Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1117: Purging

At this time, in all directions of the Xicheng blockade line, the troops entering the city also arrived one by one.

The encirclement and suppression of the devil officially began.

"The sewer defense line maintains the status quo, and the ground forces attack with all their strength to eliminate the demons in the city before dawn."

In the armored command vehicle, Natasha gave the order to attack.

With an order, a fierce battle started.

On the defensive line around the blockade, a torrent of dark-green armor rushed into the blockade aggressively. Under the iron hoof of steel, the demons were wiped out wherever they passed.

Gunshots and rumble explosions suddenly sounded in Marani City.

On the front line at the crossroads.

"go ahead!"

With an order, the huge hammer tanks crossed the weak front line and rushed into the darkness under the cover of the Sickle Mech.

When the rotating track ran over the demon's wreckage, billowing smoke suddenly rose, rising from the sides of the armored machinery.

Fortunately, the demon has been dead for a long time, and the corrosiveness in the flesh and blood has been greatly reduced. Although it is stained with the track, it has not caused destructive damage to the track.

However, after this battle, all war machinery must be overhauled.

In the darkness, there are still a lot of demons, they are wandering in the street, and the "gurgling" sound can be seen everywhere.

When they saw the light in the distance and the roar of the "rumbling", they were attracted and instinctively attacked anything that moved.


The army entering the blockade is not angry with the shadows swaying in the dark.

On the slightly wider street, several hammer tanks lined up side by side.

With a deafening shelling, a few meters long tongues of fire spewed out, a huge streamer, and a roar, a huge fireball suddenly leaped in the distance, accompanied by the deafening explosion.

The power of the main gun of the Hammer Tank is not comparable to that of a rocket launcher. The huge fireball, the flames rising up to tens of meters high, the powerful shock wave swept over a radius of tens of meters, and the surrounding buildings broke countless glass. The crackling sound of "clap crap" continued, and a large amount of glass fell from the sky, "cracking" on the street, which added another sound to the darkness.

Behind the hammer tank is the sickle mecha. The sickle mech has a higher shooting angle. Even behind the hammer tank, there are still several sickle mechas that can fire.

The aura of the fire dragons in the darkness was astonishing. Everywhere they passed, everything was broken, demons were torn apart, and a large number of dense craters were left on the walls and the ground.

Under the powerful firepower, the armored torrent pushed directly to the center of the blockade, and the demons could not form an effective resistance at all. They were scattered on the streets waiting to be slaughtered.

The night is deep, and the long darkness will go away soon.

But tonight is a sleepless night for the civilians in Marani City.

Although it was dark outside, there were gunshots and rumbling cannons, and the fighting was fierce. Looking into the distance, you could occasionally see the flames of explosions.

What happened?


This is impossible. Who else in Bentley can resist the rule of the First Army?

There is no truth, and civilians cannot know it at this time. They can only hide in the room and wait quietly.

This wait is one night.

When the long night left and the sky became slightly bright, the gunfire in the city finally ended.

In the cordoned area west of the city, the fierce fighting has subsided, as long as the smoke slowly rises.

On the streets, the army remains the same and is doing the aftermath.

The corpses of demons all over the ground, the destruction of buildings, and the black craters on the ground undoubtedly did not indicate the intensity of the battle last night.

After a night of cleaning up, the demons on the ground were finally wiped out, and the entrances and exits of the sewers were re-controlled by the First Army to prevent the demons in the sewers from pouring out of the ground again.

Compared with the surface, the task of purging the sewers is undoubtedly difficult. One is that the route is complicated, and the other is that the space is small and heavy vehicles cannot be used. The light weapons carried are less harmful to the devil. In order to avoid too much casualties, the sewer demon The clean-up of the country requires long-term consideration.

"General! The blockade has been searched. Every house and place has been carefully inspected. The devil has been wiped out. The blood stains on the ground and the corpse of the devil are being burned. It is expected to be completed before noon. "

In the armored command vehicle, the correspondent reported to Natasha next to the command platform.

Next to the podium, Natasha still carefully looked at the three-dimensional map on the platform.

On the surface of the city, there are blue dots all over the streets. Each blue dot is a first-class non-commissioned officer team. The so-called first-class non-commissioned officer team is the smallest combat unit of the First Army. lead.

In the small blockade area, there are more than 10,000 people crowded. On the ground, there are nearly 60 first-class non-commissioned officers. The dense blue dots cover almost the entire blockade area. Underground, at every key junction of the sewer, There are also more than 30 first-class non-commissioned officers. They are scattered throughout the underground waterway, forming an irregular circle.

In the underground waterway, many blue dots are flashing, which shows that the non-commissioned officers here are fighting.

The gunshots were concealed by the earth. If you listen carefully, you can hear the faint and dull gunshots.

"General! Sergeant Jevrich summoned to ask whether today's election will continue? And did the fighting last night truthfully declare to the civilians?"

Inquiries about communication caused Natasha to withdraw her gaze from the command platform. In her hood, Natasha was lost in thought.

After a short while, she replied: "The election continues, just make a truthful statement."

In Natasha's view, there was nothing to hide from the events of last night.

Although demons are uncommon, they are not legendary, they are real.

Regardless of whether the civilians want it or not, they must take the risks brought by the "demon".

What happened last night can be regarded as a reminder and an experience for civilians.

If they were attacked by the devil again in the future, they would be mentally prepared.


Now that Natasha has ordered, for the correspondent, he only needs to answer truthfully.

After the order was given, Natasha put away her mind and focused on the command platform.

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