Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1087: Cold words

Gu Niya was silent about Li Meng's words.

After a long time, she looked complicated and said: "He is my father!"

The look at Li Meng was very complicated.

Li Meng seemed to have not seen Gunia’s complicated gaze, stroking the hairy tail in his arms, and said calmly: "This sentence is for your father and it is for you, Ba The Kingdom of Lun can’t give you any hope. Whether you have this idea or not, I don’t want to hear about your going to the Kingdom of Barron. You’d better keep this sentence in your heart. It’s good for you.”

The atmosphere in the car is a little serious, because Li Meng's words are more like a warning.

This was unacceptable for Gu Niya. For the man beside him, Gu Niya felt strange for the first time.

After a few moments of silence, Gu Niya said calmly: "Thank you Lord Li Meng for your love! Your army’s help I have learned that the Kingdom of Austria has its own path. If "destruction" is an unavoidable fate, so is it. God’s will", cannot blame others."

For some reason, when she said this, Gu Niya felt her heartache for the first time.

Is that pain? Gu Niya didn't know, she only felt that her heart was very uncomfortable.

Surprisingly, Li Meng was not angry about Gu Niya's words, and the expression on his face did not change much.

Li Meng just said indifferently: "I won't take it back, so you can do what you want!"

Li Meng's reaction made Guniya's heart even more uncomfortable.

What's wrong?

This sudden break, the depressing atmosphere in the car, made Gu Niya very confused.

Obviously it was fine before, but now the relationship between the two suddenly became stiff.

Did she do it wrong?

Kuniya didn't think so, and it was difficult to admit that she was wrong.

Although the Kingdom of Austria is weak and small, it also has dignity. How can people threaten their home country at will?

No matter how long the road is, there is an end, and soon the convoy arrived at the port.

The convoy stopped on the wharf where the crowds flowed.

The silence lasted for a long time, and at the final moment of separation, the two still did not speak.

Looking at Li Meng, Gu Niya's expression was very complicated. She wanted to speak but stopped, and finally got out of the car in silent disappointment.

On the dock, a wooden sea boat was really waiting, and a few people on the boat looked at the convoy not far away.

When Gunia left the car, their eyes lit up and their faces were full of joy.

"Sister Gunia! Where's the big brother?"

Leaving the car, Di Nisha did not see her elder brother, and asked Gu Niya incomprehensibly.

Even Teresa couldn't help but look back, looking at the elongated black car.

With a barely smile, Gu Niya whispered: "Big brother is very busy! Let's not disturb him, let's go! It's time to go home."


Hearing this news, Dinesha nodded in disappointment.

Behind the ink-colored glass, Li Meng turned his head slightly to look at the one, two and three figures not far from the car.

It took a moment to withdraw his sight, and said calmly: "Let's go!"

The powerful engine roared slightly, and the convoy began to move.

Passing by the three women one by one.

When the stretch car passed by, Gu Niya cast her eyes.

She knew that behind the dark glass, the man was in the car.

In the end, Gunia still did not get the answer.

Under their gaze, the convoy slowly left, and gradually disappeared into the crowd.

There were many people on the pier and the situation was chaotic. Several people waiting on the sea boat got off the boat quickly and greeted the three of Kuniya.


For Li Meng, today is not a happy day. He said what shouldn’t be said, and he did what shouldn’t be done. Some things seemed unnecessary, but for Li Meng it was necessary to do Things.

Right or wrong, Li Meng will only look at it from his own perspective, not thinking too much, and not caring too much.

The return journey was smooth. When passing through the gloomy gate hole, the convoy entered the city where the traffic was breathing.

In the car, Li Meng gently stroked the soft tail in his arms, but his thoughts drifted far, far away.

Looking back at the meditating master, Wendy in the front seat asked very puzzledly: "Master! Why is this? If the master cares about her, those things can't be said."

Yes, I could not say it, but Li Meng still said it.

Shaking his head slightly, Li Meng said calmly: "She is a proud woman, but sometimes, a proud woman will do some seemingly passionate but stupid things for their pride. She cares too much about her country, and this Caring about it might ruin her."

Speaking of this, Li Meng smiled faintly, stroking the hairy tail in his hand, and said: "Thinking is very important, and all I have to do is let her learn to think and return to the Kingdom of Austria. There is enough Time makes her think. If she wants to understand, she will go to Danlan Kingdom. If she doesn't understand, I think Li Meng has misunderstood the person, and she is not qualified to let me cherish and think about it."

Lifting his head slightly, Li Meng looked at Wendy and smiled: "Don't understand?"

Wendy's eyes remained puzzled.

Withdrawing his gaze from Wendy, Li Meng stretched out his hand and rubbed Shayue’s small head, and smiled lightly in Shayue’s soft eyes: “If she doesn’t understand, she won’t know how to cherish herself, she will She was squeezed out of all the use value by her own country and then ruthlessly abandoned. She is a woman. If she is smart enough, she should know this. If she knows this in her heart, she is willing to be used ruthlessly by her own country. , To squeeze out all the use value, this kind of woman is disgusting and sad."

Speaking of this, Li Meng's face was cold and his tone was extremely weak, and said: "If she is really such a woman, I will personally end her sad life."

Although the voice was weak, the coldness revealed in the words made people shudder.

Hearing this, Shayue's petite body trembled even more, and there was only fear in her eyes.

It was terrible, this was the first time Shayue saw such a "cold" side of her master.

Li Meng seemed to perceive Shayue’s abnormality. Li Meng smiled softly, rubbed Shayue’s fluffy ears, and whispered: “In the endless years, loneliness is the greatest enemy. In the future, you are the only ones who can accompany me. You are not only my family members, but also the only consolation for my soul. No matter how far apart, no matter how far apart, this connection will never It will break."

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