Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1155: Sail

There are men, women, martial artists holding weapons, and ordinary people who are unarmed.

The ability of martial artists to survive shows that they have strong strength, while the ability of ordinary people to survive can only be said to be luck.

Although the probability that ordinary people can survive under such natural disasters is very low, there are still possibilities. After all, everything in the world has too many unexpected factors, and nothing is impossible.

On the deck, there are people alone and small groups of two or three people. Compared to the silence of being alone, the small groups are a bit noisy, whispering, and whispering.

The arrival of the four attracted some people's eyes, with surprises, surprises, and jealousy in their eyes.

Surprisingly, there are still four people alive.

Surprisingly, there are still two ordinary people among the four.

And the jealous gaze was at Li Meng, surrounded by three females, and still such a beautiful woman, they certainly have reasons for jealousy.

Jealousy goes to jealousy, and at this time, it's just that.

Those who can survive are not good, no one will cause trouble for themselves at this time.

With the addition of the four, the team of survivors has grown larger.

On the side of the ship, the four stopped.

Compared to the group of people whispering on the deck, Li Meng's gaze was more willing to look at the beautiful scenery outside the deck.

The sky is endless and boundless, and the sea is also vast. When the blue sea and the sky are intertwined, a magnificent picture is formed.

Today’s weather is very good, there are no clouds, and the vast sea can be seen more clearly

Looking down, the sea is no longer flat, and people can feel the circular arc of the earth.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him refreshedly, Li Meng didn't seem to feel the current crisis at all.

Seeing that Li Meng was still in the mood and looking at the scenery outside, Li Yanran on the side chuckled lightly: "You are leisurely, and some people are sad.

Li Yanran's words made Li Meng smile faintly.

Looking back from the overboard of the ship, turning his head to look at Li Yanran next to him, Li Meng said casually: "If you have any worries, now I have to ask the outside for help or find a way to move the floating ship. Anyone can think of it. They are just waiting for a leader to come forward."

The leader is not so good. No one lacks courage at the scene, but no one can guarantee that it can be convinced and listened to. This first step is not so easy to take.

Can stand up with courage, but if no one listens, it would be embarrassing and embarrassing.

It is precisely because of their self-esteem that they are hesitating and self-confidence cannot drive them to take the first step.

Shaking her head, Li Yanran said softly, "This is not easy. When the cold current swept through last night, the communication antenna was broken. Now it is no longer possible to send a distress signal to the outside world. As for moving the floating boat, it is not easy Not to mention that the power furnace is damaged. Even if it is good, there are no professional craftsmen and crew, but we martial artists and merchants who don’t know anything about machinery can’t make this ship move.”

This is Li Meng's negligence.

There is no automation in the machinery of this world, and it depends entirely on manpower.

Large-scale mechanical equipment such as marine power furnaces requires a lot of manual operations to operate effectively.

The martial artists on the deck know very little about the power stove, so it is impractical for them to play with the power stove. Not to mention the ordinary merchants, who enjoy the rich and delicious food, How can you come into contact with such messy mechanical equipment as power furnaces?

In that case, the situation is a bit bad.

Although the pontoon is still floating in the air right now, it might be possible in the future.

Although the magic furnace relies on elemental crystal nuclei, which is more durable than the power furnace, it is still unknown how long the magic furnace can support without maintenance. Maybe in the next second, the magic furnace may fail. A floating boat will crash into the sea.

Turning around to look at the people on the deck, Li Meng looked at it carefully.

Among the people on the deck, many people are like Li Meng and are looking at others.

The twenty-odd people are not many, but they are not many. It is impractical to observe everyone.

But from the look on the face and the eyes, we can see who is more courageous and confident.

At this time, one person stood up after all, he had his own companion, perhaps this gave him confidence.

He looked around at the people on the deck and said loudly: "Everyone! Everyone has seen the situation. How long can the magic furnace last? No one knows. We must find a way to reach the mainland of Kyoto before the floater falls. Otherwise, we All have the possibility of physical damage."

Because of his standing, everyone on the deck looked at him.

He is not young, he is about thirty years old. He wears leather armor and holds a long sword, which can make people see that he is a martial artist.

Because of his words, one person said: "The power furnace has been damaged, and the antenna for outward communication has been crashed. How do we make this floating ship move? We can only let it move with the wind. I have calculated it now. The wind direction is northwest wind. If the wind direction does not change much in the next week, the floater can reach the mainland of Kyoto."

Rely on the wind of nature?

Everyone shook their heads, which was a bit unrealistic, not to mention that the wind direction would not last that long, and the floating boat might not be able to support it for a week.

Although this method is not very good, it also aroused the atmosphere and made everyone's mind active.

There was another whisper on the deck.

"What do you think?"

Turning her head slightly, Li Yanran asked Li Meng next to her.

He didn't seem to care about the bad situation right now, which made Li Yanran very concerned.

Isn't he afraid of death?

And Chen Yan, his little maid, who is as laid back as him, seems to care nothing about the current crisis.

She is not an ordinary person, Li Yanran noticed this last night.

In the face of the cold current, her performance was better than Tyra, who was a martial artist, which was absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do.

But from Chen Yan's body, Li Yanran didn't notice the existence of Jin, which made her a little confused, could it be a magician?

This shouldn't be possible. The magician does not have a strong body and should be able to see the element flow when resisting the cold.

In response to Li Yanran’s question, Li Meng smiled lightly and said, “Naturally, the wind must be used. Although the power furnace is destroyed, the sails on the mast are still good. Why not use it to gain thrust? Take advantage of the current northwest wind, and get there as soon as possible. The Kyoto mainland is a good strategy."


