Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1114: I go

On and around the huge demon, the flames flickered and fireballs rose.

The flame swallowed everything, the shock wave also tore everything apart, and a dense explosion cleared a piece of demons.


But the huge demon was not eliminated, only a huge roar, a strong air current suddenly appeared, the flames and thick smoke were instantly blown away, and the bloated body of the huge demon appeared again.

It was safe and sound, the explosion of the rocket only left a few wounds on it.

The attack made it angry, and the red-green eyes stared at the front line. Instead of charging, it turned around and grabbed the two demons with its fat and hideous hands.

In its hands, two two-meter-tall demons looked extremely thin.

With two demons in his hands, it turned around and threw, and the demons in his hands were suddenly thrown out by him.

In the sky, two demons are flying, throwing a line and falling towards the line.


Seeing two groups of black shadows in the sky, the soldiers who noticed them quickly issued a warning.

But the battle was too fierce, and this reminder had no effect.


With two loud noises, the two demons in the falling position suddenly exploded, like an exploding bomb. The fragile body broke apart at the moment it touched the ground, turning into a pool of broken flesh and flying in all directions.

"Ah! Ah!"

With a scream, many soldiers near the landing site were stained with the flesh and blood of the devil. The corrosive flesh and blood instantly melted the soldiers’ power combat uniforms. In the billowing smoke, more than a dozen soldiers fell. After going down, in the sound of "Zizi", within ten seconds, the fallen soldier disappeared. When the billowing smoke dissipated, only a pool of green liquid and some fragments of the power combat uniform were left on the ground.

This tragic scene made the soldiers around them look straight and focused.

The huge demon not far away saw that his projectile attack was effective, and threw it even more happily. Two hands kept grabbing the demon beside him, one after another demon was still facing the front line.

In the sky, the demon rain suddenly went down.

As the demon fell, bursts of blood spattered on the front line, which made the soldiers on the front line seem a little confused, avoiding the attack from the sky, while also blocking the front demon.

If you lose concentration, you will be contaminated by the flesh and blood of the devil. There will be screams from time to time on the front line, but the screams will only last for a moment, because the blood of the devil will corrode everything that can be corroded in just a few seconds. thing.

On the front line, huge casualties began to appear, and the line of defense against the devil became precarious.

Some little demons even crossed the black iron warrior's defense line and successfully rushed into the front line.

At this time, the soldiers knew the attack method of those meatball demons, which was "self-destruction."

As soon as he rushed into the front line, the little devil would pounce on a soldier and blew himself up regardless of success or failure.

Once blew up, it would be difficult for soldiers within ten meters of the surrounding area to survive. Even if only a drop of devil’s blood was contaminated, that liquid would instantly pierce through the power combat uniform and invade the body. Once the body is invaded, a drop of blood can also make the soldier. The whole body turned into a pool of corrosive liquid.

"I'm afraid it can't be stopped. The blood of this type of demons is corrosive. Once you get them close, the First Legion has no chance of winning. Although those black armored warriors are strong, there are too many demons and they are extremely targeted. If this continues, I am afraid that the entire army will be wiped out."

In a tall building far away from the battlefield, the four have been watching the situation on the battlefield.

Regarding the battle at the crossroads, they also saw that the devil was powerful and the line of defense was already in danger.

Standing tall, they can more easily distinguish the situation on the battlefield.

completely annihilated?

Kaiwei's words silenced everyone as they looked solemnly at the fierce battlefield in the distance.

Indeed, if this continues, if there is no external force to join, the soldiers not far away from the line of defense may not be able to escape.

As if thinking of something, Qiwei moved his gaze slightly, left the battlefield, and looked behind the line.

Not far behind, they still stand on the street in the dark, seeming indifferent to the situation on the street.

"In this battle, the main reason why the devil can let the first legion fall is because of the huge demon. If it can be eliminated, the defense line can still be held." Looking at the huge bloated figure in the demon group , Ai Li said solemnly.

As a woman, Eri is of course annoying to such demons, and Eri also knows in her heart that this disgusting guy is the culprit that caused the line of defense to collapse.

"Let's keep reading, the matter won't just end like this, let's talk about it, it's not us who should be anxious now." Everyone agreed with Qiwei's words, they did not forget that there was a group of people behind the front line.

They are very unusual. Although they don't know their identity, they are undoubtedly a member of the First Army. If the front line collapses, they will bear the brunt.

Time will not stop passing, and in the words of the four, the situation on the crossroads front is even more critical.

If the front line is compared to a beach, then the demons are the tide that is about to flow on the beach, unstoppable.

The front line is critical, and Li Meng and his party from the rear have certainly seen it.

"Master! Let me go."

In the battlefield, the giant demon is raging. Although it has not rushed to the front line, it has sent one after another demon into the front line. This makes Natasha very clear that to maintain the defense line, the giant demon must be eliminated.

Li Meng did not agree to Natasha's request by his side. He raised his hand slightly, and clearly refused.

"I'll go!" Li Meng said calmly under the skull mask.

Turning his head slightly, Li Meng looked at Natasha and said, "The army is about to arrive. You stay and take charge of the command."

After speaking, without giving Natasha room to object, Li Meng took a step forward and walked forward.

Except for Natasha, the women followed closely.

In the darkness, the black power of death suddenly surging, and the withered breath wafted in the night sky. In the hands of the women, the black power of death surged, forming a huge sickle.

At this moment, they are like death messengers in the dark, waiting to harvest the dead souls.

And in Li Meng's hand, a black big sword also appeared, and the sharp blade reflected bursts of cold light.

The pace of walking stopped.


Just hearing a blast, the ground cracked. In the surging air wave, Li Meng's steel body jumped up and went straight to the sky before disappearing into the dark night sky.

This is not flying, but power, absolute power.

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