Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1160: Absolute power

As soon as her figure flashed, Chen Yan turned into a ghost and rushed towards Lei Ou at an extremely fast speed, accompanied by a blast of air, and the strong wind whispered.

The distance between the two of them was only a few steps away, and almost instantly, in the corridor, the two figures touched.

There is no sword, light and shadow, only a black and a basket of energy impact.

Within that zero millisecond, only a clear "click" sound was heard, and a black shadow flew out.


The flying black shadow hit the wall again, this time with greater force, and the wall was directly hit by a huge pit, almost destroyed.

The silver cold light flickered, and in the corridor, the broken sword flew in the air, and fell to the ground.

This time, Leo didn't have the same luck as last time. Under absolute strength, he was already seriously injured.

Sliding off the wall, he knelt to the ground, his clothes in tatters, in the impact of energy, his energy was not only directly washed away, facing the white slender hand, the fine iron in his hand was long The sword is so fragile.

The corners of his mouth were full of blood, and his body was covered with scars. Looking at Leo, who was seriously injured, everyone in the corridor was stunned.

What happened?

The battle between the two was too short. As soon as they made contact, Leo flew again. They didn't even see how Chen Yan did it.

Among the people present, only Girus could see clearly.

He looked at the seemingly ordinary woman in the corridor with a solemn expression. He saw clearly in the scene just now. It was not about skill, but about the difference in strength.

In the hands of the two, she not only broke Leo’s sword easily with her hands, but under the impact of energy, she almost destroyed Leo’s body Jin. She did not touch Leo’s body, Leo It was hit by the black energy.

They are in danger.

Now, Gilus was not worried about her, but about them who got in trouble.

If she really planned to kill them, everyone present, even him, would not be able to stop it.

The surging force of death gradually subsided. In the corridor, Chen Yan stood arrogantly, looking coldly at Leo, who was kneeling on the ground and panting with blood.

She spoke slightly and said coldly: "It's a good foundation, but it's a pity that I followed the wrong owner."

Although Chen Yan's voice was small, it was very clear, not only in everyone's ears, but also in Leo's ears.

Lifting the **** face, Leo had no fear on his face. He said lightly, "They are not my master."

The situation now is beyond his control. Leo doesn't know what will happen next, but he has already done what he can do. He knows the right and wrong of this matter. No matter what kind of end he deserves. of.

With a wry smile, Lei turned his head to look at Luo Luoxin, who was pale on the side, and said with difficulty: "Miss! Leo has limited abilities, so he can't protect you well."

At this time, seeing Leo was seriously injured and unable to move, Luo Luoxin's two brothers and sisters had already panicked.

Especially that young man stood behind his sister in a panic expression, with only fear on his face.

This timid and fearful appearance provokes contempt by the onlookers. Where did the arrogant appearance just now go? Now he is hiding behind his sister.

"Leo! What are you doing? Get up quickly."

Luo Luoxi was a little unacceptable to the current situation, and she shouted to Leo in fear and begging, with a helpless expression on her face.

Luo Luoxin's fearful appearance made Leo very uncomfortable, but he was powerless.

He has no ability to move. In the collision with the wall, although he used his remaining strength to protect his heart, he suffered severe damage everywhere in his body. Even if he had the intention, he was also powerless.

He could only look at Luo Luoxin apologetically.

Leo, who had always been aloof, showed her apologetic eyes?

Seeing the apologetic look on Leo's face, Luo Luoxin became even more worried and uneasy.

At this moment, the young man behind Luo Luoxin suddenly rushed out, fell to the ground all of a sudden, and knelt in front of Chen Yan.

He said in a panic: "It's my fault, I want to hit the young lady's attention. Miss you have a lot of grown-ups, please let me go, please."

People look good, but they can do such shameful things.

Seeing the young man kneeling on the ground in the corridor, the crowd onlookers were stunned, and their faces showed incredible expressions.

Death is really so terrible, can make people lose dignity?

Fortunately, he is still a martial artist.

Luo Luoxin also found it incredible for her brother's cowardly behavior. She was anxious and very disgusted and said angrily: "Brother! What are you doing? You have lost the face of the royal family's clan, so she will get up immediately. "

He was unmoved by his sister's scolding, but still begged Chen Yan.

