Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1050: Reason?

However, today, at this time, there are many people in the port.

There are merchants and civilians as laborers. Although they are slightly sparse, there are also thousands of people.

The emergence of the army and the occupation of a wharf made people very curious.

However, when they saw a huge steel ship slowly approaching outside the arch of the guard wall, they understood.

It seems that a certain senior member of the First Army has arrived in Bentley, and the soldiers are welcoming it.

It's so big...

Looking at the big ship outside the arch that looked like a big steel mountain, the eyes of the civilians showed surprise.

Too big, too grand.

Even some merchants with great knowledge can't help but look at it. After all, such a large ship is rare. For many merchants, this ship is also the largest ship they have ever seen in their lives.

"This is Marani City?"

Standing on the side of the ship, Li Meng looked at the city close at hand.

The tall city wall and the relatively low guard wall, although you can't see the scene behind the city wall, the scene in front of you is already big and shocking.

For the city of Marani, Li Meng has never been here. This is the first time I have seen this city.

Compared with Qingcheng, the magnificent city wall alone is not comparable to Qingcheng.

I have to say that human beings are extremely resilient. Even Bentley, a relatively weak country, can build such a tall and magnificent city wall.

In Li Meng's gaze, the guard wall was slowly approaching.

The guard wall is a semicircular shape, connecting the main city wall and enclosing the port.

The arch is the only entrance.

Although the arch was large, it was too reluctant to accommodate the passage of the "Emperor". Therefore, the "Emperor" could not enter the port.

When the distance from the guard wall was less than 100 meters, the "Emperor" had stopped.

At this time, the four tugboats waiting outside the guard wall began to move.

Under the influence of four tugboats, the huge "Emperor" slowly moved to a spare dock outside the guard wall.

The two destroyers guarding the "Emperor" were moored on the sea not far away, and the anchors had been dropped.

"Let's go!"

Turning around, Li Meng left the side of the ship, taking Wendy, Saya, and Chen Yan to the elevator.

After staying at sea for a few days, Li Meng had some desire for land.

The alternate dock is independent and there is no road connecting the guard wall, so if you want to enter the port, you have to change ships.

Of course, there is no need to worry about Li Meng for all this, Natasha has already prepared everything.

When the "Emperor" docked on the alternate pier, many speedboats pulled out of the arch and docked on the alternate pier.

"Commander! You are welcome, please get on board!"

When Li Meng boarded the dock, a group of waiting mobilizers immediately raised the military salute, and the petty officer among them shouted loudly.

"It's a special envoy!"

Walking to the officer, Li Meng emphasized.

"Yes! Welcome to the "Special Envoy"!"

The chief sergeant who was aware of the slip of the tongue quickly changed his words.

He has been notified that the identity of the commander this time is the "special envoy", not the "commander" of the top leader of the First Army.

"Let's go!"

With the three women, Li Meng boarded a speedboat.

With the roar of "rumbling", the three speedboats left the pier one after another, crossing the archway one after another.

Behind the guard wall is a port in the true sense.

The port is very large and the water area is not small. The longest ends are probably no more than one kilometer.

There are many ships anchored in the waters, including warships of the First Corps, merchant ships, and even small fishing boats.

However, there are not many ships docked at the pier, it can be said that very few.

This phenomenon is not surprising. When the ships are crowded, the dock is not a berthing point, but a place for loading and unloading goods.

In the aisles of the waters, the speedboat traversed fast, not fast, but not slow, approaching the pier at an average speed.

Soon, the speedboat arrived at the dock emptied by the soldiers.

On the dock, Natasha was already waiting.

When seeing the familiar figure of the owner appearing from the speedboat, Natasha's eyes shimmered in the hood.

The excitement made her cry: "Lord... Special Envoy!"

The master didn't say anything, but she quickly changed her words when she realized something.

He boarded the dock and looked at the familiar figure in front of him. Although he couldn't see the face in the hood, the familiar breath made Li Meng feel a little bit gone.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said softly: "It seems that you are very uncomfortable with the word "special envoy"."

After speaking, Li Meng looked around the pier.

When he took his gaze back, Li Meng said: "Let's go!"

On the dock, a convoy is waiting.

This convoy is composed of three small cars and several armed vehicles.

Especially those large military personnel carriers, look even more sturdy.

Bentley is Natasha's home court, and everything is of course subject to Natasha's arrangements.

When Li Meng took the four women into an elongated black car, with a burst of "strong" roar, under the order of Natasha, the convoy moved slowly.


When the convoy drove out of the pier, the soldiers lined up outside the pier held the military salute neatly and their eyes moved with the convoy in a loud roar.

The road ahead was unimpeded, and the convoy drove away and disappeared in the city gate.

However, Li Meng didn't know it. Several pairs of eyes were looking at him.

Everything on the pier was moored in the water, and a few people on a wooden sea boat saw it.

"Sister Gunia! Is that really the big brother?"

On the side of the ship, a little girl in a gray robe pulled the eldest sister beside her and asked anxiously.

Kuniya was helpless, so she rubbed Dinessa's little head and whispered, "Yes, it's him."

"Then let's go find him!"

Dinesha said expectantly.

Looking for him?

With a wry smile, Gu Niya said helplessly: "This can't work."


The corners of her mouth pouted, Dinessa was puzzled and disappointed.

"Because Sister Gunia can't find a reason!"

At this moment, Teresa, who was keeping quiet, interrupted suddenly.


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