Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1172: One night

Next to Li Meng, Chen Yan sat down, her soft body clinging to Li Meng, and said with a grievance: "I thought I would be able to accompany my master on this trip to Kyoto. , Someone else is delayed, Master! You have to make up for Yaner."

Chen Yan's squeamish voice made Li Meng cry out.

This little Nizi never realized how terrifying her own charm is, how heart-pounding.

How could Li Meng not understand Chen Yan's little thoughts?

Among the many women owned by Li Meng, several generals have never cared about Li Meng’s private life, and they have no tasteful thoughts in their hearts. They have their own understanding of "love". Love is also the simplest, it can be said to be a complete giving.

Among them, the reason for temperament is only one, and the second is self-knowledge.

The understanding of the master made them understand that it is completely impossible to get the real love of the master.

Second, what they can do is to give unilaterally. Only in this way can they be liked by their masters. Maybe it’s not love, but they don’t care. In their opinion, as long as the master cares about them, it is for them. That's enough.

But Chen Yan is different. Compared to several generals, Chen Yan is more like a woman. She will be jealous for Li Meng to get close to her, and she will do things that women should do, such as playing petty.

Of course, this kind of temperament, she is not really angry, but a kind of caring, but also a kind of acting like a daughter to her father, which is also a kind of close behavior.

With a slight smile, Li Meng rubbed Chen Yan's little head.

His hands stretched out naturally, and he hugged Chen Yan's waist tightly, melting the soft body into his arms.

Facing the embrace of her master, Chen Yan was very well-behaved. She raised her head and squinted her eyes slightly, her hands wrapped around Li Meng's neck.

Quietly feeling each other's existence, for a long time, Li Meng let go of Chen Yan.

Looking at the beautiful face close at hand, Li Meng said warmly: "Well, I'll take a bath first. The night is long. Are you afraid that I won't have time to make up for you?"

Li Meng's words made Chen Yan blush and her face was a little twisted.

What the master said, it seems that she...

Seeing Chen Yan's shy appearance, Li Meng smiled silently.

With his hands retracted from Chen Yan's waist, Li Meng got up from the sofa and walked to the bathroom.


As the door closed slightly, Li Meng was no longer in the hall.

The only thing that still exists is Chen Yan, who is sitting on the sofa and thinking wildly.

Although it is a merchant ship, the most basic living measures are still perfect.

Take the bathroom as an example. A set of bathing equipment is fairly complete, with a water heater and a bathtub.

The existence of the bathtub made Li Meng very satisfied. He was already slimy in a few days and needed a good bath.

Just as Li Meng was about to clean the bathtub and put some hot water in it, the sound of slight footsteps outside the bathroom door suddenly sounded. Then, the bathroom door was opened, and a slim figure walked in.

It's Chen Yan.

She entered the bathroom with a soft smile, looked at Li Meng, and said softly: "Let Yaner prepare hot water for the master."

Regarding Chen Yan's volunteering, Li Meng would naturally not refuse, and stepped aside to make room for Chen Yan.

Looking at Chen Yan, Li Meng said softly: "Then I will trouble Yaner."

With a slight smile, she lifted up a few strands of hair on her forehead, stepping forward, and Chen Yan came to the bathtub.

Drain the water, picked up the brush on the side, and started to clean the bathtub. Everything seemed so natural.

Chen Yan didn't let Li Meng wait for long. After a while, the bathtub was filled with steaming hot water.

Then, under Chen Yan's service, Li Meng took off his clothes and entered the steaming bathtub.


When the hot water covered his whole body, Li Meng took a deep breath of comfort, lying in the bathtub comfortably.

As for Chen Yan, she squatted down next to the bathtub, placing her hands lightly on the edge of the bathtub. Behind her, her round buttocks highlighted a perfect and tight curve, which was very attractive.

When the body adjusted to the temperature of the water, Li Meng relaxed himself.

Looking sideways, looking at Chen Yan who was hopeful by the bathtub, Li Meng smiled helplessly and could only say, "Come in."

The master's words, but Chen Yan has been looking forward to it.

She smiled happily and didn't care about Li Meng's gaze, so she got up and took off her dress.

The gray dress was easy to take off. When a few buttons were unbuttoned, the long dress slipped off Chen Yan, revealing the smooth skin and the transparent underwear like tulle.

Especially below him, those long white legs were completely exposed in Li Meng's eyes.

In Li Meng's slightly fiery gaze, Chen Yan smiled shyly, raised her slender right leg, and gently stepped into the bathtub.

The space in the bathtub is undoubtedly small, and Chen Yan entering the bathtub can only fall into Li Meng's arms.

When the tender body was in his arms, with the surging of the water, the two in the bathtub hugged each other.

Holding Chen Yan's soft body comfortably, Li Meng was enjoying the double touch of water and tender body.

After embracing a little quietly, Li Meng's hands began to become dishonest, and he gently stroked the delicate body in his arms. The smooth and tender skin's feedback touch made Li Meng very infatuated.

Facing the hot and magical hand on her body, Chen Yan could only bite her teeth and silently endure the bullying of her master.

She raised her head and looked at Li Meng with a confused look with shame and tenderness. At this moment, Chen Yan completely dedicated herself to her master.

For Li Meng, tonight is a long one, and it has just begun.

He doesn't need to be anxious, slowly enjoying the wonderful process is king.

The wind was blowing and rustling.

Under the dim moonlight, in the night, the huge merchant ship was slowly sailing, the roar of the engine was endless, echoing between the sky and the earth, it was like a giant on the sea, traveling far in the dark with an indomitable momentum With.

In a certain room on the ship, secret scenes are happening quietly.

It can't be said, only can be understood.

Time went by little by little, and the long night was gradually coming to an end.

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