Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1057: Leisure days

Li Meng laughed at Sakuya's bitter mother-in-law.

Holding Sakuya on that beautiful face was just a bite.

In Sakuya’s embarrassment and helplessness, Li Meng said happily, “It’s okay! It’s enough if this body can live for “ten years”, but there is nothing absolute. I already have this bad body. There is a solution, and if it is, there will be no problem with a long life."

"It would be great if it was so!"

Buttoning the button on His Highness's chest, Sakiya's face was clearly not convinced.

Hugging Saya Ye and holding her in his arms, Li Meng pretended to be angry and said: "Why, dare you not believe me?"

Seeing Saya, struggling hopelessly in the owner's arms, the women in the room pursed their lips and chuckled.

It is really rare for the host to have fun, which shows that the host is in a good mood today.

"Okay! Your Highness, just be honest!"

Pushing his Highness's chest, Sakiya said helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I'm honest, I must be honest."

Li Meng honestly raised his hand, and honestly cooperated with Sakiya to button himself.

In the end, Sakiya finally buttoned the last button.

"Okay! Your Highness, get up quickly. After washing, it's time to take medicine. If you are hungry, Saye and Shayue have prepared lunch, ready to enjoy."

Under Sakuya's urging, Li Meng got up very honestly and cooperated with the women to wash.

"By the way! Sakiya, are there arrangements for today?"

Taking the towel Wendy handed over, while wiping his face, Li Meng asked Sakuya.


Sakuya, who was clearing the bed, raised her head slightly and glanced at Li Meng suspiciously.

She shook her head lightly and said, "As a special envoy, your Royal Highness only needs to attend the final meeting. Now the cities of Bentley are preparing for elections. There are 25 cities in Bentley, which means there are 25 cities. Members, it takes a lot of time for all 25 members to be elected. Even if they are elected, the following work will take some time to prepare."

"The final election is the election of the presidency. The election of the presidency is national and of great significance. It will be finalized in the meeting to finalize the national policy. In other words, your Highness only needs to participate in the last meeting. However, before this, your Highness is free to do whatever he wants."

Speaking of this, Sakuya has already made the bed.

At this time, Li Meng was also finished.

Is receiving Wendy's final finishing.

Looking at the serious Wendy in front of him, Li Meng smiled secretly, stretched out his hand, and quickly attacked under the blind spot that no one saw, gently grabbing Wendy's towering twin peaks.

Wendy's face turned slightly ruddy to the little actions of the owner, and the action of finishing Li Meng's collar continued without showing much reaction.

Just looking at the owner's eyes, full of shame.

With one hit, Li Meng was satisfied and did not continue to bully Wendy.

This made Wendy a sigh of relief.

She wasn't the only one in the room. If General Sakiya and her subordinates saw her, she didn't care, but it was no good.

"In other words, we came early?"

After speaking, Li Meng took the water and medicine that Qin Qian handed over, raised his head, and swallowed.

As soon as he swallowed it, the heat in his body swept through his body, and Li Meng felt his power back again.

When he came to His Highness, he took the water glass from His Highness, and Sakiya handed it to Koto Akane who was aside.

He said at the same time: "I don't know if it is too early, but your Highness must arrive in Bentley early. Did your Highness forget the "energy shock" of Voda City? Although the "Apostle" did not appear, this is not an excuse for your Highness to complain. "

"I'm not complaining."

Li Meng whispered.

Yes, in the final analysis, the reason why Li Meng came to Bentley in such a hurry was not for the possible "apostle". Now that the crisis of the "apostle" has passed, there are some things that have nothing to say.

Pretending not to hear His Royal Highness's words, Sakuya said in an angry voice: "Okay, Your Highness! The military government is very large, and there are many places for your Royal Highness to spend time. Don't worry about the hard days. If you really can't relax, you can pay more attention to politics , Looking at those materials, no matter how much time you can pass."

Li Meng would not be fooled by Sakuya.

Li Meng denied this suggestion without hesitation.

"Don't think about throwing things to me about political affairs, I won't be fooled by you."

Seeing that His Highness is so careful, Sakiya feels very helpless.

She could only say in an angry voice: "His Royal Highness doesn't want to see it, how can Sakuya force it?"

With a slight smile, Li Meng was quite satisfied with Sakuya's words.

There are too many facts in a country. If everything has to be Li Meng’s approval, then Li Meng’s day may be spent on political affairs.

This is what Li Meng did not want.

Therefore, from the day the First Corps was established, matters large and small will be scattered to officers at all levels.

Even if something major happens, the incident will be reported up layer by layer. Often at the level of the general, most of the government affairs will be intercepted and dealt with by the general.

If the general is unable to make a decision, he will ask Li Meng for instructions and let Li Mona pay attention.

Such rules can be said to have been formed under Li Meng’s acquiescence. It is precisely because of this that the sergeants stationed in various places have great powers. It can be said that the local government affairs are all responsible for the local garrison. .

Although such a system has great drawbacks, because the military system of the First Army is very special, this drawback has been infinitely reduced.

Of course, this type of government is only a transition during the war. In peacetime, the army will naturally gradually leave government affairs and hand over power to professionals, and the current First Army is doing this.

Li Meng felt a little hungry after touching his stomach.

The ridiculous night with Natasha last night, the exhaustion of physical strength is amazing.

I didn't feel hungry when I first got up. After such a while, the feeling of hunger has already surfaced in my heart.

"Go! Go back to the room, let Shaye, Shayue hurry up and serve delicious food, I'm hungry!"

Li Meng said with a grin, and strode out.

After looking at Wendy helplessly, the two had to keep up.

Along the long corridor, after a few corners, Li Meng returned to the room.

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