Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1110: blockade

Within half an hour after the blockade order was issued, an area about five kilometers in diameter in the western part of Marani was blocked. Not only the surface but also sewers with complicated pipelines were blocked.

When the blockade of the area was completed, the convoy of Li Meng and his party arrived at the blockade line on the main road to the west and south of the city.

"The evacuation of the civilians went smoothly. There were not too many casualties. Only the evacuation point at the center of the blockade failed to evacuate, and lost contact with the patrol team. It should be a sacrifice. In the last civil war, the Xicheng District was destroyed. It is relatively large, and many places have been abandoned for reconstruction. In the blocked area, there are not many residential buildings inhabited by civilians, which provides great convenience for evacuation operations."

This can be considered a kind of luck. There are causes and effects. Although some people have lost their previous homes, they have escaped a catastrophe in a disguised form. Isn't this a destiny arrangement?

After listening to Natasha, for some reason, Li Meng suddenly had this feeling in his heart.

Putting away the distracting thoughts in his heart and leading a group of people, Li Meng stepped off the armored command vehicle.

At the foot of the crowd, the place where the convoy stops is a main road. Compared with the roads in other blocks, the main road is quite wide, with two-way six lanes. There are sparse and standing street lights beside the road. Although the street lights have been turned on, the darkness remains. However, at least people can see something slightly, and in the dark, they can see farther.

Looking ahead, a large number of soldiers and armored vehicles formed a line of defense on the cross road between the main road and the trail.

The line of defense stretched from east to west along the main road to the end of darkness, while the intersecting trails went straight into the center of the blockade.

For any species, path-finding is an instinct. Demons want to spread around. They will not go over walls and drill lanes on a large scale, but will expand outward along the road. On this blockade line, It is one of the four main defense directions of the blockade.

The army has not yet arrived, and the heavy armored units have not entered the line, which makes the defense line look a little thin. Only some sickle mechas stand on the line to make up for the lack of firepower.

However, although the heavy armored unit has not arrived, the Dark Iron Warrior has arrived.

Their steel bodies are so incompatible with the soldiers standing together, and they are even more conspicuous.

What is conspicuous is not only wearing armor like an ancient warrior dress, but also the big sword in his hand. Under the light, the sharp blade reflects bursts of cold light.

"How long will it take for the army to reach the blockade?" On the dark main road, Li Meng asked Natasha beside him as he walked.

"About half an hour." At this point, Natasha thought that her master was worried about the safety of the defense line, so she comforted: "Master, please rest assured, even if there are no heavy armored units and ghouls there, it is more than enough to guard the blockade. "

Under the skull mask, Li Meng smiled faintly, he didn't want to hold on.

An indifferent voice sounded from under the skull mask, and Li Meng said: "It's not enough to just hold on. Before dawn, the situation on the surface must be controlled. Even if the demons cannot be completely eliminated, they must be driven back to the sewer."

Tonight's battle has affected many things. The devil is evil and must be eliminated. No matter how much the price is paid, Li Meng cannot allow the devil to have a living space in Marani.

Lifting his head slightly, the gaze under Li Meng's skull mask looked farther away.

The evil aura from the blockade has faded, but it has become more numerous. The powerful aura Li Meng sensed before only appeared for a few seconds, and then disappeared quickly, which shows that the master with the powerful aura did not appear. .

This also shows that the turmoil tonight is just a farce, from the evil taste of the devil.

Or perhaps the lives sacrificed by the demon warlocks are too few, and the door opened is too small and too short to allow more and more powerful demons to come to this world.

Regardless of the possibility, Li Meng is confident that Marani City will return to order before dawn.

Now we have to wait for the arrival of the army, and then the battle and the elimination.

With a slight expression, Li Meng turned his head slightly and looked at the night sky farther away.

After only one glance, Li Meng withdrew his gaze.

At this time, the group had stopped, and there was a long front line in front.

From the front line, a soldier ran out quickly and came to the group.

He held up his military salute and said, "Commander! Follow your instructions."

Although Li Meng’s outfit is a new outfit, any changes about Li Meng will be updated in real time in the data terminal. Although he wears armor and masks, the soldiers still recognize Li Meng at first glance. Came out.

Even if he doesn't know, the friendly information display system on the helmet will tell him who is in front of him.

It is precisely because of this distinguishing function that although the soldiers of the First Legion wear exactly the same power combat uniforms, the identity of the opponent and who is the sergeant can be distinguished in time.

Looking at the chief sergeant in front of him, Li Meng responded: "Continue to perform your current mission."


With a loud response, the sergeant put down his forehead and turned back to the line.

In the dark, the First Army was not alone. Although even late at night, many civilians in the residential buildings at the rear were awakened by the sound of guns during the battle. Behind the window, a group of doubtful and timid eyes looked outside Streets.

In these sights, Li Meng also noticed a few unusual people.

They are not ordinary people, and their sight is more aggressive than ordinary people. This aggressiveness also made Li Meng aware of them.

But Li Meng did not pay attention, no matter who they were, at this moment, except for the devil, no one else deserves Li Meng's attention or care.

"What a keen perception!" An exclamation echoed in the darkness.

In a tall building in the dark, several figures are standing on the roof terrace, and the darkness covers their tracks.

Although in the darkness, their eyes can see far away.

Standing high and looking far away, the blocks that were ravaged by the devil not far away were all presented to the eyes of the four.

In the darkness, there is an irregular circular light band covering a dark area. Looking at the nearest light band, it is a blockade composed of a large number of soldiers and vehicles, and the light band is emitted by the vehicles. The lights are formed.

In the main road below in the distance, they saw a group of unique people. Their dress was different from the soldiers of the First Army. They were darker and black. Their dress and posture gave people a powerful feeling.

They are like the black-armored warriors mixed among the soldiers on the main road, and they look so eye-catching.

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