Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1042: Can do

In this case, some things cannot be done.

Just when Chen Yan regretted putting on her dress, one hand grabbed her hand.

In the powerful force, Chen Yan was brought into a warm embrace.

She opened her mouth slightly, and Li Meng arrogantly occupied her rosy lips before her voice was heard.

Faced with the master's arrogance, Chen Yan could not resist at all, and she would not resist, she could only silently endure her master's bullying.

Li Meng is still young, with a young body, impulsive, and once caught on fire, it is difficult to extinguish.

After a deep kiss, Li Meng let go of Chen Yan. At this time, Chen Yan had become panting, her ruddy face could only be infinitely charming.

Can't stop anymore.

Li Meng didn't want to stop either.

Since Chen Yan caused a fire in his heart, of course the fire needs to be extinguished by "Chen Yan".

The full mountain peaks can no longer satisfy Li Meng, and the hot hand goes all the way down...

But when the hot hand just reached the lower abdomen, a small white hand stopped it.

She smiled shyly, looking at the face that was close at hand, Chen Yan touched infinitely and tenderly: "Master! Leave it to me."

In Chen Yan's gentle offensive, Li Meng gave up the initiative.

After gaining the initiative, Chen Yan's behavior became bolder.

Chen Yan knows what the master wants. For a man, all he wants is an excitement.

Although in her heart, Chen Yan couldn't understand why her master was interested in this kind of thing, but she would not think too much.

The owner needs her and has interest in this area, and as a woman, the only thing she can do is to use her body to meet the owner's needs.

In Chen Yan's view, this is what she should do, and she also likes to be bullied by her master.

Because in this process, she can feel the owner's existence more clearly, and she also likes to maintain an intimate relationship with the owner.

With a shy smile, she put her hands into the skirt, and in Li Meng's hot eyes, the black stockings slowly fell off her legs.

As the stockings fell off, the slender and white legs were exposed to Li Meng's eyes.

Although only a small part of her knees were seen, it was enough to fascinate Chen Yan.

Feeling the heat in her master's eyes, the corners of Chen Yan's mouth curled slightly, revealing an arc.

She pursed her mouth and glanced at Li Meng shyly. She moved slightly and left Li Meng's arms.

In Li Meng's surprised eyes, Chen Yan lay on the back seat in a seductive posture with her back facing him.

The attractive posture and the graceful curve make people be moved.

Looking at this scene, Li Meng knew that this was an invitation from Yaner...

I don't know when, the vehicle moved a little, not very smooth, although it was slight, the feeling was obvious.

The two people in the front seat naturally knew what was going on. They looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

This is the master's interest, so naturally she can't say anything. This is because Chen Yan needs to be disciplined and disciplined. The master's body can't stand her chaos.

She can't let her disregard her master's body in order to gain her master's favor.

I don't know how long it took before everything gradually subsided.

In the back seat, Chen Yan was tidying up her top. At this moment, she looked very lazy and charming.

As for Li Meng, lying comfortably on her lap, carefully admiring the undisappeared scenery of Chen Yan's upper body.

After finishing the dress, all the beautiful scenery has disappeared, and Chen Yan returned to the appearance before getting into the car.

Looking down at the owner in her arms, Chen Yan's eyes were tender.

As if thinking of something, the corners of her mouth turned slightly and she whispered softly: "Master! Do you think I will be pregnant with a child?"

Regarding Chen Yan's question, Li Meng was stumped.

If you say yes, the possibility is actually very small, but if you say no, the possibility exists.

Although the ghoul is a "dead", the body is alive, and various organs are still functioning normally. As a female Chen Yan, even Li Meng cannot deny that she has no right to be a "mother", but this possibility It is very small, because the power of death is full of corrosiveness. As soon as ordinary sperm enters her body, it will be ruthlessly killed. Of course, everything is possible, and everything cannot be denied.

As for Li Meng, the body is now a human body. Although it is weak, it is not impossible to leave offspring if Li Meng is willing. It is just that his unhealthy body minimizes this possibility infinitely.

Even so, Chen Yan, who had **** with Li Meng at this time, was also likely to become pregnant, but this possibility was pitiful.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said softly: "Do you want a child?"

In Li Meng's gaze, Chen Yan nodded shyly.

Chen Yan's shy, well-behaved appearance made Li Meng happy.

She moved her head on Chen Yan's legs and found a more comfortable position.

Smelling the body fragrance floating from Chen Yan, Li Meng said comfortably: "Nothing is impossible, let everything go! Yan'er, you and I do not need foreign objects to strengthen our existence. Relationship, don’t force it. In any case, you are the only one who can accompany me on this journey."

With a slight smile, Chen Yan responded softly: "Yeah!"

For Chen Yan, nothing is better than the master's words. With these words, Chen Yan is already satisfied. Just like the master said, she will not force her.

"Is it almost there?"

The passion just now made Li Meng lose the gratitude of time. I don't know how long it has passed.

However, time will not be too short.

Raising the curtains slightly, Chen Yan glanced outside.

Outside, it is a dark forest.

After taking a look, Chen Yan retracted her gaze and lowered the curtain.

"I have entered the forest outside the city, and I should be able to reach the port soon."

That said, there is still a while.


Taking a deep breath, Li Meng comfortably lay on Chen Yan's lap with his eyes closed and sleeps.

The passion just consumed a lot of physical strength and energy, which made Li Mengluo feel a little tired.

Looking at the owner on her lap quietly, Chen Yan said nothing.

From that pale face, Chen Yan could feel the fatigue of her master.

This made her a little concerned.

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