Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1081: The last hot spring trip

Gunia is a human being. The human body gives Li Meng an unusual feeling, more real, warmer, and more fascinating.

Li Meng was no longer satisfied with the status quo, his hands in the water slightly grasped the soft buttocks and moved gently to his side.

After being attacked on her buttocks, Gu Niya's face turned red. In order to maintain her appearance on the water, the underwater part had to lean slightly on the side of the pool, which made her posture a little awkward.

From the outside, Gunia and Li Meng were just close, with their heads out of the water still far away.

Under the water, Gunia's soft buttocks were already close to Li Meng's body.

In the water, Li Meng's hand didn't stop, and she was slowly sliding past Gunia's sensitive areas, which made Gunia almost unable to bear it.

"Sister Gunia! What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

In the shallow water hot spring next to her, Dinessa lay on the side of the pool with a curious look, looking at Gu Niya quite puzzled.

Sister Gunia seemed a little uncomfortable, her face flushed, her teeth clenched, she seemed to be suffering, which made Dinessa very worried.

Dinesha was right by, just across the aisle.

The sudden cry made Gu Niya panic, and the body in the water quickly escaped from Li Meng's claws.

Looking back at Dinesha, she smiled reluctantly and said: "It's nothing, maybe it's been soaking for too long, and my head is a little dizzy."

"How long is this?"

Dinessa rolled her eyes helplessly, and said regretfully: "Sister Gunia! If you feel uncomfortable, go back."

Regarding Dinessa’s concern, Gu Niya calmed down her panic, she smiled slightly and said: "Well! Just listen to Sister Dinessa, let’s go back!"

After speaking, Gu Niya quickly arranged the yukata pressed behind her in the water, and began to button up the buttons one by one.

She seemed to perceive Li Meng's gaze next to her. She raised her head and looked at Li Meng nervously. She opened her mouth slightly, her face was unusually rosy, and she said shyly: "Tomorrow I'm leaving, like... …If I have a chance to come out in the evening, I will come to you."

Although her heart was flustered, Gunia knew very well in her heart that she must leave something on the man next to her before she left, otherwise, time would wear away everything.

Although she would not ask the man next to him to agree to something, since she accepted it, she wouldn't give up halfway without starting anything.

With a slight smile, Li Meng didn't say much.

Just whispered: "I'm waiting for you!"

For Gu Niya, these words are undoubtedly powerful. Facing Li Meng's gaze, she lowered her head in a panic and buttoned her buttons in a panic.

"Goodbye, big brother!"

Waved to Li Meng, Dinessa was hurriedly pulled away by Gunia.

From beginning to end, Gu Niya kept her head down, not daring to look at Li Meng.

The last words are too embarrassing for Gunya.

She never thought that she would say such shy words, which made her heart beating nervously.

Teresa seemed to have discovered something. She looked up at Gu Niya beside her, then at Li Meng, her face thoughtful.

Gunia left, pulling the two sisters and leaving without looking back.

Looking at the backs of them leaving, thinking of Gu Niya's words just now, Li Meng's heart unexpectedly started to look forward to it.

Looking at the slender figure from the back, Li Meng's gaze was a little fiery.

When Gunia disappeared from the courtyard, Li Meng withdrew his eyes.

At this time, there were only Li Meng and Qin Qian in the courtyard.

Every day, when night falls, the people who accompany Li Meng are always different.

Sometimes it will be Wendy, sometimes it will be Pasha. Only Sakiya has no rules. When he should be with Li Meng, Sakiya will not leave at will.

Li Meng doesn't care how to arrange it, and Li Meng doesn't care too much about the different people around him every day.

Used to being served by others, Li Meng would not be used to it if there was not such a person around him.

I have to talk about the hedonism of human beings, but then again, for all intelligent creatures, enjoyment is probably the nature buried in the bones. It can only be said that the nature is like this, and it cannot be simply denied.

It's still early, Li Meng is not willing to go back to the room and wait for nothing.

Staying in the hot spring, Li Meng continued to enjoy the baptism from the hot water.

Qin Qian stood quietly in the aisle, holding a pile of clothes in her hand, waiting patiently.

As if noticing the existence of Qin Qian, Li Meng, who closed his eyes in the pool, opened his eyes.

He tilted his eyes slightly and looked at Qin Qian not far away.

Looking at the slim Qin Qian, Li Meng thought of the unforgettable morning a few days ago.

In that morning, Qin Qian was quite bold, which made Li Meng enjoy it absurdly.

Thinking of that scene, Li Meng's heart itched again.

Li Meng opened his mouth slightly and said, "Put down your clothes and come in!"

Qin Qian's expression moved slightly when the master suddenly appeared.

She raised her feet slightly, took a few steps forward, bent slightly, half-kneeled on the ground, and put the clothes in her hands in a dry place.

Facing the master's gaze, her expression was calm.

After standing up from the ground, she bent down slightly, put her hands under the skirt and took off the white stockings.

At the bottom of the skirt, the snow-white thighs are looming, adding a touch of seduction to her.

When she straightened up, she began to unbutton her.

Soon, the black dress slowly slipped from her.

Under the dress is a thin underwear, as light as a veil, and the skin is clearly visible.

She lifted her steps slightly, and walked gently into the hot spring.

The water was rippling, and she also came to Li Meng's body.

Looking at Li Meng, her eyes were as clear as water, without shyness, only tenderness as water.

Looking at her in front of her, Li Meng slightly opened her arms, and she silently fell into Li Meng's arms, everything was so natural.

Li Meng was very enjoyable with Qin Qian's well-behaved, holding her soft body gently. He comfortably hugged the beauty and slumbered in the hot spring with his eyes closed.

In her master's arms, Qin Qian was very calm, with her hands gently resting on her master's shoulders, quietly looking at the master's face with closed eyes.

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