Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1181: boudoir

At this time, outside, on the auxiliary road a few hundred meters ahead, a convoy drove onto the main road.

The convoy consisted of a number of fairly exquisite vehicles, and gradually moved away under the **** of the guard vehicles.

Although the formation is small, the identity of the person in the car must be not simple to be greeted by the Kyoto Guard.

It was not until the convoy went away that the guards on the main road boarded the vehicle and gave way to the road.

Only then did the blocked main road resume unblocked, and the vehicle in which Li Meng and his party were riding resumed.

This is just an episode.

An hour later, somewhere in the second ring city, the vehicle arrived at a mansion in a corner of the city.

This is a fairly quiet place, with narrow roads and two-way streets. At first glance, tall buildings are missing. Some are just villas and mansions of different shapes. It is a clean place away from the noise of the city. Ground.

Only the sky overhead, the floating boats still come and go, a little disturbing this cleanness.

At the door of a mansion, the vehicle stopped.

The destination is here.

When Li Meng and his party left the car, Li Meng saw one person at the door of the house.

A relatively familiar but stranger.

It's Chen Qi.

Said that he was familiar, because he was the ancestor of the ghoul and Li Meng's family.

He was said to be unfamiliar because he left Li Meng after becoming a ghoul and developed alone.

He was in front of the gate and couldn't help himself. When Li Meng left the car, his eyes lit up and he greeted him with excitement.

When he came to Li Meng, he was quite excited and said, "Master! Welcome to your arrival. Hearing the news that you are coming, the subordinates are looking forward to it. After a year, now, I finally see the master again. ."

Li Meng smiled slightly at Chen Qi's excitement, and looked up and down Chen Qi.

A black robe, gorgeous and exquisite, made Chen Qi really look a lot more expensive.

This made Li Mengzan said: "It seems that you are doing pretty well in Kyoto."

Chen Qi was very ashamed of the master's compliment: "Let the master laugh. When dealing with all kinds of people, you have to consider the things on the facade."

This is also...

Li Meng couldn't comment on this.

Businessmen have a circle of businessmen, and the circle of businessmen is inseparable from money. If you don't dress well, you will be looked down upon. Once you are looked down upon, don't even want to join this money-first circle.

"Let's go! Go in and talk."

Hearing this, Chen Qi quickly said: "Yes, yes, yes, please come from the master."

After speaking, Chen Qi led the way ahead with a respectful look.

This mansion is very large, and when entering through the iron gate, everyone enters a mansion.

The area of ​​the house is not small, and there are gardens full of flowers and plants, which looks pretty pleasing.

In the aisle, Chen Qi respectfully led the way while saying: "Master! The little girl did not cause trouble for her master when she returned to Nanlin Island. If she was asked to return to Nanlin Island, the subordinates were also very worried. If she did I hope that the master will forgive me for something that makes the master unhappy, and the subordinates will definitely discipline her."

Chen Qi's words made Chen Yan upset, and behind Li Meng she reluctantly said softly: "Father! You can't underestimate me, Yan'er won't let the master down, master! Do you think? "

With that said, Chen Yan naturally took up Li Meng's arm, looking like a little bird.


Chen Yan's words surprised Tyra, even Luo Luoxin, who was at the end, looked at Chen Qi who was leading the way with a puzzled face, and then at Chen Yan beside Li Meng.

In their view, these two people really don't have a father-daughter portrait, because Chen Qi is too young.

They were only in their thirties at most. Even if they were older than Chen Yan, they were not much bigger. No matter how you thought about them, they would never have thought that they were actually father and daughter.

Seeing that Chen Yan is so unruly, Chen Qi scolded: "It's also so unruly in front of the master, what kind of style is it? Still not letting go?"

Chen Yan shrank her neck in response to her father's scolding, and pitifully loosened Li Meng's arm.

For Chen Yan, her father is not only a father, but also her ancestor as a ghoul.

She is not a direct family member of her master, she is a second-generation ghoul, and her father is also her master.

She couldn't help but follow the orders from the superior.

"No problem!"

With a faint smile, Li Meng held Chen Yan's little hand affectionately, and said, "You have a good daughter."

Seeing that the master took her daughter's hand, Chen Qi glanced at her daughter unexpectedly.

The shyness and tenderness of her daughter made Chen Qi think.

"The master likes it."

If what he thought was true, that would be a good thing for the ghouls, and Chen Qi would only be happy about it.

Under the leadership of Chen Qi, the group entered the mansion.

As a mansion in the second ring city, this mansion is undoubtedly luxurious, magnificent, and impeccable.

It is large enough and the furnishings are gorgeous enough. Although it is not brilliant, it also gives people a very atmospheric feeling.

In the lobby, Li Meng said to Luo Luoxin and Tyra: "You should be tired after running around for many days. Take a good rest tonight."

Tyra did not refuse. In the past few days, she was indeed tired and needed a comfortable environment to sleep well.

As for Luo Luoxin, it goes without saying. These days, she has been tossed by Chen Yan. If she can get a good night's sleep, it is her dream.

Looking back, Li Meng said to Chen Qi in front of him: "Go to the room where the two young ladies are going to rest."


Respectfully replied, Chen Qi said to Tyra and Luo Luoxin: "Two ladies! Please come with me."

Before leaving, Chen Qi urged Chen Yan to worry: "Yan'er! Treat the host well. I'll be back when I go."

After speaking, Chen Qi left with Luo Luoxin and Tyra, leaving only Li Meng and Chen Yan in the hall.

When the three of them disappeared in the corner of the corridor, Chen Yan immediately returned to her original form. She smiled slightly and said softly: "Master! Let's go, there is nothing to see here."

"Where?" Li Meng asked.

"my room!"

After speaking, Chen Yan smiled and took Li Meng's arm and pulled Li Meng up the stairs leading to the second floor.

Li Meng did not refuse, he was very obedient. He also wanted to see what Chen Yan's boudoir was like.

Anyway, I'm still idle. Although there are many things I want to talk to Chen Qi, I don't want to be in a hurry when I have too much time.

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