Looking coldly at the young man kneeling on the ground in front of him, Chen Yan remained unmoved, and the expression on her face became colder.

From the moment she left the room, it was destined to have a killing.

The master doesn't like trouble, and she doesn't like it either. Since it's an enemy, it's better to kill them all.

The young man's endless begging words made Chen Yan a little tired. The owner was still waiting in the room.

Raising her right hand slightly, Chen Yan raised her hand, the black death force of her fingertips surged, exuding a black halo, and a breath of death suddenly echoed in the corridor.

This made everyone terrified, and also made the young man kneeling on the ground show fear.

Although he didn't know what kind of move it was, the young man smelled the breath of death. This was the first time he was so close to death.

This made him scared and even more terrified.

"and many more!"

At this time, Luo Luoxin stood up with a pale face on the side.

Looking at her brother who was kneeling on the ground, she was disgusted and helpless.

In any case, he is her elder brother after all, and the blood connection can't make her be killed.

She is also afraid of death, but she will not pray for alms from others, and will face it calmly.

Looking at Chen Yan, Luo Luoxin mustered the last courage, and said with a complicated expression: "The weak and the strong, this time you won. We are the royal family members of the Kingdom of Barron and the heirs of the Grand Duke Ense. Killing us is not good for you. I would like to use money to buy the lives of the three of us."


Chen Yan's expression moved slightly when she heard these two words, she knew what her master lacked most now.

If she can get a lot of money from these three people, the owner should be very happy.

For Chen Yan, the deaths of the three people only solved a problem, and the deaths of the three people were not necessary.

If you can get some benefits from the three, Chen Yan doesn't care about letting them live.

As for whether they will retaliate in the future, Chen Yan doesn't care.

Thinking of this, Chen Yan already noticed.

With a thought, the black halo on the fingertips gradually disappeared.

Seeing the black light between Chen Yan's fingers disappeared, Luo Luoxin was relieved.

It seems that this terrifying woman is very interested in money, so that their safety can be guaranteed.

Looking at Luo Luoxin coldly, Chen Yan said calmly: "You follow me."

What does this mean? Of course Luo Luoxin knows that she has no choice now.

Looking at her elder brother who was kneeling on the ground in disgust, rejoicing that he had his life, Luo Luoxin said coldly: "Go to Uncle Kai when you arrive in Kyoto and let him prepare the ransom."

Uncle Kay?

It seemed that he had recovered, and he quickly said: "I must look for it, I must look for Uncle Kai, sister, don't worry, I will redeem you."

"Not getting up yet?"

Seeing his brother still kneeling on the ground, Luo Luoxin couldn't help but scolded.

He was a little embarrassed about his sister's scolding, and quickly stood up.

Luo Luoxin didn't want to say much about such a gaffey brother, she looked at Leo on the other side.

Leo's appearance made her face a hint of worry, but she could do very little at the moment.

She had to tell her brother next to him: "Take good care of Leo. If there is anything wrong with him, you won't want to return to the Kingdom of Barron in your life. Father will not forgive you."

"I know, I must take good care of him, my sister can rest assured."

Leo is a genius, the most talented among the new generation of martial artists in the Kingdom of Barron. He is highly regarded by his father. Of course he knows the importance of Leo.

With the departure of the two women, a conflict ended.

In the conflict, although there was bloodshed, there was no killing. This made the crowd of onlookers relieved. Fortunately, she was strong enough to make the martial artist of the blue realm unable to exert their powerful destructive ability, otherwise, this ship was about to fall. The floating boat can be dangerous.

Few people care about the cause, process, and right of this conflict. No matter who is right or wrong, the final winner can decide everything.

Seeing his sister disappearing behind the door, his expression was gloomy and hideous, only ruthless in his eyes.

He was very embarrassed just now, but who caused this?

It was that woman, that bitch, if it weren't for him, nothing would happen.

He will not be ridiculed or despised by others.

Feeling the sight cast by everyone around him, the unabashed contempt, made the hatred in the hearts of young people even worse.

After leaving the room, Chen Yan closed the door. Although the people in the room did not know the details of the situation outside, they heard some movement.

When the closed door opened again, Chen Yan came back, but with a tail behind her.

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