Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1084: Forgotten things

Li Meng's entire body was pressed tightly on Sha Yue's petite and exquisite body.

While asking for it from Sha Yue's mouth, Li Meng groped Sha Yue's body with his hand.

The soft waist, the small dock on the chest, and the small thighs on the lower body did not escape Li Meng's clutches.

For Li Meng at this moment, Sha Yue's dress was just an obstacle.

While groping up and down with Shayue's hands, she was also unlocking the buttons of the key place.

Not long after, in the darkness, Shayue half exposed her breasts, and the soft little steamed bun was rubbed in her hands by Li Meng's magic claws.

The darkness covered everything, and Li Meng could only feel it with his hands.

"this is……"

When Li Meng's hand couldn't help but explore down, and smoothly reached the bottom of the little skirt, a fluffy thing was discovered by Li Meng.

In the darkness, the fluffy thing was pulled out of the bottom of the skirt by Li Meng.

It was the tail, a long tail, stroking the fluffy tail, Li Meng's expression was quite unexpected.

Why haven't you noticed it before?

Although when he first saw Sha Yue, Li Meng was very curious whether there was a tail behind Sha Yue.

Of course, Li Meng couldn't ask about this in person.

It can only be seen from the outside, and from the outside, Shayue's tail is invisible, which makes Li Meng always think that except for the ears, Shayue is no different from humans.

It now appears that this is not the case.

It's so good to hide...

Stroking that fluffy tail, Li Meng was curious how Sha Yue hid such a big tail.

The tail in his hand is not small. In terms of length, it is probably close to Sha Yue's height.

"the host……"

In the darkness, Sha Yue whispered.

The tail was played by the owner, which made Sha Yue very sensitive.

For their raccoons, especially women, the tail is the most sacred thing, and no one can touch it except a companion who accompanies it for a lifetime.

Although she has become a corpse girl, the tail is still the most sacred thing in Shayue and the most sensitive place.

Genetics is really a magical existence. I really don't know how humans did it before. They used the genes of animals and humans to create a strange race of subhumans.

This can only be said to be the miracle of science, creating a miracle that people cannot imagine.

Moving away from Sha Yue's small body, Li Meng sat beside Sha Yue in the dark.

Although the tail had been put down by Li Meng, the hand in the dark did not leave Sha Yue's body.

Although he couldn't see it, he could still imagine the beautiful scenery of Shayue on the bed at this time.

Without hesitation or hesitation, Li Meng's hand lifted the small skirt under Shayue's body and gently took off her elastic stockings.

After doing all this, Li Meng turned over and leaned against the bedside table and took the little Sha Yue into his arms.

Little Sha Yue rode on Li Meng in a straddle position.

As if conscious of what was about to happen, Sha Yue's liberated tail flicked uneasy in the darkness.

In the darkness, Li Meng stretched out his hand and gently touched Sha Yue's small face, comforting silently.

The other hand reached into the bottom of the skirt and slightly lifted Sha Yue's small buttocks.

With a light "hum" and a low roar, the two of them no longer distinguish each other in the dark.

The bed was "creaking" shaking.

In the darkness, Li Meng on the bed was also enjoying the pain.

Fortunately, this pain only lasted for a while. As Shayue adapted to it, it was a wonderful journey afterwards.

Tonight, for Li Meng, it is destined to be a sleepless night.

The same is true for Shayue.

In the darkness, the strange movement lasted for a long, long time, and it was not until the early morning that calm was restored.

No words for a night.

When the night is gone and the light shrouds the earth again, Marani has ushered in a new day.

Today, the heavy rain that lasted for a few days finally stopped, Qingcheng, the sun on the horizon has risen, and the bright golden light shines on the earth.

"Ah cut!"

The sudden itching in the nose caused Li Meng to sneez.

This also made Li Meng wake up from his deep sleep.

When Li Meng opened his slightly confused eyes, the first thing he saw was Sha Yue who was also awakened.

On the large bed, Sha Yue half exposed her breasts, her dresses were messy, and her lower skirt was pushed to the waist. The snow-white thighs and attractive buttocks were completely exposed in Li Meng's eyes.

And the long tail, waving back and forth uneasy.

Looking at such a moving scenery, how could Li Meng bear it.

A hungry tiger pounces on the sheep, pressing down on Shayue who is in confusion.

There was a soft "hum" and a soft whisper.

On the wide bed, as the two overlapped, the bed shook slightly in the sound of "creaking".

With a strong feeling from the heart, Shayue’s tail protruding from her buttocks was like a peacock, expanding countless times, and gently covering the two of them, covering the shy scene.

After a long time, Li Meng let Sha Yue go, and turned over from Sha Yue refreshedly.

I have to say that Li Meng enjoyed a feeling that he had never had before in Shayue.

One is the kind of excitement from different races, and the other is Shayue's petite body, which makes people feel guilty.

Lying on her side beside Sha Yue, she quietly looked at Sha Yue who was lazy, her long white tail was even played by Li Meng in her hand and stroked gently.

The hair on the tail is very soft, very slippery to the touch, and very soft, it feels very comfortable.

Whenever Li Meng squeezed his tail hard, Shayue's little face always blushed.

This made Li Meng full of wicked fun, and he played with Sha Yue's soft tail even more vigorously.

Wei Wei tidyed up the messy dresses on her body, especially the scenery on her lower body. Sha Yue put down her skirt and blocked it.

Moving slightly, Shayue sat up from the bed, turned her head, and looked at the owner beside her with soft eyes.

Speaking slightly, Sha Yue whispered: "Master! There is still something to do today! Time is running out."

After Shayue's reminder, Li Meng realized that there was something he had forgotten.

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