climb "right"? You are still young, you have a lot of time, as the president of the Huixing Chamber of Commerce, you also have enough reputation, you have more opportunities than anyone else Big."

Behind Locks, the old butler did not know when to come.

The old butler did not understand Lockes' decision.

But he knew that with the strong backing of the Huixing Chamber of Commerce, it would be much easier for the master to do anything.

The elder gave up and gave up the idea of ​​"politics."

The words of the old butler behind him made Locks smile indifferently, and said casually: "Compared with rights, I care more about the future of Huixing Chamber of Commerce. No matter how big the right, there will be a big mountain above my head, and the merchant is different. Although it has no rights, it has a certain degree of freedom. Today's Bentley country is an opportunity for politicians, but is it another opportunity for businessmen?"

There are some things Lockes thinks very clearly that business and politics cannot have the best of both worlds.

If one party is chosen, the other party must be abandoned.

He is now to middle-aged, but has no children or family members. Once he enters politics, what will the chamber of commerce do?

Part-time Chamber of Commerce?

Lockes knew very well that under the rule of the First Army, there was a strict system and it was never possible to confuse business with politics.

Between business and politics, Lockes chose business.

The old butler did not understand what Locks was thinking, but the only thing he knew was that the master had already made a decision.

"Is there any news from Captain Masco?"

It's been a long time since the news from Commander Masco, and I was very concerned about that security Locks.

In any case, the two also had friendship for many years, and the emergence of the resistance army could not do without his help.

There is no reason why Opo Aron City fell first and why the loss was the smallest.

Lockes knew that Captain Masco had done his best, otherwise, how could the revolutionaries in the city take control of Opo Aron City in a short time.

"The specific news is not yet known. However, it is said that Captain Masco has left Bentley. Whether it is true or not is still under investigation, sir! It is difficult to find out where Masco is going with the channels we have, Masco Where did the army commander go and whether he is still alive? I am afraid that Commander Masco will be required to show himself, otherwise, we will never know whether Commander Masco is still alive."

The words of the old butler behind him silenced Locks.

Opo Alon City is in the northernmost part of Bentley. Although there is no air port in the city, it can be left by water.

If Captain Masco left Bentley by water, they would not be able to inquire about Captain Masco's whereabouts.

"That's it! Don't check it anymore."

There are things that cannot be forced, and Lockes knows when to stop.

Now it is undoubtedly time for him to stop.

As long as Commander Asko is still alive, no matter where he goes, he can live well.

He doesn't need to be too forceful, sometimes it's not a good thing.


The master's words undoubtedly made the old butler let out a sigh of relief.

A lot of resources from the Chamber of Commerce can be used to inquire about the whereabouts of Commander Masco.

Now, I can finally put it down.

Time is passing, and on January 21st, finally ushered in the day when the rebels and the revolutionaries declared their dissolution.

At ten o'clock in the morning, all cities across the country sounded a declaration of dissolution of the rebels and revolutionaries.

Originally this was an event that would cause a national sensation, but due to the appearance of the Scarlet Day incident, the people of Bentley basically chose to ignore the rebellion and the declaration of dissolution of the revolutionaries.

For the people of Bentley, they no longer hate the two cowardly organizations of the Resistance and the Revolution. They already have a new target of hatred, that is, the military government, as well as the Genovese commander of Voda City.

Also on this day, some businessmen in various cities of Bentley suddenly stood up, and they excitedly criticized the military government in the downtown area, and accused the chief culprit of the **** day "Chinofer".

For the refugees from Voda City, they generously provided financial assistance to them.

This kind of behavior has aroused praise from many people.

Due to the appearance of the "Blood Day" incident, Bentley was completely boiling.

There were even demonstrations in some cities to publicize Kinov’s crimes, and the marching team even surrounded the city hall, requesting that the First Army must try Kinof.

At this moment, the people of Bentley had long forgotten their hatred of the First Army, and the target of hatred was transferred to the military government, Commander Kinov.

Just when the people were angry, Voda City fell into a strange silence.

The civilians were expelled, and now Voda City has become an empty city.

Apart from one hundred thousand soldiers, no one else exists in the city.

This left the huge Voda City empty, like a ghost town.

There is an airport in the city of Voda City. Although abandoned for a long time, it is well preserved.

After being put into use again, it soon ushered in the Airbus, which is a floating vessel owned by the Bus Association.

Regarding the scale of the building, the airport is undoubtedly huge. From a distance, it is a huge T-shaped building.

The minimum lift limit of a pontoon is 500 meters. Below this height, a lot of lift will be lost. In order to save costs, the height of the airport is generally 600 meters.

This height can reduce the consumption of the element spar of the floating ship to a limited extent.

Since airports all over the world are funded and constructed by the bus association, the height standards of the airports are very strict.

Even in the chaotic Bentley country, the height of the airport is the standard 600 meters.

Just after noon, in the quiet Voda City, on the dock of the airport, a group of people are waiting.

There were a large number of soldiers, about a hundred soldiers stationed in the airport, on the most conspicuous platform, two figures stood tall.

They all looked at the northern horizon, as if waiting for something.

To the civilians in Voda City, these two are no strangers.

One is Commander Genov, and the other is his loyal subordinate "Nu Liang".

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