Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1077: knight

In Saya's view, the skeleton warrior is too weak. On the battlefield, there is nothing useful except the number.

"If it's useful, don't care about it. Your task is to reserve more skeleton warriors. The more the better, do your best. Of course, you can also make some black warriors in your spare time."

The Black Warrior is a large humanoid undead creature, strong enough to be used as a high-end large weapon.

The most important thing is that it is wearing armor, so there is no need to worry about being discovered by humans as a dead thing, and it can be included in the existing army of the First Army.

However, it is not easy to make a black warrior. Even if ten nuns work together to make a black warrior, it may take several days.

The master had said so, and Saya could only press down on the doubt in his heart.

Replied: "Yes, Saya knows what to do."

Picking up the tableware, Li Meng began to eat a delicious lunch.

The delicious food was wiped out bit by bit, and when the last drop of wine in the wine glass fell, Li Meng ended the meal.

Taking the napkin that Saya handed over, Li Meng wiped his mouth.

After putting the used napkin on the dinner plate, looking at Saya next to him, Li Meng said: "You will have a lot of things in the future, and you will not be able to stay by my side like you are now, and finish what I gave you. Mission, when the time comes, I will let you personally end the history of ASEAN."

What Saya wanted, Li Meng did not forget.

Li Meng has long been displeased with ASEAN.

Because of the geographical location of Nanlin Island, it is too close to ASEAN. In reason, Li Meng will not let ASEAN continue to exist, and ASEAN is also the front line of the First Army inland. From the beginning, between the two A war is necessary.

It's just that the focus of the First Army now tends to be out of Austria in the south, and the ASEAN First Army will naturally ignore it temporarily.

Of course, this is only temporary. As long as the First Army vacates its hands, it will naturally return to ASEAN.


Saya responded softly.

Standing up, Li Meng stood up and walked to the window with a light step.

Waving slightly, Li Meng said, "Go!"

In speechlessness, Saya quietly packed the cutlery, holding the dinner plate, and walked away lightly.

As soon as she walked to the door, two small figures got into the room.

It's Dinessa, and Teresa.

"Big brother!"

As soon as she entered the room, Dinesha shouted cheerfully.

Pulling Teresa, hopped and ran towards Li Meng.

Hearing the sound, Li Meng knew who was here.

He turned around and saw the two little girls approaching.

"It's you! Where's your eldest sister?"

After speaking, Li Meng looked at the door.

Outside the door, Saya's figure just disappeared, but Gu Niya and Li Meng did not see it.

In front of Li Meng, Dinesha stopped, she smiled, looked at Li Meng with big watery eyes, and said cutely: "We came out quietly."

Slightly bent over, Li Meng lightly scratched Dinessa’s cute nose, and smiled: “It’s really a shame that you were able to find this, saying, that sister told you?”

Li Meng's petting action made the little devilish Dinessa flushed, and she twitched and said, "It's the big sister with furry ears, she told us."

Big sister with furry ears?

It turned out to be Shayue.

When it comes to hairy ears, there is only Shayue.

The sound of rain outside the window seemed to attract Dinessa's attention.

She took a gentle step and lay on the window sill next to Li Meng, and Di looked out the window on tiptoe.

The sky outside the window was covered with dark clouds, and dense raindrops hit the ground, causing countless water splashes on the ground, and the sound of "crashing" was continuous.

Seeing that Dinesha was struggling so hard, Li Meng smiled slightly, reached out and picked up Dinesha and put it on the window sill.

Sitting on the window sill, Dinessa, who was a little ghost, looked a little awkward. Just now, her elder brother hugged her, which made her very embarrassed.

However, her face was slightly red, and she was quickly attracted by the sound of rain outside.

Sitting on the window sill, she was holding the glass with both hands, her eyes widened, and she looked outside with novelty.

"It's raining so hard!"

The sound of "crashing" made her exclaim.

Hugging Dinesha, Li Meng certainly did not forget Teresa.

When Li Meng turned to look at Teresa, what he saw was Teresa's sweet smile.

This made Li Meng stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly, bent over, and a princess hugged Teresa in her arms.

In Li Meng's arms, Teresa was very well-behaved, and those small hands were gently resting on Li Meng's shoulders.

Looking at Li Meng's eyes, it was as pure as water.

Gently put Teresa on the window sill, stood behind her, and watched the torrential rain outside with her.

Natasha's office faces the courtyard, looking out, and the scene in the courtyard is unobstructed.

In the rain curtain, the courtyard was hazy, and the rainstorm covered everything.

Only the few steel figures stood in the rain curtain, letting the wind and rain beat them, motionless.

"Aren't they cold?"

Looking at the Dark Iron Warrior in the rain, Teresa in front of Li Meng said weakly.

Following Terissa's gaze, Li Meng looked at several figures at the courtyard gate.

He smiled slightly, looked down at Teresa, and whispered: "They, but loyal knights, they are loyal to their duties. It would be an insult to them if they were allowed to enter the house to avoid the rain."

"Is it the big brother's knight?"

Looking up, Teresa looked at Li Meng with her watery eyes.

Li Meng nodded lightly, and said, "Yes, it's Big Brother's knight."

"That's it!"

Teresa nodded seemingly understanding.

"Sister Teresa! We should go now!"

At some point, Dinessa withdrew her gaze from the window, and she pouted, seemingly unhappy.

"Don't wait for Sister Gunia to come?"

Looking at Dinesha puzzled, Teresa was a little puzzled.

Rolling her eyes, Dinesha said angrily: "How can sister Gunia find us."

After that, she opened her hands, smiled, and exclaimed rather squeamishly: "Big Brother!"

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