Although Li Meng's voice is small, the martial artist's ears are sensitive, and many martial artists have heard what Li Meng said.

This undoubtedly made everyone's eyes dim, and they looked at the tall mast on the deck.

Among them is the middle-aged martial artist who came out first.

After taking a look at Fengfan, he turned his gaze to Li Meng and asked, "I wonder if you know how to operate Fengfan? If you do, I will naturally wait for the martial artist to help."

The sails are huge, and the countless cumbersome ropes make one's scalp numb. It is also not an easy task to use the sails to get the floater's thrust.

To the disappointment of the middle-aged martial artist, Li Meng shook his head.

With a light smile, Li Meng said: "I haven't eaten pork before, haven't you seen a pig running? No matter how complicated the control of the sail, it is much simpler than the power stove, just explore it slowly."

For Li Meng's metaphor, many people laughed and laughed, but this metaphor is undoubtedly very appropriate.

This gave everyone on the deck a new hope.

Yes, no matter how complicated sails are, they are much simpler than power stoves. Fortunately, they still have time to explore.

Seeing this, the middle-aged martial artist shouted to everyone: "Everyone! It's not too late, let's start, I need the help of all martial artists."

Hearing this, many martial artists looked slightly upright, it was about their life and death, and they could not shrink back.

The martial artist is dexterous, possesses jumping abilities that ordinary people can't reach, and control over themselves.

The middle-aged martial artist took the lead, sprinted, jumped onto the high mast, and moved flexibly on the mast.

Seeing this, the martial artists on the deck couldn't bear it either. They stepped forward one after another, sprinting and jumping, followed by silhouettes jumping onto the mast.

With the assistance of many martial artists, the mast suddenly became lively.

Under the coordinated command of the middle-aged martial artist, the bound sails are being untied little by little.

Compared with the floating boat, the mast is undoubtedly tall, and the sails are also surprisingly large. It took more than two hours for more than a dozen martial artists to open the sails and fix the nodes in the groping.

At the moment the sail was opened, under the breeze, the sail instantly became bulging, and the hovering floating boat also paused slightly, and moved slowly again.

This made everyone on the deck extremely excited, and they were relieved.

"Okay, it's this angle. Just keep this angle. The nodes should be tied up."

The wind is northwest, and the direction of the floating boat is aimed at the mainland of Kyoto, which greatly relieved the middle-aged martial artist standing on the mast.

The hours of hard work were not in vain. Although the wind was not strong and the speed of the floater was not fast, they finally had a good start. If there were no accidents, they would be able to see the mainland of Kyoto in a day.

The pontoon began to move again, which is undoubtedly a happy thing.

For any survivor, this is the result they want to see.

The angle of the sail was controlled, the node was firm, and the martial artists on the mast jumped down one by one, as everyone was happy and looked up at their results for several hours.

Although they are unfamiliar and no one knows anyone, their joint efforts have made each other more harmonious.

The sound of "murmurs" resumed on the deck. At this moment, everyone on the deck was undoubtedly happy.

"Everyone! Although the floating boat moved, it is not the time to be happy. We don’t know the operating principle of the magic furnace. The floating boat may fall at any time. Now all we can do is pray and wait. Before arriving on the mainland, please maintain order on the boat. This is good for you and me. There is enough food and water on the boat. We have no reason to fight."

At any time, order is the basis of survival, and middle-aged martial artists understand this.

His words are warnings and reminders.

To warn some malicious people, but also to remind the crisis has not disappeared.

Because of his words, everyone on the deck put away the excitement on their faces and became cold and vigilant. The atmosphere of harmony just disappeared instantly.

It is natural to be vigilant about others' ignorance.

Although most of the people on the deck are martial artists, the source of martial artists is not only from the martial artist academy, and the martial artist academy is very large, even if you start from the same academy, you may not know each other.

The relationship between martial artist and martial artist is very complicated, they are the same kind, and they are also the objects of struggle.

Moreover, the temperament of the martial artist is very complicated, and the complexity of the temperament also represents danger.

Martial arts practitioners will maintain the most basic vigilance for the unfamiliar kind.

After the harmonious atmosphere disappeared, the one who was alone was still alone. The small group still centered on the team where they belonged. There were more than 20 people scattered on the deck, and the atmosphere was quite blunt.

"Let's go!"

The change of atmosphere on the deck made Li Meng quite bored.

On the deck, they had stayed long enough, and the scenery outside was too beautiful to look at.

Today's Li Meng wants to reach the Kyoto mainland as soon as possible, no matter how bad the subsequent process is, as long as he doesn't delay his trip.

The time plan for this trip is about one month. If the time exceeds too much, this is unacceptable to Li Meng.

With the daughters, Li Meng left the deck. As for what happens to those people on the deck, whether there will be conflicts, these are not Li Meng's care.

However, the possibility of a conflict breaking out is very small. There are only so many people surviving. No one will cause trouble for themselves except for idiots.

Moreover, there is no reason for the conflict. There are many food and water needed for survival on the floating boat, let alone more than 20 people, even if there are 100 people, there is absolutely no problem for ten days.

Since the reason for the conflict does not exist, if the conflict really breaks out, it can only be said that there are idiots among the surviving people.

After leaving the deck, several people did not return to the superior cabin, but returned to the luxury cabin room.

The luxury cabin is located at the top of the stern of the floating vessel, just behind the cockpit. If something happens to the floating vessel, it can be responded to in time.

If the body is inside the hull, that is not necessarily the case. If the floating boat suddenly falls, there is no time to escape, and it will only fall into the sea with the floating boat and sink into the deep sea.

The luxury cabin has only six rooms, and there are more than 20 survivors. It is conceivable that the upper luxury cabin is destined to become the object of competition.

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