Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1119: Embarrassed her

When I returned to the military government, it was too late. When I took off the armor on his body, the intense sleepiness of the body hit his heart, which made Li Meng have to temporarily put everything down and hold Sha Yue’s soft and petite body. He fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

When I wake up, noon has passed.

At this time, Natasha had returned to the military government.


He hit Hache deeply, and Li Meng left the soft bed lazily.

In the room, Sakuya and Wendy are all there, and of course, there is also Shayue sitting on the bed in a cute straddle position. She just woke up from meditation, she was still a little confused.

Under the service of Qinqian and Pasha, Li Meng hastily scrubbed.

"The battle in the blockade is over?"

In front of him, Sakuya was carefully finishing Li Meng's collar, her small hands were very dexterous.

In response to the inquiry of His Royal Highness, Sakuya whispered as she moved her hands: "It's over. The last burning work was over before noon. Most of the troops have been evacuated from the blockade, but the blockade has not been removed. There are many entrances and exits to underground waterways in the blocked area. Although soldiers are stationed, they are always a hidden danger. Before the demons in the sewers are cleared, this area must be strictly blocked."

Hearing this, Li Meng sighed slightly: "This demon is really a trouble."

Sakiya deeply felt the same for His Highness's words.

Those little hands retracted from the collar of His Royal Highness, looking at His Royal Highness in front of him, Sakiya whispered softly: "Who said no? The demons encountered this time are more troublesome than the demons previously encountered in the Nansha Islands. They Although the individual's ability is not strong, the flesh and blood are corrosive. Anyone who attacks them will hurt themselves. Now they are still left in the sewers. General Natasha is sad about this."

"Where is she?" Li Meng asked.

Who she is, who is she referring to, of course Sakiya is.

Speaking slightly, Sakuya replied: "General Natasha has returned to the commander's mansion, and she should be in her office now. Now that the election of Bentley is imminent, she can't put her mind on the devil."

After speaking, Sakuya turned slightly, took the medicine and water cup in Qinqian's hand, and handed it to His Highness.

The light eyes signaled that Li Meng should take medicine.

"It's hard for her." Of course, Li Meng knows about the current situation of Bentley. There are complicated elections at the top and the trouble of demons at the bottom. As the highest officer in the Bentley country, Natasha's duties are very heavy.

Especially at this time, Bentley is about to usher in a new starting point, and many things are inseparable from Natasha.

After all, it was because of the system of the First Army.

The First Army is a purely militarized organization, not good at politics and civil management.

If Bentley has a good government system, the First Army will of course not need to control anything, just order it and let them execute it, but Bentley does not.

Although the original military government system still exists, it has too many flaws and must be replaced.

As a result, Bentley Country is like an undeveloped virgin land, no matter what must be restarted.

Before the system takes shape, some confusion is inevitable.

Taking the medicine and water cup from Sakuya, and slightly raised his head, Li Meng swallowed the medicine and water into his abdomen.

After the medicine was taken, a warm current swept across his body, and Li Meng felt the strength back again.

Re-handing the water glass to Sakuya, Li Meng said, "Let's go! Go and see Natasha."

"His Royal Highness! Don't you go to dinner?" Sakiya reminded him after receiving the water glass from Cining Palace.

After Sakuya reminded him, Li Meng really felt hungry.

Without thinking about it, Li Meng changed his mind and said: "Then go to dinner first!"

People are iron, rice is steel, and you can’t starve yourself for important things.

At this moment, the little Shayue had already left the bed, and the little petite body stood quietly, her big tail wagging and wagging.

"Let's go, Sha Yue!" Li Meng shouted, beckoning to Sha Yue.

Hearing the master's call, Sha Yue came to Li Meng's side very well.

Reaching out, Li Meng took up the small slender hand and walked outside.

Shayue is too petite. I didn't know it before. When Shayue showed a real scene, Li Meng could not help but treat her as a little girl.

In the corridor, a group of people are walking, not many people.

Qinqian and Pasha didn't keep up. Only Sakiya and Wendy were behind Li Meng, and Shayue in his hand was left behind.

Looking at the little Shayue beside him, Li Meng remembered the scene of the battle last night.

Shayue also participated in that battle.

Although the battlefield was a bit chaotic, Li Meng paid special attention to Shayue.

Although Sha Yue is also the corpse girl, but the strength is far worse than the old members of the guard.

Sakiya, Natasha, Tanya, and the transformation of the three generals were personally supported by Li Meng. Therefore, under congenital conditions, among the corpses, the three women are the strongest.

The second is the members of the guards. The members of the guards were transformed by Sakiya. Of course, compared to the three generals, their strength was much better.

The second most is the nun, who was before Shayue. The nun was transformed by the guards. It can be said that they are completely inferior to the guards on the basis of the power of death in the reincarnation pool, and compared to the generals. It's even worse.

In addition to Sha Yue’s petite figure, and the weak body of the raccoon tribe, on the basis, Sha Yue is not as good as her nun, although the difference is not very big, because besides the strength of the body, there is also It is the use of the power of death, and can only use the power of death more skillfully, the basic weakness of the body is irrelevant.

However, Sha Yue has not been a nun for a long time. In such a short period of time, even if her strength has grown, it is very limited.

Therefore, in the battle last night, Li Meng originally wanted Sha Yue to avoid the battle, but when the words came to his mouth, Li Meng gave up.

The reason is not complicated. Although the role of the guards next to Li Meng is like a maid or a maid, they have to do more than just serve Li Meng. In the future, they will have to fight.

In the First Corps, in the future, there will be more than three generals. The candidates for other generals will be selected from the guards. In other words, any member of the guards has the possibility of becoming a general.

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