Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1047: Twenty years

Like a person?

Li Meng thoughtfully, it seemed that the "apostle" was not a simple creature, and there might be other reasons for it.

However, in order to find out what kind of existence the "Apostle" really is, it is impossible to do with the existing capabilities of the First Army, and we can only wait to find out later.

"Really a strange existence..."

Li Meng exclaimed.

For the unknown, curiosity is everyone's instinct.

This is no exception even Li Meng.

"Who said no! Humans have been studying the "Apostle" for hundreds of years, and they still don't know where it came from."

Chen Yan agreed with her master's feelings.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said casually: "Where it comes from, one day will know, as long as it still exists in this world, this planet, all secrets will be revealed one day, for us, just Just wait."

"Does the master not want to dig out this secret himself?"

In Chen Yan's view, only the highly efficient war machine of the First Army can unearth all the secrets of this world.

As for human beings, it is too difficult to expect them.

I am afraid it will take hundreds of years, even hundreds of years.

Loosing the soft body in his arms and supporting the pool, Li Meng left the swimming pool.

Li Meng put on the yukata that Sakuya handed over.

Sit down on the seat by the swimming pool.

Lying comfortably on the seat, feeling the touch of the warm sun, Li Meng said calmly: "Of course I want, but the time has not yet come."

Reaching out his hand, Li Meng opened his fingers and pointed straight at the sky, as if to grasp something.

He looked at the sky and said calmly: "One day human beings will leave their homes. When they are free from the shackles of gravity, all the secrets will naturally be revealed one by one."

Leave the earth?

It's too difficult, Chen Yan knows very well that with the current level of human technology, wanting to break free from the constraints of gravity is just a luxury.

Lying by the pool and looking at the owner in the seat, Chen Yan said lazily: "Then the owner has to wait for a long time."

"It won't be long."

When the words fell, Li Meng had already withdrawn his hand.

Looking at Chen Yan lying by the pool, Li Meng said confidently: "In twenty years, at most twenty years, the First Legion will be able to go to the starry sky and lead mankind into the interstellar age."

Twenty years?

how can that be……

Chen Yan was very puzzled, not just her, even Sakiya who was beside her was very puzzled.

In Sakuya's view, even if His Highness had to use the technology of "Ayre", it would never be possible for human beings to enter the starry sky within twenty years.

Although Al’s technology is far superior to the earth, it is still far away from entering the starry sky.

In this era, although Al has begun to explore the starry sky, it has just started.

Facing the doubtful eyes of the two women, Li Meng did not explain too much.

Just calmly said: "Everything you see, the world you live in is not all of mankind. Whether on the earth or in the eternal sky, mankind has too many secrets, and you will know it someday. ."

Is that right?

Although some didn't understand what the master said, the two girls didn't ask much, but thought silently.

From the words of the master, one can think of something.

Withdrawing his gaze from the two women, Li Meng called the mastermind in his heart.

"am I right?"

To Li Meng's call, the main brain quickly responded.

"It depends on how determined the owner is. The data I have stored do have the technology that allows humans to enter deep space, but the development of technology pays attention to the technical foundation, including knowledge, sufficient knowledge reserves, and not rich enough. Even if I take out a set of advanced technology systems, humans cannot understand it in a short time."

This answer is not what Li Meng expected, because he understands the existing technology of mankind.

Whether it is Al, the earth, or even the Blue Star where he remembers, the development of science and technology is far from enough.

However, what Li Meng wants is not understanding, but manufacturing.

In his mind, Li Meng said calmly: "I don't need humans to understand, I only need humans to be able to make "tools." As for the principle and structure of tools, as long as they can be used, everything else can be ignored."


Regarding Li Meng's attention, even the main brain couldn't help being speechless.

But the master has to admit that the master's attention is very good.

If the cycle of science and technology develops gradually, it is impossible for human beings to truly travel in the starry sky without a few thousand years.

"Using the existing resources of the earth can indeed effectively produce "tools", but this requires simplification of science and technology, the master! It is recommended to establish a scientific research institute to recruit scientists with abundant knowledge, and through the research and exploration of scientists, the simplified Technology is made into "tools" that can be used by humans."

"There will be!"

Speaking of this, a smile appeared on Li Meng's face.

Because the main brain's answer made Li Meng very satisfied, because before, Li Meng did not confirm whether the main brain can have advanced technology, which is the "legacy of ancient mankind."

Although Li Meng did not know the identity of the "master brain", after learning of the existence of "ancient humans", Li Meng made some guesses about the identity of the master brain.

There are two guesses, and only these two are the most likely.

1. Ancient humans possess advanced technology and must have very intelligent AI. The existing existence of the main brain is a good proof, that is, the identity of the main brain is the intelligent AI left over by ancient humans.

Second, the identity of the main brain is also an intelligent AI, but it is not a legacy of ancient humans, but an enemy of ancient humans. Before, the main brain said that the decline of ancient humans was caused by a civil war. What kind of civil war would lead to ancient humans? What about the destruction of mankind? It is impossible for humans to fight with humans to cause such serious consequences. There is only one possibility, and that is that this enemy was created by humans. Think about human mechanical technology. Everything is clear. This enemy has the greatest possibility. Sex can only be "mechanical life".

Wisdom is full of infinite possibilities. When the cold machine has the consciousness of thinking alone, the creator of human beings is likely to fall down from the altar. After all, in the cold universe, all wisdom will instinctively seek a place to stand.

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