Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1177: Port Guard

Looking back at the port not far away, Chen Yan said indifferently: "The development of the human age, the country occupies an important position, and the dispersion of power will make a nation have limitations. The big figures in Kyoto have already realized this. They want to change and change the current status of Kyoto, but when they take action, Kyoto will definitely fall into disputes. In the past few years, Kyoto has not been peaceful, and the rebels hidden in the forest are ready to move. The cities of David The situation in China has also become more tense. Although the twelve big golden families still have a joint military system, this does not make them feel at ease."

Speaking of this, Chen Yan smiled faintly and said softly: "Of course! If Kyoto becomes chaotic, this is not a bad thing. The world's power will be united for a long time, and it will be divided for a long time. The same is true for Kyoto. The reunification of the regime is only sooner or later. The only thing we don’t know is how this unification will begin and end."

Speaking of the resistance army, Li Meng remembered the resistance army in the ruins of the swamp.

Although the rebels are spread all over the world, there will be rebels in almost every country. These rebels, under the banner of a revolution for freedom, gather like-minded companions in a spiritually infected way.

The effect of this belief in dedication is amazing. Although the existence of the Resistance Army makes countries very dissatisfied, the existence of the Resistance Army is also a manifestation of the dissatisfaction of the people in the lower society with the current human system.

Where there is oppression, there will be resistance, no matter what era, the civilians at the bottom are the biggest changers.

Kyoto is very large, the territory is thousands of miles away, the population is large, and the chaos of the regime has created the rise of the resistance.

In the South China Sea, the First Army has established itself for a long time, and has also collected some intelligence on Kyoto.

I also had some understanding of the resistance in Kyoto.

How can I say that, like the scattered political power of Kyoto, the rebels in Kyoto are also a pile of scattered sand. Each rebel exists independently. Although it is an alliance in name, they are all doing their own calculations.

If within Kyoto's sphere of influence, nearly 300,000 rebels can unite together, it may not be impossible to initiate a war of change, but this possibility is undoubtedly very small and almost impossible.

Of course, the resistance army is strong, and the army in the Acropolis is not weak.

The twelve acropolises of Kyoto are all capitals with a population of close to ten million. The strong foundation is not comparable to the resistance army. Just the standing army, the acropolis has millions of troops, and the weapons and equipment are not comparable to the resistance army. Comparison of.

For now, Kyoto's rebels do not have the ability to fight the military.

With a faint smile, Li Meng looked at Chen Yan next to him, and said softly: "Yan'er! You can't talk nonsense about this. This is not your own place. If someone with a heart hears it, it will be a troublesome thing."

At the master's "reminder", Chen Yan smiled clearly and said softly, "Master! I know, just leave Yaner alone."

At this time, the merchant ship was already very close to the port.

Large-tonnage ships are not comparable to ordinary ships, they can enter the port only by their own power.

The larger the tonnage of the ship, the more difficult it is to control. Forcibly entering the port will cause great damage to the dock and the ship.

When it was very close to the pier, the merchant ship left the main channel wittily and waited in the water.

While the merchant ship was waiting, two smaller wooden tugboats approached the merchant ship in the port.

It is not an official controlled tug, but a private tug with a profit. They can see at a glance what kind of ship needs to be towed into the port and use it to make money.

In the radio communication, soon, under the drag of the tugboat, the huge merchant ship moved again and slowly approached the freight terminal.

It took nearly an hour before the merchant ship docked at a freight wharf at the speed of the turtle.

As soon as the merchant ship docked, some people in blue uniforms boarded the ship.

The captain of the merchant ship seemed to be very experienced about the arrival of these people, so he stopped them on the deck, whispering not knowing what they were talking about.

All this was seen by Li Meng at the bow.

At this time, Chen Yan on the side explained: "They are the port guards. Their main responsibility is to maintain the order of the port. They will occasionally go on board to check and earn some extra money illegally. These guys are relatively easy to pass and give them some sweetness. Will leave."


Li Meng asked in a puzzled way: "Since it is illegal, why do you want to accommodate them?"

The words of the master in the ear made Chen Yan smile helplessly, and she whispered: "These are the rules. The rules of this port must be followed by anyone. The boatman can resist, but it will not bring any benefits, but will only bring more. Big trouble, for most businessmen, if you can spend a little money to kill some unnecessary trouble, why not do it?"

Chen Yan’s words silenced Li Meng. Indeed, this kind of thing exists no matter what system it is. Perhaps this is the inferiority of human beings. If there is no sword hanging above the head, the so-called "law" is used Violated.

"This is only the first trouble, they can solve it easily, but the second trouble is not easy to deal with.

As soon as Chen Yan's words fell, another group of people boarded the merchant ship.

This time, there were more of them, there were more than 20 people, and their uniforms were different. They were white rather than very white, and the color was dim after all.

When they came, the Hong Kong Guard, who had already benefited, walked past them indifferently. There was no words between the two sides, and there was a tacit understanding.

"Who are they?"

Looking at the guys in dark uniforms on the deck, Li Meng asked Chen Yan to his side.

Facing the owner’s question, Chen Yan replied: “It’s the tax guard, which belongs to the Kyoto Taxation Bureau. Their responsibility is to assess the value of the goods on board and collect taxes from them. When they get a certification label, the goods In order to enter Kyoto for free trading."

"These guys are not easy to deal with, because Kyoto's taxes are divided into several echelons. Different goods have different tax rates. The diversified tax rate gives the tax guard a lot of power. If you manage well, like Such a ship’s cargo can save more than 100,000 coins."

Is it again for personal gain through position?

Before entering Kyoto, he saw so many shady scenes. At this moment, Li Meng was very disappointed with the regime in Kyoto.

"Master! Let's go. Let's hand it to the members of the Chamber of Commerce. They have long experience in this, and there will be no problem. I have notified my father of the arrival of the young master. I must be anxiously waiting for the young master at this time. ."

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