Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1167: go away

Only the swaying branches and leaves are telling everyone on the deck that they have left.

Looking at the place where the three of them disappeared, everyone on the deck looked at each other with a thoughtful look on their faces.

Regarding the departure of the three people, Li Meng on the ship’s gunwale said calmly: “It’s smart, they should be familiar with Kyoto, so they chose to leave the group and go on their own. Responsible. With their abilities, they can reach the nearest "Acropolis" faster and easier without being dragged down by others."

The survivors are a group. For some people, this group can give people peace of mind and a sense of security, but for some people, the group is just a drag, and the choice of a three-person team is reasonable.

Li Meng's words made Li Yanran a little concerned. She turned her head slightly, looked at the person beside her, and said softly: "Although their approach is not wrong, at this time, their choice will destroy the team."

Looking slightly, Li Meng looked at Li Yanran beside him, and said calmly: "People are selfish. You can't stop or change anything. Everyone here can only control their destiny."

As if he had responded to Li Meng's words, another small team of four left on the deck, and they jumped into the forest cleanly.

This scene made the rest of the people on the deck alive.

The whispering sounds resounded like flying bees on the deck.

Looking at everyone on the deck, Li Yanran sighed slightly, she understood that the group of survivors no longer existed.

From the moment the first martial artist team left, the team of survivors was destined to disappear.

"Let's go!"

"let's go!"

There will always be a result of whispering, and it goes without saying that many martial artists chose to leave.

Every silhouette jumped and left the floating boat. The survivors on the floating boat were decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only the team chose to leave, many martial artists who were alone also chose to leave.

In a short while, the number of martial artists on the deck was reduced by more than half, and the number was only more than ten.

At this time, apart from Li Meng, there were only Girus and his students, as well as Luo Luoxin's brother and Leo. The rest were two three-person teams, all of them An ordinary person, obviously, they are not people in Kyoto, they are not familiar with Kyoto, and cannot act alone.

At this time, Chen Yan, who had been staying next to Li Meng, seemed to think of something, lying mysteriously next to Li Meng's ear, whispering something.


Li Meng looked at Chen Yan unexpectedly, and said with certainty.

With a faint smile, Chen Yan said softly: "Calculating the time is almost the end, we can delay a lot of time in the air, it should be in the nearby sea, if the young master is not at ease, contact them later."

This is also...

Chen Yan said that it made the look on Li Meng's face a lot easier.

Had it not been for Chen Yan's reminder, Li Meng had never thought of this.

A few kilometers away from the east is the South China Sea, which is the only place that the South China Sea travels to Kyoto. On that route, there is no shortage of cargo ships from the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce. With the smooth communication, why does Li Meng need to go to Yuandu? Just wait on the shore.

In this way, things are much simpler.

Lifting his head slightly, Li Meng said to the women: "Let's go too."

Tyra and Li Yanran were taken aback for Li Meng's sudden decision.

In Terra's view, they are undoubtedly unfamiliar with Kyoto, how can they act alone?

As for Li Yanran, although she is familiar with Kyoto, she has never thought of acting alone. In her opinion, it is wise to follow the group of survivors no matter what to leave or stay.

Li Yanran's hesitation, of course, Li Meng saw, he smiled faintly, and immediately asked: "Ms. Li Yanran will leave with us or stay? Of course, Miss Li Yanran can decide for herself."

Regarding this question, Li Yanran didn't think much about it. After recovering, she immediately said: "I'm with you."

For Li Yanran, she can only follow any decision made by Li Meng, and she cannot let Li Meng ignore it.

Even if this decision is wrong, she must keep him comprehensive.

He can't have any surprises before the real answer is obtained.

With a slight smile, Li Yanran's answer was not beyond Li Meng's expectations.

Li Meng had more or less guessed the purpose of Li Yanran.

She would not leave until he got a real answer.

After getting Li Yanran's clear statement, Li Meng nodded to Chen Yan.

With a soft smile, Chen Yan hugged Li Meng from behind.

And Tyra and Li Yanran are also ready.

"Um..., can I have a few words with my brother?"

At this moment, Luo Luoxin's timid voice suddenly rang.

This caused several people to suspend their actions.

Luo Luoxin heard the words of several people, she knew that they were about to leave, and she wanted to follow.

In other words, she will part ways with her brother, Leo.

Although she believes in Leo's abilities, accidents happen in everything. Before leaving, she has something to say to her brother.

Frowning slightly, Chen Yan looked at Luo Luoxin rather badly.

Facing Chen Yan's unkind gaze, Luo Luoxin lowered his head timidly, revealing a pitiful appearance.

Before Chen Yan went crazy, Li Meng spoke first.

He looked at Luo Luoxin and said calmly: "Go!"

"Lord... Master!"

Li Meng's answer made Chen Yan not follow her, and she exclaimed softly.

She curled her lips and said in a complaining tone: "Master! You can't protect her everywhere."

Chen Yan's complaining tone made Li Meng quite funny. It seemed that Luo Luoxin's insult to her in the previous conflicts made her very concerned.

What a grudge Xiao Nizi.

Li Meng could only pretend to be stern, and replied: "Obey!"

"Okay, okay, can't I let her go."

Chen Yan was very concerned about the change in the host's mood, and she immediately compromised, raising the banner of surrender in her heart.

Looking at Luo Luoxin coldly, Chen Yan said coldly: "Hurry up."

With Chen Yan's permission, Luo Luoxin dared to raise his head and gave Li Meng a complicated look.

"Thank you!"

Speaking slightly, she spit out these two words from her mouth.

After that, he took a light step and walked over to the two people on the other side who had been eagerly looking forward.

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