Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1104: Kill

Seeing the enemy attack, the Dark Iron Warrior naturally understood the enemy's choice.

"Bang!" The ground cracked, and a dark iron warrior leaped up, like a cannonball rushing toward the oncoming five people.

The burly steel body flashed by in the darkness, a hundred meters away, the big sword was already swung, and the momentum combined with the immense power made the black iron warrior hit one of them like a stream of light.


At the moment of the touch, the sharp blade shredded everything, and the same burly figure split into two and disappeared into the darkness.

It was too fast, so fast that people couldn't catch it. Hei Mo only felt a flash in front of his eyes, a "howl", a cold light, and the companion beside him was divided into two.

At that glance, Heimo saw that pair of horrified, dead eyes.


Hey Mo let out a roar when he didn't rush to think about it.

In this loud roar, the surviving four were divided into four and quickly moved a distance.

But it was too late. In the darkness, the black iron warrior who had landed turned around and jumped again, waving the big sword in his hand and attacking another target like a cannonball.

The "whistling" struck, the attack did not arrive, and the strong wind arrived. He seemed to have noticed something. He didn't have time to look back, his feet slammed on the ground and flashed sideways.

This flash caused the Black Iron Warrior's attack to fall in the air, and the huge sword he wielded hit the ground heavily.


Amid the roar, rubble danced wildly, dust was flying, and a large pit with a diameter of several meters appeared under the giant sword.

"A lot of strength!" Hei Mo secretly smacked his tongue as he looked at the big pit at the feet of the Dark Iron Warrior. This kind of strength is simply amazing.

There was no time to stop in the battle. After a miss, the black iron warrior rushed out again, brandishing a big sword and attacking the fleeing enemy.

This time he was not so lucky. In his horrified eyes, the big sword reflecting the cold light slashed on his fragile body, and it was inevitable.

The speed is not as fast, the strength is not as good, and dexterity is his worst, he can only offer his life obediently.

In the splashing blood, his body was torn apart, and he was knocked out like garbage.

"Kill!" The death of the companion angered the other two. Although they were frightened, they were even more angry.

They rushed towards the Dark Iron Warrior with their weak fists. Although they were very close, they were too slow.

The black iron warrior turned around and cut, and the big sword cut directly into the two of them. There was no scream, only blood and the severed body. At that moment, they were taken away from their lives.

This is destined to be an unfair battle. If they had weapons, at least they would not die so useless, but they didn't.

The four were killed one after another, and the darkness hides the **** scene, only a smell of blood wafts in the air.

The death of his companion did not cause Heimo's heart to fluctuate too much. From beginning to end, he was like an outsider and allowed his companion to be killed. He just stood in the dark, as if frightened and stupid.

But when he looked at his face, he found that his expression was very calm, not as if he was frightened and stupid.

Only the last enemy remained, and the Dark Iron Warrior did not rush to attack.

He flicked it, and the big sword in his hand flew out.

Hearing a "chih" sound, the big sword was deeply inserted into the ground in the darkness tens of meters away.

For the last enemy, the Black Iron Warrior chose to use his bare hands. This was not his arrogance, but an order. If he attacked with a big sword, it would be difficult to keep his mouth alive. Only with his bare hands could the enemy's life be guaranteed.

Seeing the black iron warrior drop the sword in his hand, Heimo's expression sank slightly and said coldly, "I will not surrender, and I never thought I could leave alive."

As a member of the Hessian Guild, Hei Mo knows that people like them are hated by the world. Once they fall into the hands of the enemy, there will never be any hope. He may be afraid of death, but will not escape.

He is a martial artist, even if he is a degenerate martial artist, he will die in a decent battle.

The Black Iron Warrior didn't reply or say anything more, but rushed towards Black Mo.

"Kill!" Seeing the enemy attack, Heimo roared and rushed towards the enemy with his fists.

In the darkness, the two met, two fists of the same size collided together.


There was an explosion, the wind was rolling, and the gravel on the ground was trembling slightly.

When absolute forces collide, a power contest begins.

In the first blow, neither of the two sides took a step back, the fists retreated as soon as they touched, and they attacked the enemy again.

In the darkness, two equally burly figures were entangled together, their fists danced, and the collision of "Boom Boom" kept ringing. With each collision, the strong wind generated became stronger and stronger.


This time, the two fists did not collide, but staggered, and their fists were printed on the enemy's chest.

In the dull collision sound, both of them were repelled by each other's fists, and in the darkness, the two entangled figures suddenly separated.

After a staggering, the Black Mo was repelled by a huge force for a full ten meters, while the Black Iron Warrior only took two or three steps back. At this moment, the power contest had been resolved. In terms of strength, the Black Iron Warrior was far superior to the opponent.

In terms of defense, the black iron warrior is even better. After taking a hit from the black motorcycle, the black iron warrior's armor can withstand most of the damage well, and the damage to the body is almost negligible.

But Heimo was different. After receiving a blow from the black iron warrior, when the retreating body stopped, a trace of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth in the darkness. It was obvious that he was hit hard.

The Black Iron Warrior would not give Black Mo to recover, and he bullied himself again, turning into a black shadow and rushing towards the enemy.

Seeing the enemy attacked again, Heimo's face suddenly became very hideous.

He opened his mouth and let out a roar like a beast.


In the roar, his body was changing strangely, the muscles under his skin swelled, the blue veins bulged, and his body instantly became much bigger, just like a little giant.

But the Black Iron Warrior did not give Black Morris any chance.


The ground cracked, a black shadow flashed by in the darkness, and the black iron warrior jumped up directly, like a cannonball attacking the black moss.

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