Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1112: Disgusting devil


It was not a roar, but a layer of grunting.

The sound came from the dark street, getting closer and closer, until the shaking figure appeared.

Amid the roar, densely packed demons rushed into the light curtain.

They were hideous in shape, covered with abscesses all over, and their scarlet skin seemed to rot. From the huge wound, something that looked like internal organs shook violently and almost came out.

They are big and small, the big one is more than three meters, like a huge meat ball, the chubby, the small one is less than half a meter, they seem to have feet, resembling tentacles, they are rolling forward.

They don't have any standard shape, and the only common feature is a pair of eyes with green spots.

There are so many demons in the light curtain, they are like a rotting mountain of meat swarming toward the main road.

The rotten body makes people feel an urge to vomit just from a distance. These demons are really disgusting.


When the distance was enough, an order was issued, and the soldiers who could not bear it fired.

"Da da!"

"call out!"

The sound of gunshots and the howling of rockets all sounded in unison.

Flames were spitting, bullet marks tore through the night sky, rockets were neighing, and the powerful fire leaned toward the demons.

When the bullet rain leaned down, countless demons splashed with disgusting liquid, and pieces of rotten flesh were torn apart and fell from their bodies.

Under the baptism of bullet rain, the rocket burst out of power.

With a burst of "rumbling" explosions, the demon group suddenly raised countless fireballs.

The bursting flame swept everything. Under the powerful shock wave, a large number of demons were torn apart and disappeared in the flame.

Under the powerful firepower, the demon's impulse was not intercepted, and they were still approaching the front line at a certain speed.

At this time, the sickle mecha on the front opened fire.


Amid the unique roar of electric motors, it was accompanied by the roar of three heavy rotary machine guns.

In the roaring sound, the spit flame was one meter long, and the bullets shot out formed three fire dragons and swept towards the demon group. When the fire dragon rushed into the demon group, it was like a pear. The dense bullets destroyed everything. , A large number of demons were torn to pieces.

Although the firepower of the Sickle Mecha is strong, it cannot last. One is that the bullet consumes a huge amount, and the second is that the muzzle will heat up.

However, in twenty seconds, the rotary heavy machine guns on several sickle mechas on the front line had overheated, and the thick muzzles had become red with billowing blue smoke.

At this time, even if there are still bullets in the chain, the sickle will not continue to fire. This is to prevent the bullet from exploding. You can only wait for a while to allow the cooling system of the gun body to work and cool down the overheated barrel.

The cooling time will not be too long, at most ten seconds, you can continue to fire.

As soon as the firepower of the sickle mecha stopped, the demon group charged faster.

Some of the smaller demons rushed out of the demons group like meat **** and rushed toward the front line.

They are extremely fast.

Although the soldiers intercepted them deliberately, they were too small, fast, not easy to hit, and there were a lot of them. The one that was defeated, there were more little demons.

Unstoppable, the small demon quickly rushed to the front.

Seeing that the devil was about to jump into the front line, on the front line, more than a dozen dark iron warriors rushed out with big swords.

The running posture was extremely wild, and he swung his sword at the small demon.

When the two swordsmen met, the little demon's body was directly cut off under the sharp blade.

The dark iron warriors who rushed into the group of little demons, brandishing their big swords, began to harvest one after another fragile little demons.

The little demons are not without resistance. Although they are fragile, they are not weak. Whenever the big sword in the hand of the black iron warrior cuts their bodies, their bodies will always burst, and splashes of green liquid splash on the black iron warrior's armor. It was like sulfuric acid hissing, making the armor of the black iron warrior burst into blue smoke.

The blood of the little demon is extremely corrosive. Fortunately, the armor of the black iron warrior has been strengthened by the power of death for a long time, resisting the erosion of blood.

The more you kill, the more blood will be splashed on the black iron warriors, and some black iron warriors are directly enveloped by the blue smoke.


In the battle, a dark iron warrior killed too many demons, causing a lot of blood to splash around. The corrosive blood slowly eroded his armor and directly destroyed his body.

After killing a demon with the last blow, he fell down in blue smoke. Before the person touched the ground, his body had turned to ashes, and disappeared into the night sky with the billowing blue smoke.

Not long after, the black iron warriors who resisted the little demon in front of the formation fell one after another, and the remaining black iron warriors were still killing. Every time the big sword in their hands was swung, they would kill one, even many little demon, they They will not be afraid of the corrosive blood of the little demon, they will only go forward and kill more little demon close to the front until they fall.

I don't know how long it took, the demons in the darkness finally disappeared, and the last little demon was also severed by the sword fight.

The gunfire will not go away. Although the battle on the main road is over, there have been bursts of gunfire in other directions in the blockade not long ago.

The fighting time was not long. On the street in front of the front line, about several thousand demon's remains fell on the icy ground. None of their corpses were intact, turning into pieces of minced meat.

This made the whole street very bloody, and the rotting body also exuded waves of stench.

Fortunately, the soldiers are wearing power combat uniforms, which are isolated from the outside world, and the stench is well avoided.

However, under the light curtain, the **** scene on the street is also uncomfortable. This kind of demons is simply disgusting, just like a dead body full of maggots, looking extremely infiltrating.

Once killed, the slimy liquid mixed with minced meat, that kind of scene will definitely not make people feel good.

At the back of the front line, Li Meng and his party were all there, and they were all watching the battle just now.

They did not participate because it was not necessary.

In the demon group that just attacked the front line, there was no one who was too powerful. Just from their size, it could be seen that the largest one was only a three-meter-high demon.

Under the care of multiple rockets, the most powerful demon was shattered across the upper body.

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