Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1102: guess

After reprimanding, Natasha let go of the correspondent and put her mind on the Demon Warlock.

If the missing person is really the work of the Demon Warlock, the situation in Marani City may be even more serious.

Once the sacrificial ritual of the Demon Warlock is completed, those evil demons will act recklessly in Marani.

What should I do?

For a moment, Natasha hesitated.

While hesitating, Natasha issued an order to the correspondent, saying: "Let the nearby army gather in the abandoned community, block the abandoned community, and leave the battle to the Black Iron Warriors. Remember, try to stay alive. Whether there are any Demon Warlocks in Marani City, we need to know from them."


Whether the Demon Warlock exists or not is still a mystery, and the search for the missing persons is still continuing.

After leaving the point where the disappearance case occurred, Natasha returned directly to the military government.

When Natasha's motorcade returned to the military government, the sunset had already set, and the night was coming quietly.

At this time, in the city of Marani, the people on the major squares had also dispersed. Before the night fell, the city of Marani was caught in a brief noise.

The noise was short-lived, and when the night fell, the huge city of Marani returned to calm.

Military government, restaurant.

Under the soft light, the huge restaurant was shrouded in light, and a fragrance filled the air, floating in the air, invading every corner.

At the first place at the long table, Li Meng was sitting upright and eating quietly.

During the meal, Li Meng didn't like to be disturbed, which made the restaurant quiet.

Whether it was Wendy, Shayue, or Sakuya, they all sat quietly at the table to keep quiet, only their eyes would occasionally float to Li Meng during the meal.

As "Zie Ji" and "Undead", Sakiya and the three people don't need food.

Their physical consumption does not come from organic nutrition, but from the power of death.

Although they can eat, it is redundant, because once the food is swallowed from their mouths, it will be burned out in the abdomen. For the undead, this is of course redundant.

The silence did not last long. With the sound of "Zheng Zheng" footsteps, Natasha, dressed in black armor and a cloak, crossed the restaurant door and entered the restaurant.

She stepped forward to the dining table.

Upon Natasha's arrival, Li Meng slightly put down the tableware in his hand and looked up at Natasha.

"Sit down!" Waved his hand slightly, Li Meng motioned for Natasha to sit down.

Natasha responded and sat down beside Shayue.

His gaze swept over the women one by one, and finally, Li Meng looked at Natasha and said, "Is the man found?"

"Found it!" In the hood, Natasha's tone was very positive.

"Where is the person?" Li Meng asked again.

"In an abandoned community in the west of the city, the ghouls have been ordered to solve them, and there will be results soon.

Hearing Natasha's answer, Li Meng felt relieved, as long as people were found, many things would be easier to handle.

At this time, in the hood, Natasha's voice rang again, saying: "But the disappearance has nothing to do with those people, there are other people."

Frowning slightly, Li Meng's mood was broken by the ruthless Natasha before he could be happy. Li Meng asked, "Do you know him?"

"I don't know! The object of suspicion is "Child", a demon warlock. This is a warning from the martial artist, and it is also their guess. The people of the Hessian Guild were also found by the martial artist." Natasha Replied.

Demon warlock?

Hearing these words, Li Meng felt a headache and a little helpless.

The First Legion really has a relationship with the devil, and in less than a year, it has repeatedly collided with the devil.

If this is in other countries, I am afraid it is something that I dare not even think of.

"Whether the culprit of the disappearance case is the Demon Warlock is still unknown. The master does not need to worry. Even if it is the Demon Warlock, even if he successfully summons the demon, the First Legion will give it an end." This is comfort, Natasha said Li Meng's comfort.

But this comfort could not reassure Li Meng.


With a light breath, Li Meng rubbed his forehead.

Seeing the appearance of His Royal Highness, Sakuya who was on the side stood up quickly, came behind Li Meng, and replaced Li Meng's hand on his forehead with her white hand.

Li Meng rubbing his forehead is not a physical illness, nor mental exhaustion, but a habit of encountering problems.

However, Li Meng still enjoyed Sakuya's massage.

After a long time, Li Meng stretched out his hand and patted the back of Sakiya's white hand, grasped that slender hand, and put Sakiya's soft body into his arms, not paying attention to the numerous eyes in the restaurant.

His Royal Highness didn't care, and Sakiya didn't care much.

Holding Sakuya with both hands, feeling the soft body in his arms, Li Meng figured out a lot of the problems before him in a moment.

The devil is evil and belongs to the chaos, while the first legion is dark. The contact between darkness and chaos, the first legion should not be afraid.

In this world, you must face the threat of demons. Fear will only make demons stronger. Only contempt and contempt for demons can eliminate human fear of demons.

Clutching the person in his arms, Li Meng looked at Natasha and said calmly: "When the result comes out, tell me immediately. If it is really a Demon Warlock, I will meet him personally. I will see if he can hide in where."

"Yes!" This time, Natasha had no objection to the master's dispatch.

Because Natasha knew very well that only the master could find the Demon Warlock in the shortest time.

The situation has reached the most urgent moment. Once the existence of the demon warlock is confirmed, the time for the sacrificial ceremony will not be far away. In Marani, for the enemy, the best time to start is within these three days, the first The Legion understands this, but what does the enemy do not understand?

Without staying much, after bidding farewell to Li Meng, Natasha hurriedly left.

At this time, the sky outside was already dark.

In the dark, Marani was as quiet as ever.

In terms of infrastructure construction, the conditions in Marani City are very poor. For the most common electricity, there is a big shortage. Often at night, in order to save electricity, many places will be cut off.

This made the huge city of Marani, in the dark, only a faint light exists.

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